Martial Inverse

Chapter 1562: Hell-style Body Tempering

Chapter 1562 Hell-style Body Tempering

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed. During this month, I don't know how many people walked into the sky fire area that was previously regarded as a forbidden zone in their minds.

Almost every inch of the entire outer area has been searched, and many people have seen that trace. Although it is not obvious, they can still tell that an elder and several experts in Batian Holy Land are all It was brutally murdered.

However, there are different opinions about what caused it. Some people say it is caused by secret techniques, and some people say that it is the ghosts derived from the sky fire domain. Swallowed, and then crushed and killed those strong men who dominated the Holy Land,

Outside the Skyfire Territory, there are already strong men from the Batian Holy Land, scattered everywhere, with different costumes, and they have not revealed the identity of the Batian Holy Land.

In addition, the Skyfire Territory has been searched all over, so there are only two results left... First, at that time, the person who owned the Immortal Mansion was murdered, and second, he entered the Skyfire Territory surrounded by

The first type of people who understand the Immortal Mansion do not fully believe it, while the second type makes people wonder.

To enter the inner circle of Tianhuo Domain, at least the peak state of the Great Sage is required, otherwise, there is only a dead end to enter it.

If this person had the strength of the Great Sage peak, then there was no need for him to run away from the very beginning, and he was still chased by an ordinary elder for tens of thousands of miles.

There are many doubts, a big person has arrived and entered the inner circle of the sky fire domain, but no traces have been found.

Therefore, after a month, many people are not as enthusiastic as before, and even the strong people from other regions have retreated, leaving only eyeliner,

However, the only exception is that there is not a single person who dominates the Holy Land, and more and more, it seems that they are sure that the person is still in the sky fire domain, which is really confusing.


Feng Hao is lucky, the Skyfire Territory is so vast, but only a few big figures entered the inner circle, and he was not so unlucky to be bumped into, so he has been hiding in the cave with peace of mind and tempering the supreme magic.

"Master, reduce it by half a point."

Feng Hao's whole body was lit up with flames, but his words were very firm,

Then, the glowing light around his body dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye...



A scream came out of Feng Hao's mouth, his face looked a little hideous, his blood vessels were protruding, and there were more than a dozen places all over his body that were burned by the flames, his muscles were open, and there was some golden blood It flowed slowly, a little, the wound was scorched by the blue sky fire, and even the muscles and bones inside were burnt to a certain extent, which was very scary.

However, after Feng Hao's request, Fen Lao did not adjust the level of screen protection, but just observed silently,

This scene, in fact, is not just now, it has happened every day in this month, if it is not for the existence of Shennong Pharmacopoeia, Feng Hao's body will already be covered with scars,

Even so, some scars can still be seen vaguely in many places,

After a month of hell-style tempering, the benefits are beyond Feng Hao's imagination. Originally, it was only about three to four layers of supreme sealing magic, but now it has reached about seven layers.

Sure enough, as much as you pay, you can get as much,

It is already a miracle that a person at the beginning level of the Great Sage dares to come to the inner area of ​​the Heavenly Fire Region to temper his body.

Although he himself didn't bear much, the power of this blue sky fire was not comparable to that of the scarlet flames outside.

This is also the reason why Feng Hao's physique is strong. As an ordinary person, even if he is protected by a person at the peak of the Great Sage, his physique cannot compete with this blue flame, and he will be burned to ashes.

And Feng Hao is not necessarily relaxed, if he is in purgatory, he is struggling between life and death every moment, in order to strive for a breakthrough,

It is precisely because he has experienced life and death again and again that he has broken through more than three times in just one month.

In fact, at this time, not only the wounds outside Feng Hao's body, but also his body was completely burned by the blue sky fire, and there were flames running everywhere. signs of his mind,

My mind is above the human dragon, these blue flames are approaching this human dragon, nibbling away step by step, slowly stepping...

At this moment, Feng Hao has been overwhelmed by the pain, so he has never known the dynamics of the blue flame in his body, otherwise, Fen Lao will definitely increase his protection,

The brain area, this is where a person's soul is, if it is invaded by flames, I really don't know what will happen, maybe the whole brain will be burned, and no one can save him at that time,

"Boy, do you need to..."

Seeing Feng Hao whose body was cracked constantly and in an extremely miserable condition, Fen Lao couldn't bear it, and asked aloud,

"No... no, I can still... persevere."

Feng Hao spoke intermittently, his body twitched a little because of the severe pain, but he clenched his teeth and persisted,

The weakening of the shelter again represented the increase in the power of the blue flame. Many places in his body were burned, and the muscles, bones, and internal organs were all severely injured.

The pharmacopoeia is resplendent, hanging in the body, on which, a clover fairy grass takes root, and the three leaves sway, sprinkle a little bit of starlight, spreading everywhere, but it is far behind the speed of destruction... …

At this time, because the Shennong Pharmacopoeia could not extinguish the erosion of these blue flames, the flames had already spread to the most critical parts of the human body, the spine,

This is equivalent to a big dragon in the human body, controlling every movement of the human body,


When the blue flame eroded to the top of his back, Feng Hao couldn't even maintain the posture of sitting cross-legged. Although he was still running the supreme magic, his whole body was constantly rolling on the ground, as if he wanted to To extinguish the flame within,

However, all of this is obviously futile and cannot be stopped at all. On the contrary, it is even more vigorous,

When the first ray of blue flame eroded on the back, it was out of control, and along the tail, it eroded towards the brain at a high speed...

When the first ray of flame appeared in the brain, Feng Hao's eyes flashed a blank, the whole person seemed to have lost the ability to think, and even the Supreme Sealing Magic also stagnated...

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