Martial Inverse

Chapter 1374: War Promise 5

Chapter 1374


The bright red energy without the slightest impurity beats like a wave in the wide arena, and the evil aura soars to the sky. The entire arena area is like a sea of ​​blood, constantly rising and falling, engulfing everything, and everything is silent in it, and will be eroded And die, nothing left.

However, within this sea of ​​blood, there is a figure appearing inside.

He has a head of crimson hair, each of which is crystal clear, if it is made of blood, floating in the sea of ​​blood, it is very strange.

What's more, his eyes are even more like two rounds of red sun, shimmering and moving, inside which is a sea of ​​blood.


Just so abruptly, a sickle-like jet-black short blade struck from the side, and cut at the neck of Remnant Shadow at a tricky angle.


Remnant Shadow snorted coldly, a gleam of light flashed in his red pupils, and he realized in an instant that a crystal-like armor had formed around his body.


When the short blade hit the bright red armor, it actually made a clanging sound like a metal impact, and even splashed a little spark.


Samsara was only a little startled, and immediately turned the blade in his hand, and turned it directly to the chest of After Shadow.

"The sea of ​​blood rises and falls."

The afterimage did not give him this chance, and spit out violent words. Suddenly, the bright red blood energy around him rolled violently like a tsunami, sinking and floating, with the momentum of destroying the world, rolling and rolling seat, shoot towards Samsara.


Although the short blade had penetrated half of the bright red armor, Samsara was pushed out involuntarily, his complexion was even paler, and he almost vomited blood.


Under the high platform, Feng Hao couldn't help but sighed and shook his head.

Such a big arena competition is too unfair to Samsara. The other party knows that someone will assassinate him, so he has to prepare early, which makes him more difficult.


The fixed regional space also prevents him from displaying his own advantages.

Under the premise of these two disadvantages, if Samsara wants to win, the probability is too low. If he is outside, even if he can't attack and kill After Shadow, he can definitely do heavy damage.


Once the reincarnation appeared, there was nowhere to hide. Being forced by the afterimage with Shura's blood energy, it was impossible to get close to him, and finally he vomited blood and lost.

It was very helpless, in this arena, he only had one shot almost, either he succeeded or he failed.

"If it's outside, I can't do anything to you."

When Samsara walked off the ring, the afterimage standing in the ring spoke faintly.

With the means of reincarnation, even if he cannot be killed, there is absolutely no problem in escaping.

This fight was soul-stirring. After witnessing the strange and unpredictable concealment method of Samsara, everyone's body was chilly, as if they were afraid that there would be such a murderous god lurking around them.

This kind of deterrence is extremely powerful. Although Samsara was defeated, no one dared to underestimate the Killing God Organization. On the contrary, they were even more in awe.

"Congratulations, Brother Samsara, for your great strength."

When Samsara came over, Feng Hao smiled and waved his hand to signal him.

This time, Samsara and Xueyan have been away for two years, so many things must have happened. After returning to the Killing God Mansion, there must have been a big change, but he didn't know it.

The reincarnation at this time is by no means comparable to the previous one, and he has a qualitative improvement.


Samsara still had a straight face, without much enthusiasm, nodded lightly, and walked towards Xueyan.

This is already a big change for him, even now, besides Xueyan, Feng Hao is the only person he talks to.

Just like this, Long Yueguan cheekily went up to try to get in touch with him, but his hot face bumped into his cold ass, and he said a lot, but Samsara was still cold, without saying a word, which made him a little embarrassed, if it wasn't for Xueyan, He really can't get off stage.

"What a weirdo."

He muttered, looking dejected.

"No. 7 and No. 8 are on stage."

After the afterimage walked off the ring, the voice of the old man with white hair and childlike face resounded again.

"Be careful."

Feng Hao explained in a low voice.


Yan Qing smiled sweetly, and with a touch of her feet, it was as if a thunderbolt struck out, drawing a sharp arc, and in an instant, she appeared in the arena.

Opposite her was another student from Shura Mansion.

When he saw that it was Yan Qing's lightning body, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although he is very pretentious, but if the opponent is Tianlei Body, he will be powerless. In a fight, he was defeated by Yan Qing's tight blows.

With a thought, the whole world thundered, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, as if the end of the world, such a scene was deeply engraved in everyone's heart and could not be forgotten.

This is the thunder body.

It's better for Yan Qing to keep her hand, otherwise, under that blow, the student of Asura Mansion will definitely be severely injured.

"Brother Hao."

Yan Qingqiao's face was a little blush, standing in front of Feng Hao, she seemed to be a little girl waiting to be praised.

"Okay, I know you can do it."

Feng Hao stretched out his hand, and pinched her nose affectionately, making the beauty shy.

"No. 9 and No. 10 come on stage."

The voice of the old man with white hair and childlike face rang out quickly, and it was still the same as usual.


Seeing Xu Wu who appeared in the arena in a blink of an eye, Feng Hao let out a long breath, stopped the drill in his brain, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes.

He was just about to try the power of this power of space, and this opportunity came to him.

"I went."

Saying something to the two girls beside him, Feng Hao stepped on his feet and went to the ring with his clothes fluttering, very chic.

"I heard that you can resist the punishment of heaven."

Seeing Feng Hao with a slight smile in front of him, Xu Wu asked, his voice was deep and deep, and it could be heard that he was not an impulsive or reckless person.

"Hehe, maybe."

Feng Hao smiled slightly, but he didn't have a definite answer, and the simulation was ambiguous.


Xu Wu also responded lightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he did not let down his vigilance because of Feng Hao's superficial cowardice, on the contrary, he was cautious.

He didn't think that a person who could defeat Nandou Divine Body would be a simple person.

"Then let's see if you can withstand my power of space."

Seeing Feng Hao not moving for a long time, his eyes froze, and a mirror-like light burst out. With the flick of his hands, the space in front of him was held in his hands, turning into two long lines. The whip, with a humming sound, was drawn towards Feng Hao.

"Chi Chi,..."

The long whips are like two huge boa constrictors, with a ferocious figure and a fierce aura, coming to kill, like a living thing, they come alive, rushing towards Feng Hao,

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