Martial Inverse

Chapter 1521: Spring

Chapter 1521 Spring

The second floor of Chunfeng Pavilion is not so much a building as it is a paradise, with exotic flowers and plants, butterflies fluttering, and shining lights in the dark.

Although it was already night, it was still as if it was day.

But at this time, there were more people coming up to the second floor, all of them with great identities, most of them were young heroes from all over the world. Feng Hao glanced around quietly from the corner of his eyes, but found that these people in their twenties and thirties Most of the young men have reached the realm of great saints, and only a few young faces are in the realm of ordinary saints. Moreover, the realm is not low, and they have all reached the peak. They are only one step away from being promoted to great saints.

This made him startled, the core disciples of the forces in this Penglai world are indeed extraordinary, such an achievement, if placed on the Hundred Clans Continent, would shock the entire region.

But then again, even in the Penglai world, they are famous for a while, training children for the top forces, at least the core of the first-class forces. If they are not strong, how will they overwhelm the heroes in the future?

Feng Hao found them, and they all saw Feng Hao, but because of Le Tian, ​​no one dared to provoke him.

Le Tian is not someone else. If he dares to behave wildly in front of him, he will have no scruples. As long as no one is killed, basically no one will dare to touch him.

The younger generation fights for the front, as long as it is not too much, the older generation will not make a move.

After all, if someone makes a move, doesn't it mean that the younger generation is not good enough.

Therefore, if the skills are not as good as others, it is better to keep a low profile. Self-knowledge is also very important.

Beautiful trees are lush, strange stones are lined up, and silk and bamboo are melodious. There is an open space in the middle of the building like a paradise. There are exotic flowers blooming and colorful butterflies flying there. It seems that it is a stage prepared for someone.

Feng Hao originally wanted to leave, but Le Tian refused to allow him, and repeatedly blocked Feng Hao, who had no choice but to sit down, pour himself a drink, and listen to all directions.

"I don't know if Miss Spring will show up this time..."

"It's hard to say. I heard that Miss Chun came to the Eastern Territory a year ago and has appeared several times. Now that Xuanling Auction House's ten-year large-scale auction is coming soon, Miss Spring should appear..."

"It is rumored that Miss Chun is the number one beauty in Chunfeng Pavilion. She can be compared with Huangfu Wushuang from the Huangfu family. I don't know if it is true or not..."

The surrounding discussions are all around one person,

There is a scorching light in many people's eyes.


An ordinary name, but she is known as the number one beauty in the Spring Breeze Pavilion, which shows how beautiful her face is.

Feng Hao has seen Huangfu Wushuang before.

Although the two sides had grievances, he had to admit that Huangfu Wushuang was a stunning beauty, even Qiong Ling'er and the others were slightly inferior in appearance.

Only the woman in white who appeared in Xuanmingtian can compare with it.

And in Penglai's No. 1 Fengyue Land, there is actually such a beautiful woman. It can be seen how extraordinary this Spring Wind Pavilion is. No matter what kind of beauties it is, it can be cultivated.

The night is getting darker, and the second floor is full of guests, and there are almost no vacancies, because it is by the window, Feng Hao can see, even if it is outside, there are many people looking in, it seems that they all want to To see how beautiful the Chunfeng girl who is known as the number one beauty in Chunfeng Pavilion is.

In this regard, Feng Hao is not very interested. On this, he is a little unnatural to be watched by those heaven's favored ones.

He was still not used to such a high-profile appearance.

"Miss Chunfeng arrives..."

The voice of a clear spirit like a yellow oriole sang suddenly, making the originally noisy scene slowly quiet down.

A burst of wonderful music came, mellow and faint, drifting over, making everyone on the scene intoxicated into it, just like the fairy sound above the nine heavens, it moved people's minds and cleansed people's hearts.

"The spring girl is here..."

There were many surprise calls on this scene, even outside the Spring Wind Pavilion, full of excitement.

Spring has been famous for a long time, but she rarely appears, so far, she has only appeared twice.

The first time was at the headquarters of Chunfeng Pavilion, which was in the Central Region of Penglai, and the second time was almost two years ago, after someone entered the Shenyan Land, she once appeared in the Eastern Region, and it was said that I wanted to meet the mysterious person last time, but that person ignored the beauty and didn't show up, which made people feel embarrassed for a long time.

"She really appeared. In this case, the core children of the top forces will probably fight openly and secretly again..."

"It's a pity that a beauty should appear in such a place of fireworks..."

"I didn't expect to be lucky enough to meet the number one beauty in the Spring Breeze Pavilion, so this trip is not in vain..."

Many discussions were heard outside the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

"The slave's spring..."

A voice like the sounds of heaven came, and the rumored spring finally appeared. She was like the Guanghan fairy, who emerged from the sky under the moon, with white clothes fluttering, falling from the sky, and slowly falling on the open space in the middle, surrounded by flowers. surround.

She was dressed in a snow-white dress that fluttered gently, outlining her perfect body extremely movingly.

The only regret is that on her beautiful face, there is a white tulle covering her face that is so beautiful.

However, on the second floor, there are all extraordinary people, who naturally have the peerless pupil technique, and can see the beautiful face under the tulle, but, for fear of being abrupt, no one does that.

She is like a bright pearl, full of beauty, incomparably beautiful, born with jade bones, her face is almost perfect, and no one can pick out some flaws.

Feng Hao's heart also moved, this woman named Chunchun is really extremely beautiful, comparable to that Huangfu Wushuang, she can't fault her.

She is only about twenty years old, with a slender and slender body, carefully carved like Qiongyu, her skin is like snow, and her temperament is peaceful, making people feel refreshed and refreshed.

It really lives up to its name, and it shakes people's hearts like spring.

"This must be Spring. I've heard of it a long time ago. She has an unparalleled appearance. She is the number one beauty in the Spring Breeze Pavilion. She is a peerless beauty. It's a pity..."

Some people shook their heads and sighed, as if they were sorry.

Although the beauty of the Spring Breeze Pavilion has only one person in her life, she still can't get rid of the reputation of Fengyue Land, which can be regarded as a big stain.

However, the peerless spring girl does not look like a dusty woman, she is bright and soft, like a body of ice jade, she looks pure and holy, and she is especially pitiful.

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