Martial Inverse

Chapter 1534: Auction

Chapter 1534 Auction

"Oh my god, it turned out to be him. He was a long-known overlord more than nine thousand years ago... Mo Zixuan of Tianbei Palace, it's too scary to think that he is still alive. What is his realm? to such an extent."

"Hey, isn't that Xuanyuan Sheng from the Xuanyuan Family in the Central Territory? Hiss...he's here too."

In the past few days, Dongding City has been very lively. One after another, the arrival of long-established big figures has caused many exclamations and sighs of emotion. Even many figures of the older generation who have long been rumored to have died appear. Even though he was dying and walking tremblingly, no one dared to underestimate him.

In short, because of the news of the Xuanling Auction House, most of the people attracted were near the end of their lives, and almost all of them were people whose lives were coming to an end. He has lived for more than 9,000 years, and he can be regarded as a real antique. No one dares to provoke him, even the big figures of the top powers have to back down and make way for him.

Lived for a long time, in fact, has already explained everything.

Feng Hao looked at the past from the window, the streets were basically all pale, and they were all the older generation with white hair.

This kind of fetish that can prolong life was too tempting for them, and they couldn't resist it at all. Many old antiques even brought their own family wealth to them in exchange for a qi flower.

Because of their advanced age, they have done a lot of research on how to maximize the effect of this life-extending fetish. If they can get it, it will not be a problem to live for hundreds of years.

If such old antiques as Mo Zixuan from Tianbei Palace can be obtained, it may break through the ten thousand year limit.

In this world without a great emperor, for thousands of years, those who can live for tens of thousands of years have left a great reputation, and there are not many statistics. They are all famous and powerful.

Just ask, who doesn't want to leave a name.

There are too many excellent geniuses in this world, such as Batian Shengzi, who can rule the roost in the younger generation of the Eastern Region, but in the vast world of Penglai, he is not conspicuous, and there are many people who are better than him.

And there are very few contests among the favored ones these days, so if you want to leave your name, then you have to do something that others can't do.

"People, when they are young and middle-aged, they yearn for a higher realm, but once they enter old age, that drive disappears, and they just want to live longer... But what is that? If you live a few more years, you will still turn into a cup of loess."

Lotte is beside me,

She curled her lips, and seemed to have no interest in the Qihua that appeared.

"Who in the world can live forever."

Feng Hao raised his head and looked at him.

"It might be..."

The corner of Le Tian's mouth raised a strange arc, and he said quietly, "There are many people who can survive with some special methods until a prosperous age comes..."


A flash of surprise flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and he looked at him with some confusion.


Le Tian took a deep look at Feng Hao, chuckled, and did not explain, but, in the depths of his eyes, there was also a flash of doubt.

With Feng Hao's cultivation level, his background is naturally not small, so why is he completely ignorant of some secrets.

He can see that Feng Hao is not pretending, so now he is very suspicious of Feng Hao's origin.

"What a strange person..."

In his eyes, the look of curiosity became more intense, as if he wanted to thoroughly investigate Feng Hao, and he would stop knowing everything about Feng Hao.

However, once asked, Feng Hao ignored him and refused to answer.

"No matter what, you still can't escape death."

Feng Hao closed his eyes again, his words were very calm, in fact, it was similar to Le Tian's tone.

After all, he is still young, and he still longs for eternal life in his heart. Moreover, his wish is even more extravagant. He wants his relatives to live forever.

This is almost impossible, and he himself thinks it is impossible, but he is working hard towards this goal, which is also his motivation.

No one believes in being able to live forever, but everyone is aiming for this.

Fenghao is like this, Letian is like this, everyone in the world is like this...

Afterwards, big figures kept pouring into Dongding City, causing the atmosphere in Dongding City to almost boil. It was under this atmosphere that the auction finally came.

In the early morning of this day, when the first ray of sunlight shone into Dongding City, the streets were full of people, all walking towards the Xuanling Auction in the center of the city.

And Feng Hao and Le Tian were among them, and because of Le Tian's presence, many young heroes who originally wanted to challenge Feng Hao also stopped.

Although the fluctuations in Feng Hao's body are strong, they are confident that they can match. Moreover, it has never been reported that Feng Hao has any identity, his surname is 'Hao'. If you think about it, he is at most a child of a first-class force, and he just got some opportunities. Compared with them, there is too much difference.

How can such a person be favored by the number one beauty in the Spring Breeze Pavilion?

No one was convinced, on the contrary, they all made up their minds that once Le Tian left, they would give this ignorant boy a good lesson.


Sensing the naked and hostile gazes around him, Feng Hao could only smile wryly.

He had expected this result a long time ago, but he didn't worry too much. Once he got the source of the gods, he would go to the Skyfire Realm, refine the Supreme Sealing Magic, and rush to the Pagoda of Hundred Clans.

If possible, he still doesn't want to have a big conflict with these young heroes.


At this moment, suddenly, the whole world shook, the earth trembled violently, and the sky darkened, as if a storm was about to hit, and a depressive atmosphere spread between the world.

"what happened."

Feeling the vibration under his feet, Feng Hao turned around and, likewise, looked out of the city.

Originally, it was only morning, but the sky turned gloomy and gray. The sky seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds, and the sky and the earth seemed to be collapsing. It was a scene of doomsday.

Many people changed color, and even those who had already entered the Xuanling Auction House came out again. The gray-haired antiques all rose into the sky, and the original muddy pupils became bright, as if they were divine pupils. It's so dazzling that people can't look directly at it.

They were all looking into the distance, cautiously, as if they were observing something.

Surprise also flashed in the eyes of Le Tian beside Feng Hao, and there was a glint of light flowing in them, as if it were a cosmic galaxy, deep and bottomless, looking into the distance.

"Hey, could it be..."

Le Tian frowned slightly, with a surprised tone,

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