Martial Inverse

Chapter 1419: Love

Chapter 1419

After Fen Lao's detailed explanation of the Heart-eating Poison, Feng Hao understood that if he relieved the Heart-eating Poison, then the memory that was shielded by the poisonous package would burst out suddenly and impact the brain. I am afraid that there will be accidents, and the function of the large formation constructed with these materials is to calm the nerves and stabilize the brain.

However, even with the protection of this large array, the impact on the brain will still have a certain impact, so Feng Hao will make a sound to remind.

"Mother, don't worry, Meng'er will also be here to protect mother."

Xiao Qingmeng ran over, her voice was clear and comforting.


After opening his eyes and nodding towards the little girl, Qingwu glanced at Feng Hao who was looking at him nervously, nodded slightly, and then closed his eyes again.

She also had some expectations in her heart, she wanted to know who she was before, and why she was with Feng Hao, and also, there was Xiao Qingmeng...

"Meng'er, get out of the way first, Daddy will detoxify Mother."

Feng Hao asked Xiao Qingmeng to sit on the chair in the middle of the room before walking towards the bed.

"I'm going to start."

Standing in front of the bed, he exhaled and murmured, a cloud of seven-colored rays of light suddenly rose in his eyes, he stretched out his hands, and two beams of seven-colored medicine lingered out, as if they were Kuili like two rainbows, and then Under Feng Hao's thoughts, it turned into mist, covering those materials.


These materials suddenly seemed to be ignited and brightened up, using the seven-color medicinal properties as the medium to build a mysterious formation, covering the greenery inside.

"Chi Chi,..."

Without the slightest hesitation, Feng Hao spit out the medicinal properties again, submerged into Qingwu's head, penetrated in, and strangled those pitch-black heart-eating poisons.

This kind of poison is very stubborn. It is attached to the memory and will not break away. If it is forcibly erased, then the memory will also disappear.

That's why it became an incomprehensible poison. However, these seven-color medicinal properties are very special. After entering, it did not conflict with the poison and fought fiercely. Instead, it directly merged into it...

Although Feng Hao couldn't see these movements, his purple pupils lit up,

He saw the obscure blackness in Qingwu's pupils receding.

Immediately, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he still guarded nervously, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

During the detoxification process, nothing abnormal happened, exactly as what Fen Lao said, Feng Hao could see traces of black air lingering from the top of Qingwu's head, disappearing into the air like smoke.

"Poison God Palace."

Feng Hao clenched his fist subconsciously, glanced at the little ball curled up in his arms, and a flash of sharpness flashed in his eyes.

It is not so easy for him to completely give up his prejudice against the Poison God Mansion. Xiao Qiuqiu disappeared for a while and returned after the competition. Because of the inability to communicate, Feng Hao could not know the result. However, he But he was not worried that the Poison God Mansion would not give him an explanation.

If he doesn't give it, then he will definitely write down this account, and he will teach the Poison God Palace a profound lesson in the future.

After about half an hour, the black air above Qingwu's head faded, and finally disappeared...


Suddenly, Qingwu's tender body trembled violently, her pretty face was pale, and sweat was dripping from her forehead, as if she was enduring something painful.


When Feng Hao was worried, the large formation made of various materials finally played its role, and a strange sound sounded, as if it was adjusting the rhythm, the same as the fluctuation of Qingwu's memory, and then , Sort out the memories of those riots smoothly...


Xiao Qingmeng rushed over, her voice trembling slightly, with the sound of crying, but she was hugged by Feng Hao.

"Don't worry, your mother is fine."

Although Feng Hao was worried, he still comforted him softly.

"Is it really going to be okay?"

There was a trace of mist in Xiao Qingmeng's bright eyes.

"Daddy assures you that your mother will be absolutely fine."

Feng Hao was determined. In order to comfort the little girl, he pretended to be okay.

In fact, everything is expected, once the heart-eating poison is removed, there will be such a vision, so these materials are needed to form a large formation.

After a few minutes or so, Qing Wu's complexion slowly returned to normal, and was slightly rosy, while the formation under her also dimmed, and the aura of various materials was exhausted.

Suddenly, there were two tear stains on Qingwu's pretty face, she didn't open her eyes, her ruddy complexion turned pale again...

"Damn it, did something unexpected happen?"

Feng Hao, who was looking forward to it, suddenly changed his face, and the medicinal properties spewed out, seeping into Qingwu's brain.

However, it didn't seem to have any effect. On the contrary, Qingwu's tears flowed more fiercely, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

"Wu'er, Wu'er, how are you, don't scare me, Wu'er..."

Feng Hao didn't cut off the properties of the medicine, and stepped forward quickly, wanting to hug Qingwu, but he didn't dare, for fear of another accident, he could only scratch his head anxiously.

"Mother, mother, don't scare Meng'er..."

Xiao Qingmeng also came over, with tears streaming down her face and her eyes were red.


Qingwu opened her eyes, her eyes were dim with tears, and she directly put them on Feng Hao, seeing his impatience, her heart immediately rippled, and the tears couldn't be stopped for a while, if it was broken Like a string of pearls, it kept falling, and there was a choking sound.

Naturally, she remembered everything before, and the memory of the period of being poisoned by the heart has not disappeared. She saw her indifference, and Feng Hao's anxiety...

When she left, she only had love for this man, a deep love.

It's just that I didn't expect that there would be twists and turns again.

But fortunately, she persisted in her heart, although she lost all her memory, but with her previous personality, she kept a respectful distance from anyone, so she was never succeeded by that person.

"Wu'er, Wu'er, do you remember me, I'm Feng Hao, I'm your husband, do you remember?"

Seeing her open her eyes, Feng Hao hurried forward, asked hastily, stretched out his hand, but he didn't dare to touch her, he was at a loss for what to do.


Seeing him caring about and worrying about himself so much, Qingwu felt sour in his heart, couldn't bear it any longer, leaned forward, hugged the somewhat dull Feng Hao, hugged his back tightly with a pair of jade hands, buried his head in his The chest cries.


The sudden address directly pulled Feng Hao from hell to heaven, and the astonishment in his eyes turned into deep joy,

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