Martial Inverse

Chapter 1392: Famous Biography 4 Domains

Chapter 1392

With Feng Hao winning the championship, this year's competition for newcomers came to an end. After the inspiring speech by the person in charge of the Three Houses, the curtain came to an end.

It was just a matter of a few days, and when the new competition happened, it spread in the area of ​​the human race...

"Xuan Mingtian's main character shows up, he is a new student of the Emperor's Mansion..."

"Confronting the Poison God's Palace, the Poison God's Palace backed down..."

"Defeat all kinds of powerful opponents and win the new champion..."

This series of news undoubtedly set off a stormy wave in the entire human race region. Many forces were shocked, and many were even unwilling to believe it.

The Human Emperor's Mansion has already become lonely, and its position in the Shengtian Academy has long since been lost. However, for some unknown reason, the Shura Mansion and the Jiuyou Mansion have kept silent about wanting Nandou Mansion to replace the Human Emperor's Mansion. Over the years, although the Imperial Palace has been weak, the goal of Nandou Mansion has not been achieved.

In Shengtian Academy, the three prefectures are fighting each other. Everyone knows this, especially the Jiuyou Mansion, which behaves perversely. In the eyes of everyone, it has a tendency to expel the Emperor's Mansion from Shengtian Academy...

No one could understand the reason for this. Previously, the prestige of Nandou Mansion had far surpassed that of Human Emperor's Mansion. If Jiuyou Mansion had stepped up, Renhuang Mansion would have been expelled from Shengtian Academy long ago. But, Jiuyou Mansion didn't do that.

According to everyone's speculation, first, the Human Emperor's Mansion was created by the God of Void. Every century, there will be a Lord of Void Martial Reincarnation, who can become the supreme pillar of the human race.

Second, it is also the reason of the Void God, because no one in the human race can match his credit.

These reasons can all be explained in the past, so there is not much to go into, and even if they go into it, no one can understand the ultimate reason.

But now, when the Human Emperor's Mansion was at its lowest point, it became famous once again, with an incomparable genius and a body with eight orifices, and he beat all the young elites of the mansions to win the first place. Pushed to the top.

It can be said that at this time, as long as the eight-aperture body still exists, no one can shake the status of the Emperor's Mansion.

Hearing this news, some people are happy, others are sad.

Ordinary people are naturally happy for the Emperor's Mansion, shouting that the God of Void Martial Arts has spirits in the sky, and is protecting the Emperor's Mansion and the human race.

And some caring people,

But I'm worried...

For example, Nandoufu.

This is a failure. The prestige of many years was destroyed once, and even a drop of divine blood was lost. Once this bloodline weakens, its power will not be as good as before. If the divine vein disappears, there will be no Nandou lineage in the future.

At this time, in an empty hall, a figure was kneeling on the ground, and beside him, there was a person standing with a paper-like complexion, very ugly. On the high hall in front of them, there was a figure sitting there, unable to see The face is clear, but, faintly, there is an inexplicable majesty revealed, which makes people want to worship.

Dim light came in from the hall door, barely able to see the two figures in the hall clearly.

It was the person in charge of the Nandou Mansion and the Nandou Divine Body who appeared in the new contest.

At this time, the person in charge of the Dharma Guardian of Nandou Mansion was kneeling there tremblingly, his eyes were full of panic and fear, and he didn't have the same prestige as he did on the scene of the new competition.

In the main hall, there has been silence for a long time, and about half an hour later, the figure on the high hall opened his eyes, and it was as dazzling as two rounds of scorching sun, like the eyes of a god, dazzling inside. , making people dare not look directly at it.

At the same time, an invisible and colorless coercion came out, and the guardian almost collapsed to the ground, and the Nandou God Body couldn't help but retreated two steps, his complexion became even paler, and his head lowered.

"You mean, even if you use the blood of the gods, you still lose."

A faint voice, without the slightest emotion, resounded in this empty hall. The voice was very soft, but it made the Dharma Guardian's body tremble involuntarily.


The protector was dripping with cold sweat, and the ground was soaked in a large area by his sweat.

This time, it was indeed unexpected, and he did not expect that none of the things in the original plan were achieved, which made him a little depressed.

Moreover, the most important thing is to lose a drop of divine blood.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to kill him at this time.


Some gloomy and cold sounds came out, as if the hell thunder was rolling, and it hit the Dharma protector hard, knocking him into the air, spraying blood, it was very miserable.

A flash of pain flashed across his face, but he still didn't dare to resist. He got up and continued to kneel on the ground with a look of panic on his face.

"It's a big deal for me."

The gloomy voice resounded throughout the hall, even the Nandou God Body standing beside him was a little uneasy, standing there anxiously, not knowing what to do.

Before going, it was the protector who told him to use all means to defeat the Emperor's Mansion and win the championship.

That's why he used divine blood, otherwise, he wouldn't dare to give him any courage.

"You go down first."

On the high hall, the pair of divine pupils glanced at the somewhat panicked Nandou God Body, and ordered lightly, without much enthusiasm.

"Yes, Palace Master."

Nan Dou's divine body responded, not daring to stay, and went out of the hall directly, darting away.

Obviously, this title means that the figure sitting on the high hall is the mansion master of Nandou Mansion, Yu Baichuan, who has a great reputation.

"My family has been hiding in the human race for a long time. I have worked hard to sneak into the Nandou Mansion and won power. Now the prestige accumulated over the years will be destroyed in your hands...Give me a reason not to kill you."

After a long time, in the silent hall, a voice with a chilling aura resounded, causing the guardian almost to collapse to the ground.

"Palace master, please forgive me, I will definitely solve this matter and restore my prestige in Nandou Mansion."

He kowtowed, bang bang, in exchange for a glimmer of life.


Yu Baichuan glanced at him casually, that cold gaze seemed to be able to penetrate him.

"I implore the palace lord to give me a chance to make amends, and I will definitely solve this matter."

Hearing these slightly loose words, the Dharma protector expressed his position even more hastily, swearing, and fully confessed his thoughts.

"I'll trust you for the last time. If you fail again, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Yu Baichuan in the high hall glanced at him indifferently, closed his pair of divine pupils, and after saying that, he disappeared, disappeared without a trace, without a trace.


After recovering a life, the guardian was almost prostrate on the ground, panting continuously, but a sharp light flashed in those eyes,

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