Martial Inverse

Chapter 1372: Top 10

Chapter 1372 Top Ten

The ten arenas have probably been finalized at this time, and some people below who originally wanted to challenge, seeing the strength of the people in the arena, also gave up this idea.

Half an hour later, the ten arenas were all free, no one went up to challenge again, and Xie Yandong, who was in the middle of an epiphany, also used a big means to transfer the old man with white hair and childlike face, leaving the arena empty.

At this time, on top of the ten arenas, there are Yan Qing, Qiong Ling'er, Samsara, Leng Yusen, After Shadow, Xu Wu who has the space talent, Leng Heng with the Nine Nether Divine Body, and two Shuras. People from the mansion, plus Feng Hao, there are ten people in total.

Such a result is enough to show the tyranny of Shengtian Academy.

Of course, the Poison God Mansion and Nandou Mansion are also absolutely tyrannical, but the Poison God Mansion retreated because of Feng Hao's incident, and as for the Nandou Mansion, it was because Feng Hao and his party deliberately made things difficult and none of them entered the top ten. It will be the situation at this time.

This also shows that the supreme strength of several big human races is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people. This time, if Xu Wu hadn't been delayed by something, he would definitely have entered the Shengtian Academy.

Therefore, even if there is such a rule, in fact, the newly promoted competition is still a competition between several supreme forces.

It's just that Feng Hao standing on the ring now looks a little strange. He closed his eyes, stood in the ring, motionless, and his whole body's breath was restrained, as if he had entered a sleep, making people confused.

"Who else wants to challenge?"

The person in charge of the Asura Mansion glanced at the audience, and his indifferent voice resounded throughout the audience.

After three articles in a row, no one responded, and those young geniuses standing on the square also left the venue sadly.

Therefore, in the square area at this time, there are only ten people in the ring.

"Since there is no one to challenge, then I declare that the top 100 competition is over and we will enter the final stage of the new competition."

After saying that, he took a few steps back, and the person in charge of the Human Emperor's Mansion stepped forward and read out the information of the ten people.

"Feng Hao, Human Emperor's Mansion..."

"Yan Qing, Human Emperor's Mansion..."

"Qiong Ling'er, Human Emperor's Mansion..."


A personal name is spoken,

And marked the source, so that the crowd immediately commotion.

"Human Emperor's Mansion has the most people entering the top ten, and it can be compared with Shura Mansion..."

"Unexpectedly, I originally thought that Nandou Mansion might replace Renhuang Mansion..."

"This time, Nan Dou Mansion has lost his wife and lost his army. It has consumed a drop of divine blood, how many drops are left."

"I'm afraid that Nandou Mansion is about to go downhill..."

In the distance, some people in the crowd sighed and talked a lot.

However, no one felt that there was anything wrong with it. Whether it was Feng Hao, Yan Qing with the Thunder Body, or Qiong Ling'er with the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Body, they were all absolutely powerful and achieved the top ten results. It's not an accident, on the contrary, basically everyone takes it for granted.

If it weren't for the emergence of strong players this time, there would definitely be Xie Yandong, the god of fire, in the top ten positions. In addition, Long Yueguan, who is also a strong player, would compete for the top three in the previous new competitions. It's all possible.

However, even if they are eliminated, their strength is remembered by others. No one dares to underestimate them. I believe that they will become the pillars of the whole family in the future.

"Human Emperor's Mansion, the strong and the benevolent are all possessed, not inferior to the prosperous age of vain martial arts, the blessing of our human race."

Some people of the older generation were sighing with emotion, and there were faint tears in their cloudy old eyes.

The human race is still a weak race on the Hundred Clans Continent. No matter who is outside, when the human race is mentioned, they will sneer.

Just ask, who will feel better.

They don't care who is stationed in Shengtian Academy, but they hope that there will be a real strong leader. Only in this way can the human race be respected by others when they go out.

At this time, in the top ten, they saw the hope of the rise of the human race.

Those aliens hidden in the crowd were worried and looked worried.

The human race is powerful, but it is not a good thing for them.

"These ten people will be promoted to the top ten of the competition."

As soon as the words fell, the ten rings dissipated and condensed into one ring, and the ten people landed on the square, standing everywhere.

The strange thing is that Feng Hao still didn't move, standing there, as if petrified, still indifferent.

"Uncle... Daddy is great."

Xiao Qingmeng, who was hugged by Liu Canyan, waved her hands and shouted excitedly.

On the side, Qingwu showed a complicated expression.

Can I accept a husband who already has three wives?

She felt that her chest was stuffy and uncomfortable, but looking at Xiao Qingmeng, she couldn't bear to leave.

She can choose not to have a husband, but Xiao Qingmeng cannot live without her father.

When she was in the Poison God's Mansion, every night, Xiao Qingmeng's dream language and questions made her unable to answer.

Who is her father?

"Sister Qingwu."

Wan Xin seemed to have seen what was on her mind, so she walked over, and under her unclear gaze, she said directly, "Sister Qingwu thinks that Brother Hao is very caring."

Hearing this, Qingwu's eyes dodged a little, which made Wanxin sigh inwardly.

In fact, if it is said that the most wronged person, it should be her. She and Feng Hao knew each other well. They were childhood sweethearts. ...

"Brother Hao, he is not the kind of person you imagined..."

Looking at the figure in the square, Wan Xin's eyes showed heartache and sweetness.

Feng Hao is definitely a good husband who can take responsibility. He has been working hard to build a happy and happy family. He chooses to resist everything alone. No matter how hard or tired he is, he has never complained.

"Sister Qingwu, in short, don't think about leaving Brother Hao. I believe that if you recover your memory, you will definitely not leave Brother Hao."

She looked at Qingwu with some pleading eyes.

In Qingwu's eyes, she saw contradictions and various emotions, and she was afraid that Qingwu would leave Fenghao quietly, and Fenghao would definitely fall into a crazy situation by then.

"it is good."

Looking at the sincerity and request in her eyes, after a long time, Qingwu nodded, but she made up her mind in her heart that if she recovered her memory and found that the relationship between the two parties was not deep, she would still choose to leave at that time.

But now, she also knows that if the heart-eating poison is not lifted, then her previous memories will completely disappear.

"Thank you, Sister Qingwu."

Wan Xin held her hands, some tears flashed in her eyes.

She really doesn't want to see her brother Hao's mentally exhausted look.

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