Martial Inverse

Chapter 1510: Changing the Source of God

Chapter 1510

Inside the small door, there is no space. Inside, there are two rows of rooms. Just look at the name of the room, you can tell that it is extraordinary. On each door, there are many lines carved on it, and the light is shining on it. If streamer.

Feng Hao tried to light up his purple pupils, trying to break through the door, but found that it was pitch black in front of him, and he couldn't see any sounds or scenes inside.

Come to think of it, these rooms were specially made by Xuanling Auction House to protect the privacy of the auctioneers.

After all, there are a few people who come here to auction things with good backgrounds, and there are quite a few people who seek wealth and murder. There are even some people who specifically block and kill the children of big forces who go out to practice. use.

Come here, even if bleached.

"Guests please come in."

Arriving in front of a room with an open door, the graceful woman stopped, turned around, spoke sweetly to Feng Hao, and motioned Feng Hao to enter the room.

Being able to be in the Xuanling Auction House, her vision is not bad, she can naturally see that the young man in front of her is extraordinary, and even she can see through that Feng Hao has changed his appearance.

The room is very simple, just a few animal skin chairs and a sandalwood table.

When Feng Hao walked into the room, he sat down on an animal skin chair generously.

"Excuse me, what item does the guest want to auction?"

After closing the door, the graceful woman sat opposite Feng Hao and asked him with a smile.


Flipping his hands, Feng Hao took out a jade box that had been prepared a long time ago, and put it on the sandalwood table.

A strange color flashed in the woman's eyes.

Because, this box is not very big, it's just the size of a palm, but it can't hold anything.

However, with a good service attitude, she did not show contempt or impatience. Instead, she picked up the jade box on the table with a smile, stretched out a white jade-like palm, and opened it with a little force. The lid of the jade box...

It was just a little bit of opening, and a refreshing fragrance came to her nostrils, making her feel light and refreshed, and the fatigue that had been born for a long time also returned to normal.

little pink flowers,

Each flower has six petals, crystal clear, if it is made of jade, there is a luminous light flowing in it, full of strong vitality.

"This is... Could this be... Qihua."

The graceful woman was moved, her small mouth opened cutely, and she exclaimed softly.

This kind of fetish has appeared in the world of Penglai, but there are not many, and it is already a matter of the ancient time. Since the ancient time, it has appeared several times, and it was also auctioned at the Xuanling Auction House. It was the astonishing price that was auctioned, and it was competed by many old antiques.

"That's right."

Feng Hao was still calm, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, under her astonished gaze, he nodded slightly and admitted.

Suddenly, he heard a gasp.

The woman with a graceful figure has been in the Xuanling Auction House for some time, and it's not that she hasn't seen strange things in the world. Obtained, one petal can prolong life by fifty years, and six petals can extend life by three hundred years.

Therefore, for those old antiques who are dying, Qihua, this is a new life, and they are willing to pay a high price for it, even at all costs.

There are many life-extending wonders in the world, but they don't last long. Moreover, if each kind of wonder is used too much, the effect will fade, and eventually there will be no effect.

Qihua, many people don't even know its origin, it only appeared in the ancient times, and many strong people went out to search, but they didn't get anything. It seems that it is not a product of Penglai. People are a little inexplicable. At that time, many old antiques returned with great regret, and finally died in depression.

Of course, in fact, everyone knows that this kind of fetish must have been produced in a certain restricted area, and it is more difficult to obtain than to reach the sky.

Therefore, as a member of Xuanling Auction House, she is very clear about the price of the three qi flowers in front of her, and she also knows how much sensation these three qi flowers will cause.

For those old antiques who were dying, no magical treasures mattered anymore, the important thing was that they could survive.

Therefore, these three qi flowers are definitely a fatal temptation for these old antiques. Once it is spread, they will definitely flock to it.

"Guest, please wait a moment, I will go and ask the manager to come over."

The woman quickly closed the jade box, took a deep breath, and then spoke to Feng Hao in a respectful tone.

Qihua, the person who possesses such a fetish, I'm afraid her background is not small, and she, a little maid like her, can't offend her.

Although the Xuanling Auction House is named after the two giants Xuan Daogu and Ling Xiaofeng, people from these two great forces will not do it themselves.

Speaking of which, the Xuanling Auction House is just a tool for the two giants to make money in the world.

Although no one dared to cause trouble in the Xuanling Auction House, even if a maid was beaten to death outside, could it be that Xuan Daogu or Ling Xiaofeng were expected to vent her anger for her?

"it is good."

Feng Hao was still as usual, smiled and nodded.

"Please wait."

After all, the woman hurried out and walked towards the depths of the corridor.

Not long after, she brought an old man with white sideburns into the room.

"Hehe, I kept the guests waiting for a long time."

The old man came in with a smile and greeted him enthusiastically. When he saw such a young Feng Hao, a look of surprise flashed across his somewhat cloudy eyes.

"I heard that the guest is going to auction three qi flowers."

After a few casual sentences, the old man shifted to the main topic.


Feng Hao nodded, and said, "I want to replace it with a source stone. It would be even better if it was a source of God."


The old man frowned slightly, then let go after a while, and said with a smile, "No problem."


Hearing this sentence, Feng Hao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, such fetishes as Qihua and Qiguo are top-notch fetishes no matter where they are.

He couldn't help but sigh, thinking back then, in the Tianwu Continent, he was just exchanging for the King of Poisons. If it was the Hongmeng Realm, or the Hundred Clans Continent, it would be almost a daydream if he wanted to exchange for Shenyuan. However, in this Penglai world, is possible.

"Sure enough, it's Qihua."

The old man just opened the lid of the jade box, and then closed it quickly, a scorching heat flashed in his eyes,

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