Martial Inverse

Chapter 1411: The Willow Tree

Chapter 1411 Willow Tree

After getting the Shennong Immortal Grass, Feng Hao let go of the heart he had been carrying all along, and a relaxed arc appeared on his face.

But, soon, the bright light in his eyes gradually dimmed. His eyelids were so heavy that he couldn't support them at all. He wanted to close them. His body, mind, and soul were all reminding him , I'm sleepy, it's time to rest.


Feng Hao half-closed his eyes, yawned, glanced around sleepily, and found the willow tree on the edge of the cliff. After a short pause, he sat down and leaned against the hollow willow tree, sleeping He got down, closed his eyes, and in an instant, fell into a dreamland.


After he fell asleep, one of the branches of the willow tree moved like an arm, from the original side to the front, and the long leaves fell down, covering Feng Hao and wrapping him around in.

Then, the whole world fell into silence, time seemed to stand still, there was no sound of wind, no sound of rain, everything depended on it.


This is a dream full of colors, and there are many things in the dream that Feng Hao has never seen before...

A piece of gray, there is no life in this world, nothing but gray.

"Where is this place, why am I here?"

Feng Hao felt very dazed, and looked around, but he couldn't find the way out. It seemed that this was a sealed space.

He wanted to come out, even wanted to yell, but he couldn't do it, he couldn't make a sound, his feet felt like roots had taken root, and he couldn't move.

He could only stand where he was, unable to move at all.

After a while, Feng Hao gave up. He set his eyes on this gray world and watched quietly.

I don't know how long it has passed, but there is more agility in this gray area, it seems that something is about to be derived...

As for Feng Hao, he also locked his eyes on the agility that appeared, and he had a strong feeling in his heart that that agility was an opportunity to change this gray world.

This is a seed, an unknown seed, after appearing, under Feng Hao's gaze,

It is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, gradually growing, from the size of a grain of rice to the size of a soybean, and then, at the tip of the seed, a piece of black skin splits, and immediately, a touch of green appears on the ground The gray world is full of vitality, and it seems that something has been driven by it. This lifeless gray world is also undergoing some subtle changes...

The seeds germinated, took root, and slowly grew a brown-green leaf, full of vigor and vitality, as if announcing the derivation of the first life.

Time is passing, Feng Hao is watching, this seed grows slowly, and, at the root of the seed, the gray gas is actually condensed, looking at it from his position, it looks like a piece of land , and then, the glowing spots of light that existed in this gray space all condensed towards this small piece of land and penetrated into it, just like fertilizer, absorbed by this small sapling, growing up.

Feng Hao didn't understand what it meant, and he didn't understand how this seed appeared, but he felt that something very meaningful was happening.

However, when he wanted to look at it in depth, the picture suddenly changed...

The whole world was dark, and the white sky thunder flickered in the black clouds like ink, illuminating the world below.

These are three figures, their faces can't be seen clearly, their whole bodies are in the mist, Feng Hao tried his best to penetrate the thin layer of mist, but he couldn't do it no matter what.

However, from the appearance of the clothes, it is possible to recognize that among the three figures, one of them is a woman.

They are majestic, beyond imagination, the sky and the earth are rising and falling with their breathing, it seems that they can use the sky and the earth for their own use by raising their hands.

But at this time, under the three figures, there are countless strange-looking monsters covering the entire world.

They are tall and tall, with each end being five or six meters high. They are completely black, surrounded by black air, spreading an ominous and evil atmosphere, which makes people flustered and disgusted. Even Feng Hao, who is like a bystander, , I can't help but want to make a move.

Because, these pitch-black monsters are actually devouring the vitality of this piece of weather, turning it into death energy.

What follows is a grand war.

The pitch-black monsters below all exhaled black air, and sprayed towards the three figures, trying to annihilate them, and these three figures also started their hands one after another. Suddenly, the sky collapsed and the whole world collapsed. Although, in this monstrous power, , these dark monsters are being crushed and killed, but this world is also collapsing at the same time...


These were three sighs, and the only sound Feng Hao heard. Before he could figure out what was going on, the three figures disappeared, and the scene in front of him changed again.

The world has not changed, it is still dark, but, in this doomsday atmosphere, the three figures disappeared, replaced by a group of people...

Those were strange-looking people, their faces were foggy, and they couldn't see their faces clearly. However, some of them were so powerful that they could tear apart the world with their bare hands, and some possessed all kinds of divine powers. There are women, there are old and young, and at this time, they are fighting with those dark monsters that just appeared, the whole world is filled with a bleak atmosphere, the blood is soaring, batch after batch of people fall down, batch after batch The monsters fell down and blood flowed like a river. Here, it became a battlefield, where the heroic spirits were buried, and those monsters were also buried.

Melancholy, sadness, anger... Various emotions flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and at some point, crystal tears began to appear in his eyes, and his fists were slightly tightened.

He seemed to understand that whether it was the three figures that appeared in the second screen or the countless humanoid creatures that appeared now, they were all fighting to protect this world, fighting these monsters.

I don't know how long it took, but the fighting stopped slowly. On this land stained with the blood of heroic spirits and monsters, ancient cities were built. These ancient cities seemed to have some kind of connection with each other, forming a party. The purpose of Xuan Ao's formation is to suppress this land.

Feng Hao watched quietly, as if he had forgotten both time and sorrow...

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