Martial Inverse

Chapter 1389: Seeing the clues

Chapter 1389

"what happened,."

Seeing this sudden aura, everyone near and far was startled, and their eyes were fixed on the figure that was still bruised and bloody.

Originally suffered a heavy blow from the afterimage, the black light on Feng Hao's body almost collapsed, and with the blows of many puppets, the golden light also dimmed, but at this time, just when everyone thought he was going to lose At that moment, an even bigger aura swept out of his body. The pitch-black energy, lingering like a flame, soared to the sky, enveloping him, and the surrounding space and blood mist were all directly After being burnt to pieces, an aura as heavy as a vast sea and as majestic as a mountain spread from his body, shaking the surroundings, setting off him standing there like a god, breathtaking, making people feel People have a psychology of wanting to surrender from the heart, and they dare not look directly at it.

This scene was as shocking as being reborn from the ashes, and the change was so fast that people couldn't react at all. From a distance, in terms of momentum, it seemed to be on par with the afterimage on the opposite side, mighty, ups and downs float.


Everyone was shocked, and they all looked at it, but the result surprised them.

Because, Feng Hao is still in the realm of the first level of Fansheng, and has not broken through the second level.

"what happened,."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they couldn't figure out what happened.

If it is not a breakthrough, why is this.

"Could it be...another secret technique."

Some people were weakly suspicious, and when they thought of this point, their hearts brightened.

No one would think that this was Feng Hao's limit. This young man was like a treasure shrouded in mist. He uncovered layer by layer, but found that it was still covered in mist, and he couldn't see through it at all.

Therefore, even if Feng Hao is showing a powerful secret technique, it is not unacceptable.

And some people who observe carefully can see a vision...

That is, the color of the pitch-black energy surging from Feng Hao's body has undergone some changes and faded. The ink that was originally like ink has been diluted, with some gray light, very hazy, like dust and mist Same.


This kind of change, but not many people understand it deeply, is attributed to the secret method currently used.

"Secret technique."

On the high platform, an invisible gleam flashed in the muddy eyes of the old man with white hair and childlike face.

When he was about to make a move, he obviously found the two flames in Feng Hao's eyes...

That is the attribute of fire.

He couldn't believe it in his heart, there was no fluctuation of fire attribute in Feng Hao's body at all, why there was the meaning of breakthrough of fire attribute revealed.

Although it was only for a moment, and it didn't take long for him to be assimilated, he was still captured by him.

But all living beings can only have one attribute in their bodies, and it has been like this since ancient times, and it has not changed.

But at this time, in Feng Hao's body, it is obvious that there is thunder attribute energy, why, there is still the connotation of fire attribute overflowing.

"The fusion of different attributes, could it be..."

Suddenly, the eyes of the old man with white hair and childlike face trembled.

People from other mansions don't know, but he, the protector of the imperial mansion, has a certain understanding of some secrets.

The world's understanding of the Void Martial Body is a special kind of non-attribute energy.

However, there are some vague records in the records of the Human Emperor's Mansion. Although the body of nothingness is a non-attribute physique, it can fuse energies of different attributes.

This is also the only existence that breaks the rules. No one knows why, not even the Void Martial Lord himself.

However, at this moment, it appeared in front of his eyes. Someone had fluctuations of two different attributes in his body, which made him pay attention.

If it is said that there is a fourth God Lord's physique in this world, he will never believe it. The only person who can compete with the Supreme Physique is the Supreme Physique.

But at this time, the old man with white hair and youthful face didn't show much abnormality, these thoughts just flashed in his mind, he just looked calm and calm, standing there with no waves in the ancient well, like an ordinary person.

"This kid, how many tricks are left behind?"

Long Yueguan and the others clicked their tongues, shocked in their hearts, and even smiled wryly.

It seems that there is no level of existence between the two parties.


"Sure enough, there are still hands left."

After a short period of surprise, the afterimage quickly came to his senses. His eyes were as bright and moving as bright red crystals, shining with a strange red light, and he said coldly, "Kill."

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

Following his order, the crimson puppets all rushed towards Feng Hao, with fierce aura, tearing the world apart, and the long swords in their hands fell towards Feng Hao. It was torn apart, and Ling Feng swept the mat.


Feng Hao didn't have time to check the changes in the Dao core at all. After he let out a long breath, his eyes instantly changed to a crimson color, and a violent and bitter breath gushed out. Like a volcanic eruption.


He spit out burning sounds, clanging, and a huge black sword was condensed in his hand. Holding the sword, he did not retreat but advanced, and directly killed the group of puppets.


Jinghong's sword was like a scene of opening up the world. Everyone just saw that a jet-black sharp light streaked across, and the world was cut open. Those puppets, as if they were made of clay, couldn't stop this kind of attack at all. The trend was cut open directly, broken into several pieces, and the ferocity was no longer there.

"Chi Chi Chi..."

Feng Hao's body is like a phantom, and he is walking in the sky, constantly flickering among these puppets. The long sword in his hand greets those puppets without hesitation. Cohesion.

This is a kind of destructive energy that can destroy everything in the world, and the afterimage's Shura blood energy can also be destroyed.

As for Huankong Skywalking Technique, under such circumstances, it has been greatly improved in a short period of time, and the speed has been increased a lot. In just a moment, more than a dozen puppets were blown apart When it opened, it turned into a blood mist and ceased to exist. In the ring space, the evil spirit was also much weaker, and the blood mist receded.


Seeing this scene, many people gasped and were shocked.

Feng Hao broke out this time, and there was a tendency to reverse the situation again.

Seeing this, the afterimage had a thought to recall these puppets and reintegrate them into his blood prison.

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