Martial Inverse

Chapter 1531: Agreement

Chapter 1531 Agreement

The beauty in front of him is unparalleled, like a fairy of hundreds of flowers, but Feng Hao has no intention to appreciate it, and his heart is cold.

In such an instant, he was caught by someone and saw through the aura.

Indeed, if there were people from the Spring Breeze Pavilion present at that time, then it is very possible to do this. After all, they exist specifically to collect information, so their observations are very subtle.

"Mr. Hao, don't worry. Not many people in Chunfeng Pavilion know about this news. After all, there are many people with mixed opinions..."

Spring smiled faintly, like a hundred flowers blooming, beautiful, she explained, "That senior is actually the grandmother of the slave family, so I can guarantee that there are no more than three people who know the news."

In fact, before inviting Feng Hao in, she was not completely sure, and it was just a guess.

Feng Hao, the origin is unknown, the most important thing is that the pure destructive energy in his body can't be concealed, so she became suspicious, and after trying it, she even tried it out.

She can now be sure that Feng Hao is not a core child from any top force. I am afraid that the force behind him is quite weak, so he has been swallowing his anger.

This kind of heart, also had to make her admire.

For example, those favored sons of heaven just now cannot stand being provoked by others. In their hearts, face is everything.

As for Feng Hao, his talent and cultivation are not weaker than theirs, but he knows how to endure. This kind of person is the most terrifying.

Feng Hao glanced at her lightly, didn't say anything, but slowly closed his eyes, sat there, and fell into silence.

After hearing the news, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If it spreads inside Chunfeng Pavilion, I'm afraid I'm in danger.

The existence of Heaven's Punishment Energy, even if it is covered by a supreme physical body, can't cover up that extremely pure will to destroy. As long as it appears, people will recognize it.

Like spring, it is doubtful to him.

I was still impulsive.

He felt a little regretful, but now that he thought about it, he realized that spring was definitely not sure, so he tested himself.

This is also impossible,

This matter is of great importance. When he mentioned it in spring, his heartstrings were already tensed, and finally broke out.

"The scheming is so deep..."

Feng Hao suddenly felt that the woman in front of him was terrifying, even more so than those heaven's favored ones outside. This kind of scheming, he was played by her between applause, and the situation was controlled by her from the beginning. One step at a time was introduced into the bureau.

Moreover, the reason why she mentioned this matter on the second floor is probably only after seeing herself, and she has been secretly paying attention to herself.

"Mr. Hao, the servants are not malicious..."

Seeing Feng Hao ignoring him, Chun Chun's voice became a little bitter, "Since I met Mr. Hao alone, I naturally didn't intend to announce this news, and the Nu family, and the Chunfeng Pavilion behind the Nu family, It can give you a lot of convenience and provide some important information..."

"What do you want from me."

Feng Hao opened his eyes, looked at her directly, very calm, no matter whether it was beauty or material temptation, he turned a blind eye to it.

"Master Hao is serious."

There was a faint wry smile on the corner of Chunchun's mouth, as if he was wronged and wanted to cry.

Indeed, with her appearance, as long as it is a man, it is difficult to resist, and no one can refuse her request, but Feng Hao ignored her and remained unmoved.


Feng Hao's voice was cold.

"Mr. Hao, I'm just curious to confirm your identity. I don't want to get anything from you. I just hope that my son can see that when I, Chunfeng Pavilion, keep your identity secret and provide help, I will be in the future. When I, Chunfeng Pavilion, was in a desperate situation, I extended a helping hand..."

Spring put on a serious face, and said seriously.

Feng Hao didn't speak, but looked directly at her, looking at her calm and unwavering eyes, after a long time, he withdrew his gaze, "I don't want anyone to know my identity except you... "

"Master Hao, don't worry, the slave family will never spread the word..."

Hearing these words, a beautiful smile suddenly bloomed on Chunchun's beautiful face, like a blooming epiphyllum, pure and shocking.

Her grandmother saw the situation clearly at that time, and she was almost certain that the person who entered Shenyan Mountain had definitely obtained the fate of immortality, because when he walked out, his expression was urgent, She seemed to be worried about something... Her grandmother noticed all the series of facial changes.

Therefore, she is very aware of the future potential of the young man in front of her.

It is very possible that he will create a prosperous world of his own...

Getting a relationship with this kind of person is absolutely beneficial and has no disadvantages... If he grows up, to be honest, it is almost impossible to get a relationship.

"I hope so."

Feng Hao relaxed his vigilance, leaned back on the chair, picked up the jade cup on the table, and took a sip.

The water in Penglai World is too deep, if he is not careful, he will be wiped out, because there is no backer, he must be careful in everything he does, such as Chunfeng Pavilion, he can't afford to provoke, if he really offends, It's just that there is no place for him in the world.

Therefore, if they can reconcile, this must be the best result.

Moreover, according to the superficial understanding, Chunfeng Pavilion does rely on these contacts to survive, and people with great potential like myself, I am afraid that many people will be recruited into Chunfeng Pavilion, but because of their own situation Too special, the people in the Spring Breeze Pavilion also know that as long as they grow up, they are definitely not under the control of others, so they chose to make friends.

But now, with Chunfeng Pavilion as a cover, it will be much more convenient for him to act in the future.

So, speaking of it this way, it’s not a bad thing.

"Mr. Hao, about the second thing I said just now..."

Only halfway through Chunchun's words, Feng Hao just glanced at her, making her stop right away.

In fact, at that time, there were absolutely not many people who could be rescued from the blockade of the Batian Holy Land, and they were probably members of the Huangfu family. Judging from the news from the Xuanling Auction House in the afternoon, the young man in front of him seemed to be Has some grudges with Huangfu Wushuang...

Let me ask, a strange face, a person who has never traveled outside, how can he have a grudge against Huangfu Wushuang.

The only possibility is that Feng Hao is the one who took away the Immortal Mansion.

For a moment, the smile on Chunqiao's face became even brighter.

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