Martial Inverse

Chapter 1528: Attention in Spring

Chapter 1528 Spring's Attention

The three major restricted areas of the Hundred Clans Continent, Primordial Beginning, Immemorial, and Absolute Heaven, can be said to be known to everyone. They are absolute life restricted areas, and the only way to break into them is to die.

No one knows why these three restricted areas exist. However, since the ancient mythology period, these three restricted areas have existed. It seems that they have existed forever since the beginning of the world.

In it, there are even more ferocious creatures, sleeping inside, and it seems that they will never wake up.

These three restricted areas were once rumored to be passages leading to the Immortal World, but no one was sure. Therefore, because Liu Canyan's avatar entered the Immemorial Forbidden Area, it made people wonder if it was someone from the Immortal World.


No one knows whether it exists or not. In short, immortals are supreme, omnipotent, eternal, immortal, and immortal. This may be fabricated by the yearning of living beings for certain things.

After all, no one has ever seen a fairy. The fairy in the legend may be a certain emperor, a certain god, or a certain supreme being. People on the second floor of the Spring Wind Pavilion have a deep understanding of these things.

However, the person who entered the land of Shenyan and walked out by himself actually entered the ancient restricted area. They couldn't help but pay attention to this, and even the smile on Letian's face disappeared.

If these two people are really from the Taikoo Forbidden Zone, then things will be complicated.

Back then, all the supreme beings had been to the forbidden areas that existed between the heaven and the earth, and had observed the movements in the depths, so they knew far more secrets than ordinary people.

"There are no absolutes in the world. My senior in the Spring Wind Pavilion suspects that the other party may have used a body substitute technique, and the person who entered it may be a clone, not the real person..."

Chunchun continued talking, and, intentionally or unintentionally, from the corner of his eye, he glanced at Le Tian and Feng Hao.


Hearing these words, everyone on the scene breathed a sigh of relief.

If it really came from the restricted area, it would be too scary, and some unpredictable things may happen.

Thinking about it, if it really came from the Taikoo restricted area, how could it be so quiet and low-key. The people present at that time were still alive, which has already explained a lot of problems.

Afterwards, everyone began to discuss, they all conjectured about the identity of the mysterious person who entered the land of Shenyan. They had different opinions and could not agree on it.

Before the matter was revealed, no one could make a definite judgment. Therefore, regarding the identity of this mysterious person, Chunchun never mentioned it. When asked, she just shook her head with a smile.

The people of Chunfeng Pavilion are not them, they can make random guesses, and things that are not confirmed will never be spread from Chunfeng Pavilion, otherwise, the reputation cultivated over the years will be completely destroyed.

"Hey, brother Hao, do you think this person's methods are high, and he actually wants to trick the world into entering the ancient forbidden area to die..."

The corners of Le Tian's mouth curled up into a sinister arc, he turned his head sideways, and asked Feng Hao.


Feng Hao was very calm, and there were not many waves in his eyes.

That is a real restricted area, only ignorant people will break into it, such as these top forces in Penglai, they will never act recklessly.

"To be honest, in fact, I came to the Eastern Territory just to meet that person, to see if he has three heads and six arms, and can enter the land of Shenyan for thirty-one minutes... Moreover, this guy is still sleeping in it , It's really annoying, I think back then..."

Le Tian Pili Bala said a lot, but stopped at a critical moment, and did not continue.

"Could it be that he also entered the land of the gods?"

A flash of light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, but he didn't ask.

For a proud son of heaven at the level of Lotte, no one would be able to know even if he entered the land of Shenyan.

If these people from the Penglai world didn't send their children to the land of Shenyan to have a try, he would never believe it. Moreover, their potential was probably tested in this way.

Spring sits quietly in the flowerbed, surrounded by flowers and butterflies, but from the corner of her eyes, she quietly scans her surroundings, and finally, she scans continuously on Feng Hao.

Based on the information from Chunfeng Pavilion, she naturally knew the identity of everyone who came up to the second floor, but Feng Hao made her feel strange. This person seemed to have never appeared, but now, he appeared here out of thin air. Inside Dongding City.

This puzzled her, moreover, Feng Hao's cultivation was already at the beginning level of the Great Sage, and the fluctuations in his body with the endless destructive aura made her heart tremble even more.

This is not an easy character.

She was very surprised why there had never been any rumors about this person before, and what was strange was that he was able to walk with Le Tian.

It couldn't help her not paying attention.

After scanning for a while, a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes.

"Miss Spring, Batian Holy Land hunted down a person with great fanfare a year ago. It is said that that person took away the legendary Immortal Mansion. I don't know if it is reliable or not."

A young handsome man opened his mouth to ask, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

This person who can enter the land of Shenyan must not be ignored, but the Immortal Mansion has touched the hearts of many people.

It involves the inheritance of a supreme being. Although no one knows what is in it, the things left by the supreme are naturally extraordinary.

"After many confirmations from my Spring Breeze Pavilion... it has been confirmed that there is an 80% possibility that what appeared in the ruins at that time was the legendary Immortal Mansion... plus Batian Holy Land and Huangfu Family This move can at least increase the possibility by ten percent."

Spring withdrew from the corner of her eye, and a voice like the sounds of nature came out of her mouth.

"90% possibility is Xianfu..."

Many people exclaimed, after being confirmed, a strange fire flashed in their eyes.

In fact, they have been searching everywhere for more than a year, but they don't even know what that person looks like or what characteristics they have, so where do they find it.

It's not like watching Batian Holy Land or Huangfu family quietly follow whoever is chasing, but as a result, there has been no result for more than a year.

"Miss Spring, do you think that person has been arrested during the blockade of Batian Holy Land? It was just that Batian Holy Land did it on purpose to avoid eyes and ears."

The Holy Son of Huangji opened his mouth and asked boldly, not afraid of being heard by Batian Holy Land's eyes and ears.

"This is uncertain, but that person should have taken advantage of the appearance of members of the Huangfu family and escaped from the blocked area of ​​Batian Holy Land in the midst of the chaos..."

Chunchun's words were very calm, as if she didn't have much interest in this Immortal Mansion at all.

This is the characteristic of Chunfeng Pavilion. No matter what the news is, Chunfeng Pavilion can announce it. It seems that there is no desire to possess anything.

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