Martial Inverse

Chapter 1395: The Harmony of Heaven and Man 1

Chapter 1395

The courtyard is quiet and located on the top of the mountains. Standing here, you can overlook the entire Tianji courtyard, and you can see the movements below at a glance.

This is the residence of Wan Hongwen, the principal of Tianji Academy.

The small courtyard is not very luxurious, and the scope is not very large. It is simple and simple. Even the residence of a dignitary in a random small kingdom in the Tianwu Continent is a hundred times more luxurious than this. In the eyes of the dignitary, this kind of courtyard is really It's a dilapidated humble house.

However, even those small courtyards that the rich and powerful looked down on were the residences of the deans of the highest institutions of human race.

Following the guard, along the gravel path, detoured a few times, and in a gazebo, Feng Hao saw Wan Hongwen who had met once.

At this time, he was sitting on the stone bench, sipping some wine, and looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance. An elegant temperament was formed naturally. Abandoned the fairy gods in the legend.

From far away, an intoxicating fragrance came, but after smelling the smell, Feng Hao felt a little fluttering under his feet, as if the whole person was flying, fluttering like a celestial being, and his face was a little pale Blush.

"Dean, the person has been brought."

When they came to the gazebo, the guard stopped and reported respectfully.


Wan Hongwen turned his head and smiled, "Go down."


The guard responded, turned around, cupped his hands towards Feng Hao again, and then strode outside.

It was not he alone who won the first place and the glory, but the Tianji Academy, the entire Imperial Palace.

Neither arrogant nor arrogant, neither impatient nor impatient.


Just a glance, Wan Hongwen's eyes flashed with admiration.

In fact, in the new competition, he already had a certain understanding of Feng Hao. Apart from being a little impulsive in the matter of Qingwu's mother and daughter, in addition, dealing with the matter of Longyueguan showed that he His heavy righteousness, dealing with the affairs of Shura Mansion, showed his serious affection.

This kind of mind can be regarded as reading countless Wan Hongwen, but it has not been seen in many people.

In particular, this is still a young man in his twenties.

He was very curious as to who it was that cultivated and polished Feng Hao into such an achievement today, and also possessed such a disposition that almost made him impeccable.

For some reason, in Feng Hao's dark eyes, he actually saw the vicissitudes of life...

"What happened to him."

Wan Hongwen liked it more and more, stood up with a smile on his face, waved to Feng Hao, and said, "Come, come and drink with me."


Seeing that he was so polite, Feng Hao couldn't help being slightly startled, and immediately bowed his hands generously, "The boy takes orders."

After finishing speaking, he stepped into the gazebo, and under Wan Hongwen's gesture, he sat down across from him graciously.

"Come on, have a drink first."

Wan Hongwen raised the white jade wine glass in his hand, smiled all over his face, gestured for a moment, and took a sip himself, with an intoxicated look on his face, indulging in it.

Feng Hao is not hypocritical, although he has no habit of drinking, but at this time he was also attracted by the aroma of the wine, so he picked up a small wine glass on the stone table, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, and then Without hesitation, he drank more than half of the cup of fine wine in one gulp.

This wine, like morning dew, has a crystal color and a strange fragrance. As soon as you drink it, it turns into a ball of flames, burns, and flows down your throat. It flows like magma all the way, after entering your stomach. , it turned into a ball of hot current, spreading to the four limbs and eight veins, flowing around the whole body, directly igniting the whole body...

And Feng Hao's complexion was even more flushed, and his eyes became a little blurred. Indulging in the feeling of being burned by the fire, his whole body seemed to become much more relaxed. At this moment, all worries disappeared.

After Wan Hongwen came to his senses, he saw this scene, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, glanced at the wine that Feng Hao had already drank half of the cup, and a look of distress flashed across his old face.

However, he quickly recovered, with a face as before, calm and uncontested, waiting for Feng Hao to wake up.

"This wine is called Drunken Immortal Dew, which means that even immortals and gods will become intoxicated after drinking this dew."

When Feng Hao came back to his senses, his explanation came from next to his ear.

"Immortals and gods can also get drunk."

Although Feng Hao didn't know if the immortals and gods would be drunk, if he hadn't been the supreme body today, he would have collapsed here if he swallowed this nectar.

This kind of alcohol was beyond his expectation. At this time, every cell in his body seemed to have a flame burning, burning his body to the point of being empty, as if fused with the outside world, connecting together.

This feeling was very strange, and made Feng Hao a little unwilling to wake up, so he raised his wine glass again in a daze, and under Wan Hongwen's distressed gaze, he poured down the small half of the glass.

With his eyes closed, he enjoyed indulging in this ecstasy feeling...

Under such circumstances, he forgot all his troubles and truly became one with the heaven and the earth.


And when this small half cup of fine wine was poured down, in his brain, the Dao core shook, and the nine orifices sang together, resounding an inexplicable divine song, which seemed to communicate with heaven and earth, and to unite heaven and man.

In the core of the Dao, on the inner wall, that striped road appeared, glittering and shimmering, as if reflecting everything in the world...


Wan Hongwen, who was feeling distressed at first, suddenly brightened his eyes, without the drunken fascination before, his eyes fixed on Feng Hao who was blushing in a daze.

At this moment, he had a feeling that Feng Hao in front of him seemed to have disappeared, and in front of him was just a mass of air, and nothing existed.

He thought he felt something wrong, closed his eyes, and felt it carefully, but he was surprised to find that the person in front of him did not exist anymore, as if he had already left.

However, when he opened his eyes, he found that Feng Hao was still sitting there, looking drunk.

"what happened."

At this moment, Wan Hongwen woke up completely, his face was full of astonishment, and his eyes revealed an inconceivable look.

After confirming again and again, he discovered that this is not an illusion. The person who clearly exists in front of him seems to be one with the heaven and earth, turning into a part of the heaven and earth...

"how can that be,."

Wan Hongwen suddenly lost his composure and widened his eyes, until Feng Hao woke up from the drunkenness, he still didn't react.

"Good wine,..."

Feng Hao's eyes were still blurred and dazed, he smelled a fragrance, his gaze was fixed on the small jug on the stone table, without hesitation, he poured another glass, and drank it down in one gulp ,

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