Martial Inverse

Chapter 1468 One more kill

Chapter 1468

"Yeah, yay."

Xiao Qiuqiu rushed down from the sky and yelled at Huang Tianyun, which made the latter's complexion even darker.

"No, with him guarding here, how could something go wrong."

Huang Tianyun just glanced at it, and a layer of mist once again appeared in his eyes.

He thought of the man in gray.

At that time, the two split up, Huang Tianyun chose to chase the monster, but the man in gray voluntarily stayed to guard the sealed mountain, lest the monster return and absorb the energy in the sealed mountain.

According to Huang Tianyun's understanding of the gray-clothed man, there are not many people in this world who can touch that gray-clothed man. The monster that can beat even the Holy Lord of Light can do nothing to get the gray-clothed man.

This is obviously impossible.

Therefore, even he couldn't think of a reason for what happened in front of him.

Whether it's for the man in gray, or moving away from the Sealed Mountain, this is not an easy task, and it is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Therefore, Huang Tianyun, who had been laughing all the time, now had a serious face on his face.

On the side, Fen Lao glanced at Huang Tianyun, didn't say anything, but turned into a shining light and penetrated into Feng Hao's forehead, and fell silent without making a sound.

"Huang Tianyun, what happened, why did the Sealed Mountain disappear?"

Feng Hao opened his mouth and asked Huang Tianyun.

"I am not sure as well."

Huang Tianyun shook his head, his brows were wrinkled into the word 'several'.

He chased after that monster, but there was no clue. It has been several years, which made him feel worried all the time. But now, that guy actually sent a message to himself saying that the mountain of seal is gone, He came back in a hurry...

The matter in front of him, I'm afraid it's not that simple, it gave him a headache.

If there is anything he is most worried about now, it is definitely that monster, because that monster is not something he can deal with at all.

"Not sure.


Feng Hao's heart sank immediately, as if he had been crushed by a big rock, he was silent for a long time before he said, "By the way, I have met the Holy Son of Light."

"Son of Light."

Hearing this sentence, Huang Tianyun couldn't help being startled, and then he looked at Feng Hao squarely, and immediately exclaimed, "Hey, you have been promoted to the first stage of the Great Sage."

It's only been a few years since they separated, isn't this speed too heaven-defying? Thinking about myself back then, it took more than 20 years for me to be promoted from a mortal saint to a great saint.

This gap made him want to hit the wall.

This kid is really a monster.

"Well, it was because of it that I was promoted."

Feng Hao did not feel the joy of being promoted to the Great Sage, but calmly explained what happened.

"What, it's actually lurking in Tianwu Continent."

Huang Tianyun couldn't help but took a deep breath, patted his head, and said, "Damn it, why didn't I think of it, no wonder it hasn't been seen."

"You mean, it has been obliterated."

After glancing at the little ball beside him, Huang Tianyun asked Feng Hao again.

"Well, Xiao Qiuqiu confirmed it."

Feng Hao nodded, and couldn't help but glance at Xiao Qiuqiu, who nodded cautiously under the watchful eyes of the two.

"That's good. Fortunately, you have controlled the energy of Heaven's Punishment, and now you have finally wiped out this curse, haha..."

After confirmation, Huang Tianyun couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately burst out laughing, full of joy.

Thinking about what the Void God couldn't do back then, this kid actually did it. Who would have expected such a thing.

"Although it was obliterated, but before it died, it left a sentence..."

Feng Hao glanced at him lightly, and continued talking.

"Haha, what are you talking about?"

Huang Tianyun didn't take it seriously at all, and even cast a well-done look at Xiao Qiuqiu.

"It said, I can't erase it, it will reappear one day..."

Feng Hao's words were full of worry, and after seeing the Sealed Mountain disappear, this worry became more obvious, and it was ready to come out.

Thinking about it now, if it said that before it died, did it already know about the Sealed Mountain?


Huang Tianyun cursed, and said firmly, "The energy of Heaven's Punishment represents the will to destroy the world. Everything in the world, including it, can be obliterated. It is impossible for it to be revived after its soul has been annihilated."

"If, that's not it at all."

Feng Hao still spoke calmly, and pointed to his feet.

"You said the Sealed Mountain."

Huang Tianyun's complexion also darkened. After thinking for a while, he shook his head, "That's impossible. I sensed that there was no life in the Sealed Mountain, only endless magic energy, so, just like the Holy Lord of Light said, Said that the monster took his son's body and fled."

He can be sure of this. After all, an extra seal was placed not long ago, and it is absolutely impossible for it to escape.

But now, the Mountain of Seals and the man in gray have disappeared together, so what does this represent.


The heaviness in Feng Hao's heart did not get better, and he couldn't help but sighed softly in his heart.

He always felt that something big was going to happen in the near future, and the fuse was the Sealed Mountain and that monster.

"Don't worry, I will take care of this matter. If you work hard to advance, as long as you have absolute power, it doesn't matter if it revives, just kill it again."

Huang Tianyun was also helpless. He tried to contact the man in gray a few times but found no news, so he could only comfort him.

Indeed, he also thought that Feng Hao possessed nine orifices and understood the way of the cycle of heaven and earth. If he is promoted at this speed, even if something unpredictable happens, he will be able to deal with it when the time comes.

"Right. "

Hearing this sentence, Feng Hao's eyes flashed with a look.

Even if it can be reborn, so what, if I can kill it once, it's not bad for the second time.

The problem is, your own realm must not be too far apart, otherwise, you will be the one who dies when the time comes.

Immediately, a sense of urgency rose in his heart, and he wanted to be promoted to the peak of the Great Sage at an extreme speed and hit a higher realm, and no one could threaten him by then.

"Since you have been promoted to the realm of the great sage, don't stay in Shengtian Academy. The place of enlightenment will not have much effect on the enlightenment of the great sage. I suggest that you should go to Penglai. Within, you can be promoted to the peak of the Great Sage."

Huang Tianyun said mindfully, before leaving, he turned around and said, "By the way, after you go to Penglai, you can go to the Pagoda of Hundred Clans."

"Hundred Clan Tower."

Feng Hao nodded, and wrote down his name,

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