Martial Inverse

Chapter 1499: Overwhelming

Chapter 1499 Overwhelming


Feng Hao twitched the corner of his mouth, but didn't explain anything.

He didn't think that this beautiful woman had good intentions for him, but he was able to escape with the help of burning the old man just now, but he was deliberately caught by someone in order to lure her out.

"Strange, I've never seen you before, and I don't know the name of your little brother."

The woman in the sky blue dress kept her eyes on him and asked with some doubts.

She could see that the young man in front of her didn't change his appearance, this was his original appearance.

As a key training object of the Huangfu family, she can control the situation very well, but there is no record of such a young man.

Inside the body is a ball of Lei Yuan.

There are not many who can have the attribute of thunder.

However, she directly rejected the possibility of the human race. Moreover, the human race, a race that is not even ranked in the top ten on the Hundred Races Continent, is not worthy of her attention at all.

She was very curious, for such an ordinary person, he was promoted to the realm of the Great Saint in just over twenty years, and how he was recognized by the Immortal Mansion.

"Hao Fen."

Feng Hao said lightly, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "What about you?"

"Huangfu Wushuang."

The woman in the sky blue dress smiled lightly, her eyes glistening like jewels.

She did not believe what Feng Hao said, Hao, there is no such a family power at all.

In her opinion, the power to cultivate such accomplished young children must be extraordinary, at least it is also the top existence in this Penglai world.

"Miss Wushuang, what can you do to get me out of the Batian Holy Land? There are many people outside looking for me now."

Feng Hao didn't intend to do anything before he knew the hole cards the other party had, but asked her with a wry smile.

"Come with me, make sure you are not in danger."

Huangfu Wushuang smiled cleverly,

Looking forward to her beautiful eyes, stunningly beautiful, with the meaning of infinite temptation, she took out a radiant formation in the middle of her hands, with a radiant origin stone inlaid in the middle, and a striped road around it glowed, rippling inexplicably. meaning.

"Little brother Hao, don't worry, I won't hurt you. This formation can teleport us tens of thousands of miles away, and we can definitely escape from the territory of Batian Holy Land."

"It's not going to Huangfu's family."

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes, scanning the formation.

"I'm not going to lie to you, absolutely not."

Hearing the sound of the explosion getting closer and closer, Huangfu Wushuang also became a little anxious.

Although she has many methods, but if she really wants to face a group of Second Tribulation Saints head-on, she can't do it, so she can only run away.

Feng Hao carefully observed the scars on the formation platform, roughly calculated, and found that this formation is indeed not the kind of directional teleportation formation. Right now, there is no better choice. In order to leave the Batian Holy Land area, he Decided to take a risk and stand on the front line.


With a humming sound resounding, the brilliance burst out, submerging the two of them, turning them into a ray of light, and disappearing without a trace.

The people who waited for Batian Holy Land to find them turned this area upside down and did not gain anything, but they also reported the news.


It didn't take long, and soon, Feng Hao and Huangfu Wushuang appeared in a pure land filled with birdsong and flowers.

The stream is gurgling, the vegetation is fragrant, the mountains and waters are beautiful, and the pavilions are dotted among the mountains and waters, which are clean and natural.

"It's already more than 10,000 miles away from Batian Holy Land, brother Hao can rest assured."

Huangfu Wushuang's red lips were moist and sexy, with a smile and a sweet voice.

Don't worry.

Feng Hao slandered in his heart, but in his mind he contacted Fen Lao and planned to do something.

"Little brother Hao, I saved you from Batian Holy Land, how are you going to thank me?"

Huangfu Wushuang brushed his black hair, and smiled at Feng Hao with boundless charm.

"I'm a small person, but I don't have any valuable things."

Feng Hao didn't regard her as a good person at all, so his words were perfunctory. Although the surface remained unchanged, he had already begun preparations.


Huangfu Wushuang covered his mouth and smiled, with infinite style, he said coquettishly, "Little brother Hao, you are too modest. In the ruins, you took away the Immortal Mansion, how could there be no valuable things? Is it possible that you are afraid that I will force you?" It's impossible to steal from you."

"Immortal Mansion, what Immortal Mansion."

Looking at this beautiful and crystal-clear pretty face, Feng Hao pretended to be startled, with a dazed expression on his face.

"It seems that Brother Hao still doesn't trust him."

Huangfu Wushuang gave him a blank look, as if he was very hurt, but there was a divine light in the depths of his pupils, scanning Feng Hao.

"It's not distrust, but I don't know what you're talking about at all."

With a faint wry smile, Feng Hao shook his head and said, as if he didn't know anything, he had never even heard of Xianfu, "Sister, I'm really hurt."

Huangfu Wushuang's hair fluttered, and his slender neck was white and soft, very moving. There was a little radiance in his eyes, as dazzling as stars, and there was a certain charm in his voice, "It seems that I can only wrong you first. Go to sleep, you are tired, go to sleep..."

A sense of drowsiness hit Feng Hao. In an instant, he was a little shaky, and then he fell headlong to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Huangfu Wushuang's pretty face showed a touching smile, walking in lotus steps, twisting his slender waist, walking lightly, approaching Feng Hao, and squatting down, stretching out a pair of lotus roots The jade hand turned Feng Hao over.

At the moment she touched, Feng Hao suddenly jumped up, grabbed the pair of jade hands, and directly threw Huangfu Wushuang onto the grass beside him.


Huangfu Wushuang let out a scream, he really did not expect that Feng Hao, who was hypnotized by his own secret technique, would not be affected, he was very surprised.

However, it was only for a moment. In an instant, a strong wave erupted from her body. If the body was surging, it was about to blow him away.

"The supreme magic seal."

Feng Hao let out a deep sigh, his whole body was shining with golden light, like wearing divine armor. In his body, the golden energy surged crazily, forming a strange and mysterious formation in his hands, suppressing it with force, trying to suppress this wave of fluctuations. Inside her, don't let it break free.

She has round buttocks, slender waist, proud twin peaks, beautiful neck, and peerless beauty. At this moment, she is shaking her jade body, struggling under him, her pretty face is flushed with embarrassment.

She is the proud daughter of heaven, and she is also high above in the Huangfu family. She never thought that she would be crushed by a strange man like this. This made her feel a kind of humiliation, and the light in her eyes gradually became cold. like ice,

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