Martial Inverse

Chapter 1537 Inexplicable Mercy

Chapter 1537 Inexplicable Mercy

What kind of person is the scariest.

There is no doubt that it is the kind of person who has great strength and has no scruples.

Like Lotte, because of his personality, many of the most favored of heaven dare not compete with him, like the current Jiang Feng, who directly deterred the entire city.

Among them were big figures from the top forces in various domains, who chose to remain silent at the moment, unwilling to confront this unscrupulous person head-on.

"Jiang Feng, this is Dongding City. If you dare to break the rules, you will become an enemy of the world."

An old man in Batian Holy Land snarled, his words were as cold as a knife piercing his bones.

If you don't make a statement, what face will you have to rule the roost after Batian Holy Land.

A few days ago, Batian Shengzi was slapped in the face by Letian. At this moment, what Jiang Feng did was directly provoking the authority of Batian Holy Land. Large arc of lowering.

Suppression is easier said than done, so the old man pulled the banner and wanted to suppress Jiang Feng in the name of the people of the world.

"You can't say that..."

As soon as his words fell, a dissatisfied voice sounded on the scene.

Feng Hao turned his head and glanced over, and saw a middle-aged man standing there, beside him, Feng Hao also saw a familiar face.

"A person from the Holy Land of the Absolute Emperor."

Feng Hao's heart moved, and the corner of his mouth pulled out a slight arc.

The last time in the Spring Wind Pavilion, Batian Shengzi was so motivated that he wanted to overwhelm everyone with one person, and carried out Batian Holy Land. Naturally, he offended almost everyone present, but at this time, who would give him Batian? The Holy Land came out.

This is obviously the deadly enemy of Batian Holy Land, and they also believe that Jiang Feng is alive to fight against Batian Holy Land, which they are still happy to see, especially at this time, let Batian Holy Land lose face. Also very fast.

"That's right, this is the Eastern Territory, the territory of your Batian Holy Land, what's the matter, can't you Batian Holy Land can't solve it, I'm just here to participate in the auction to grab Qihua..."

"Indeed, I believe that Senior Jiang Feng is also a sensible senior. He will not do anything that endangers the world..."

"This is a personal grievance between you Batian Holy Land,

I don't want to get involved..."

A few more people stood up and expressed their opinions, all of them were adding insult to injury, making the Batian Holy Land and his group look livid and angry, but there was nothing they could do.

In fact, even if Batian Shengzi hadn't offended them, they wouldn't have intervened in this matter, but the incident at Chunfeng Pavilion gave them a better excuse.

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Feng laughed louder, overshadowing everything else. In his shining eyes, there was a playful and mocking look, just like watching a group of clowns making noise.

After more than seven thousand years of precipitation, his personality has long changed, and he has long since lost all the scruples of the past. At this moment, there is nothing he dare not do.

But, there was one thing that caught his attention.


His laughter stagnated, and a look of memory flashed in his eyes, and then he murmured, "Could it be a life-prolonging god that appeared in ancient times."

His eyes lit up, shining like stars.

In fact, he sleeps underground and doesn't know anything about the ground, but because he knows that he doesn't have many years to live, and today is the ten-year auction meeting of Xuanling Auction House, so he wants to let Batian The Holy Land was just a big embarrassment, but it didn't expect that such a life-extending fetish would appear.

Therefore, the aura on his body also slowly settled down.


With just one step, he appeared in front of the Batian Holy Land and his group, his eyes locked on the Batian Shengzi who was hiding behind the elders of the Batian Holy Land.

"Sure enough, it's a good talent, but it's a pity that he was born in Batian Holy Land..."

There was a playful arc on the corner of his mouth, which immediately made Batian Holy Land and his group nervous, for fear that this unscrupulous lunatic would make a move.

"I will visit your Batian Holy Land. I, Jiang Feng, will definitely repay the gift back then."

After all, Jiang Feng moved his feet and strode towards the entrance of Xuanling Auction House, laughing wildly.

Although it was a laugh, Feng Hao felt a deep sadness in the laughter.

Indeed, even if he has reached the level of a half-step emperor, but can he destroy Batian Holy Land?

It is obviously impossible. Batian Holy Land can become one of the top forces in the Penglai world. How can it be destroyed so easily? Moreover, those who participated in the suppression of the Jiang family back then, at this moment, I am afraid that they have already turned into a cup of loess Now, who can he find for revenge.

Moreover, even if he can destroy Batian Holy Land, can he still exchange the lives of his relatives?

Doomed to be sad, so he was even more determined.

"In a world where the strong are respected, the existence of the weak is itself a kind of sadness..."

Feng Hao's eyes were also a little dim. At this moment, he seemed to understand something, and a thought sprouted in his heart.

If it is possible, he wants to change this pattern where the strong are respected. Only in this way can the weak be sheltered and tragedies will not happen one by one.

This is also Yu Ning's wish.

To be honest, Feng Hao has never understood Yu Ning, how can a person be so pure that he can be for others, regardless of himself, that kind of compassion makes him quite touched.

Moreover, Yu Ning doesn't seem to have much interest in cultivation, on the contrary, she is full of enthusiasm for helping others, and her medicinal talent is also amazing, but in just a few years, she surpassed the holy doctor Several Supreme Elders of the Holy Land.

This made Feng Hao quite puzzled. He even suspected that if Yu Ning could cultivate, it would be extremely amazing, and even... might surpass him.

For some reason, he had this feeling in his heart. Therefore, he had pity for Yu Ning's feelings for him at that time, and he also wanted to take care of her, which contributed to their marriage.

However, Yu Ning has never had the desire to practice, and Feng Hao has not forced her, so her cultivation level has always been mediocre, not outstanding, and she has always been the weakest among the girls.

However, Feng Hao noticed that Yu Ning had never cultivated before, but her cultivation base and her realm had been increasing...

Shaking his head, Feng Hao didn't think too much about it.

It is not easy to change the current situation. Without absolute strength and power, it is absolutely impossible for these giants to give up their rights.

They're used to being on top,

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