Martial Inverse

Chapter 1377: Independent Strike

Chapter 1377

"Brother Hao, come on."

"Come on, Daddy."

"Boy Feng killed him."

When Feng Hao stood on the stage, some voices resounded under the high stage, and the most discordant one was naturally that guy Long Yueguan.

However, no matter what kind of voice it is, Feng Hao has no time to take care of it at this time, because standing in front of him is Leng Yusen from Jiuyou Mansion.

This is a person who possesses the body of the ancient Pluto, and no one dares to ignore his existence in the whole world.

At this time, although he has only mastered 30% of the divine power, it is enough to look down on the world.

Except for the scene with Xie Yandong, the god of fire, until now, he has never displayed the power of divine power, which is enough to show how terrifying he is.

If there were no accidents, he would definitely be able to stand at the pinnacle of the world and look down on all living beings.

At this time, seeing Feng Hao standing opposite, Leng Yusen's complexion changed a little.

When we hurriedly said goodbye at the ancient tomb of Zhantian, what he saw at that time, Feng Hao was just a martial artist, and he never imagined that the weak person who picked up the Lingzhu at that time would now transform into his own. opponent.

The body of eight orifices.

I'm afraid it's not true, but on that pitch-black energy and flickering electric arc, he felt a kind of threat for the first time.

This is the intuition of a strong man.

Although he didn't want to believe it, he never doubted this intuition that had saved him many times.

Therefore, at this time, he did not mean to underestimate Feng Hao.

The two sides stood opposite each other, and their momentum slowly rose...

Seeing this scene, not only the crowd in the distance, but even the three persons in charge standing on the high platform all looked serious, and even the person in charge of Jiuyou Mansion, who had always been a bit rebellious, did not say anything positive. .

Obviously, even he has no confidence in Leng Yusen's victory.

After all, who knows how many trump cards this person is hiding. Even Nandou Shenxue can't do anything to get him, which is enough for him to take it seriously.

under the high platform,

Although the afterimage had a calm expression, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he was carefully looking at the two people in front of him.

And Qiong Ling'er and his party, who knew Leng Yusen's true identity, felt their hearts raised at this time, and their expressions were a little panicked.

"Swallow, brother Hao will be fine."

Yan Qing asked Xueyan beside her in a low voice.

"Don't worry, brother Hao, you are not a short-lived person."

Xueyan shook her head slightly, she had nothing to do with this girlfriend.

However, why not himself.

She can't figure out anything about people who are not in the sky, unless there is a serious danger, she can know a little bit about the face.

Although it is dangerous at this time, it is not a death calamity.

After all, even if Feng Hao will lose, the person in charge of Human Emperor's Mansion will definitely not turn a blind eye.


At this time, the temperature inside the arena dropped rapidly due to Leng Yusen's increased power, the faint cold current pierced the bones, and there was even flying frost. If it was outside, everything would be frozen to death.

Slowly, a blue divine light emerged from his eyes, which was deep and bottomless, like a prison on both sides, so cold that people would have the illusion of their souls being frozen just by looking at it.

"Pluto Heavenly Prison."

He spit out Sen Han's curse, and stretched out a palm towards Feng Hao.

"Chi Chi,..."

With his palm as the center, a huge aura spread out and rolled towards Feng Hao. Along the way, the space was frozen, like ice crystals, and the temperature dropped to the extreme. If someone is in this In Fang Tian Prison, both blood and soul will be frozen to death.

Faced with this situation, Feng Hao was not afraid in his heart, on the contrary, the virtual vortex in his body had almost reached the point of boiling.

He wants to fight.

"Battle Heaven Art."

Forcibly suppressing the restless vain power, Feng Hao's originally pitch-black pupils turned crimson in an instant, a fierce aura rose up, and his fighting spirit was soaring. He stood there like a fierce god from ancient times, killing Everything, at the edge of his aura, the space was torn apart by that terrible fighting spirit, revealing a dark streamer space.

However, he still underestimated the agitation of the virtual martial vortex in his body, especially when the dark blue heaven was approaching, when he wanted to condense the turbulent virtual martial power, it was not under his control at all, just as if Like a river, it rolled away, condensed into a dragon, bared its teeth, and rushed towards the heavenly hell.



A huge explosion resounded loudly, and then, there was a sound like broken glass, and everyone saw that at the impact of the pitch-black flood dragon, the blue heavenly prison was broken. There are cracks like spider webs one after another, and the surrounding space is even more fragmented.

The next scene left Feng Hao quite dumbfounded...

In the body, the power of imaginary force gushes out continuously, that pitch-black flood dragon, as if it has its own spirituality, hits with its head, slaps with sharp claws, does everything it can to stop the heaven alive, and the debris is everywhere. Splashing, flakes flying, making it hard to make an inch.


Near and far, almost everyone was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, unable to react at all.

"What kind of energy is this?"

After a long time, someone shouted loudly.

This is unbelievable, you know, just now everyone saw with their own eyes that the inextinguishable fire of the Vulcan body was about to be extinguished under the pressure of this heavenly hell.

This is enough to show that the power of this kind of energy can be frozen even if it is a divine fire.


The weird black energy in front of him was not affected at all.

On the high platform, the three persons in charge did the same, with incredulous expressions in the depths of their pupils.

Their understanding of Leng Yusen is far beyond these people.

This is the Supreme Pluto Body.

It is the supreme divine body of the human race, with an unrivaled physique in the world.

Originally, the dark and unknown energy used by Feng Hao was just to make them pay more attention to it, but who would have thought that this kind of resistance could counteract this supreme divine power.

The eyes of the old man with white hair and youthful face were flickering, as if he was thinking about something, he glanced under the high platform, looking like Liu Canyan who stayed out of the way, he finally fell silent.


Seeing that his special skill was cut off, Leng Yusen was a little bit overwhelmed, and his face was a little dull.

Although he has long understood that this person in front of him will be his formidable enemy, and there will be a fierce battle, but he doesn't understand what kind of energy this is, which can resist his own supreme power,

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