Martial Inverse

Chapter 1493: Underground

Chapter 1493 Underground

On this day, the entire Eastern Region of Penglai was restless. The two behemoths moved differently, and the wind and rain were about to come. The respected man realized that after a hard attack, he was actually taken away by a thin, yellow-faced middle-aged man, and fled to Batian Holy Land, where he disappeared in the end.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Eastern Territory was in a commotion.

All the forces surviving in the Eastern Territory are very clear about what kind of existence the Huangfu family and Batian Holy Land are. Now, some people dare to pinch their tiger whiskers. It has to be said that it still takes a lot of courage to do so. Okay, so, people in this area are wondering what the origin of this thin, yellow-faced middle-aged man is.

In this world where the strong are respected, there is no reason at all. If there is reason, then the one with the biggest fist has the final say, and what he says is reason.

The Huangfu Family and Batian Holy Land have been entrenched in the Eastern Territory since ancient times. Almost all the good resources in this area have been collected and plundered by them. Unless they are despised, small and medium forces have a chance.

Therefore, I have to say that these small and medium-sized forces are also very happy about this. However, there are also some who want to board these two big ships, and they are searching hard. superior.

Of course, in order to please these two major forces is one of them, they also have their own little ideas.

If he could quietly control this person, wouldn't it mean that he could control that ancient temple?

No one can calculate the vastness of this world. If they can get it, they can go out of the Eastern Region, go to other regions, or simply leave the world of Penglai.

After all, the things that can move these two giants are definitely not simple. Some people even speculate that the ancient tomb is not as simple as the emperor's tomb.

Because, in the mouths of those people, some relatively ancient forces smelled an unusual meaning from this. Judging from the abnormality of the ancient temple, it is very similar to the rumored... Immortal Mansion.

Coupled with the tension between the two major forces at this time, it made them draw their thoughts closer to the suspicion in their hearts. Immediately, an undercurrent surged in this already chaotic scene.

Immortal Mansion, what does this mean? As long as people in Penglai have heard of it, even when the Immortal Mansion was born, those two giants appeared, which shows the importance of this Immortal Mansion. No one can ignore it, and even some secret forces regard this as an opportunity, an opportunity to rise.


No matter how much they searched, they couldn't find the whereabouts of the sallow and thin middle-aged man, as if this man had disappeared out of thin air without a trace.

However, even after a month, the search has not stopped. On the contrary, the search has been wider and expanded to other regions.


Deep in the ground, Feng Haoru is like a piece of rock, buried deep there, he even stopped breathing, and the sound of his pulse is invisible, and there is a layer of faint and invisible fluorescent light around him, wrapping his body. The whole body shielded everything, without showing the slightest aura.

These days, he is still safe, because with the protection of Fen Lao, even if outsiders dig three feet into the ground, they still cannot find his whereabouts. He is like a fish living underground, darting around , quietly, during this period, although there were hundreds of times they were almost found, but they were all aware of them in advance by Fen Lao, and they escaped into the depths.

At this moment, Feng Hao changed his appearance again, restored his original appearance, closed his eyes, sat there cross-legged, motionless.

This is naturally what Fen Lao requested.

No matter how clever the disguise technique is, there will always be traces left behind, and these traces will betray him.

Therefore, with the original appearance, it is relatively safe. After all, the sneaky people with changed appearances are all controlled by the major forces. They would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let them go. one person.

But at this time, Feng Hao didn't care about other things, he was actually immersed in a special meaning...


A pulse like a heartbeat resounded through his brain, and it was actually faintly connected with the ground, like the pulse of the ground.

At this time, a great change took place in his brain.

Generally speaking, there is one more thing, yes, it is the ancient temple.

All kinds of psychic treasures in the world, even the divine weapons born with heaven, will be stored in the Wuyuan vortex of the human body for warming. Even if there are some special ones, they will also exist in this special vortex. I have never heard of it before. Weapons can actually enter the brain domain of the human body.

But this ancient temple has entered Feng Hao's brain, suspended above his nine-orifice core, ups and downs, slowly shaking, faintly resounding a special sound of burning , is very similar to the sound from the nine orifices of the Dao Nucleus. The two seem to correspond to each other. Also like thunder and lightning...

And these, it seems that they are not under Feng Hao's control at all, and the two naturally complement each other as if they are connected into one body.

At this moment, Feng Hao was completely immersed in the wonderful pulsation of the ground.

This feeling is very mysterious. It seems that his whole body and the earth are connected as one. He is the earth, and the earth is him. The pulsation of the three, the three are connected as one, the closer they are, the louder they are, and finally, they are connected as one.


Abruptly, Feng Hao opened his eyes, a light yellow color flashed in his eyes, and his temperament once again experienced some subtle changes.

"Very good, I have comprehended the way of the earth attribute. In this way, even people from the Huangfu family and Batian Holy Land will have a certain difficulty in recognizing you."

Fen Lao's voice resounded in his mind, as if he was relieved.


There was not much surprise on Feng Hao's face, on the contrary, he still had a cautious expression.

Facing the pursuit of these two giants, he did not dare to be careless, otherwise, it is very likely that he will fall into a place of eternal doom.

After many days of running away, Shenyuan's energy has been consumed by more than half. If it is exhausted, he will completely lose Fen Lao's help. At that time, relying on his own strength, it will be difficult to escape again.

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