Martial Inverse

Chapter 1568: Beast Reappearance

Chapter 1568 Giant Beast Reappearance

Outside the Skyfire Territory, the atmosphere seemed a bit tense at this time, except for the sound of the wind, there were no other messy sounds.

Looking at Feng Hao who was slowly turning into a young man in his twenties, the expression on Gong Yangyi's face did not change much, but there was a trace of doubt in the depths of his eyes,

It was too calm, he didn't believe that Feng Hao would not know his purpose of coming, so Feng Hao could still remain calm, does this mean that he has nothing to fear?

Soon, his gaze was on a small black box that Feng Hao was playing with,

This small box is only the size of a palm, and there are some lines carved on it that he can't understand. There is no energy flowing out. It looks very ordinary, but it is also extraordinary.

This made those people in the distance look confused, but because of the speed that Feng Hao showed just now, they didn't dare to underestimate this young man who was only at the beginning of the Great Sage.

It is strange that under such siege, he is still in the mood to play,

Even Huangfu Wushuang couldn't detect the reality of this small black box, doubts revealed in his eyes,

"Isn't this the man named Hao Fen who appeared in Dongding City? Could it be that he took away the Immortal Mansion?"

Those flower protectors beside her recognized Feng Hao at a glance, and suddenly exclaimed softly, their expressions were not calm,

In the Chunfeng Pavilion in Dongding City, Feng Hao can be said to have done his best, and he also won the favor of the number one beauty in Chunfeng Pavilion, Chunchun. Inexplicable hostility,

However, they never imagined that this guy was actually the one who took away the Immortal Mansion,

This made them seem to understand why Spring fell in love with this guy who had no background and background,

Xianfu, this made their hearts feel like a mountain was being pressed down, and even their breathing became a little heavy.

This is definitely the enemy, the Immortal Mansion that even the Supreme Being can't subdue, was obtained by him, which means that he has a kind of aptitude that they don't have.

Of course, these are just conjectures for the time being, and no one can be sure that the Immortal Mansion was taken away by Feng Hao, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for them to be as calm as they are now.


Even in this siege,

Feng Hao's mood was unprecedentedly calm, without any panic,

Indeed, he did it on purpose, just to attract the Supreme Elder of the Batian Holy Land,

No matter what the ending is, he will be exposed, so it is simply a matter of showing his true colors to others, and if he wants to avoid trouble in the future, then only Liwei,

"Come with me, go to the Holy Land to plead guilty to the Holy Son."

Gong Yangyi said to Feng Hao in a flat voice, showing some caution, "If you offend our Son, do you want to just leave?"

This scene is very strange. Thinking that a person who has been famous for a long time, now facing a junior who is only the junior of the Great Sage, he is actually very wary, which makes him a little baffled.

On Feng Hao, he didn't find anything that could threaten his own existence. Perhaps, it was because of Feng Hao's calmness that he took it seriously.

This sentence has resolved the doubts in many people's minds.

It has never been rumored that a young man got the Immortal Mansion, but in Dongding City, it is well known that Le Tian slapped Batian Shengzi in the face in public,

As for Lotte, Batian Holy Land obviously didn't have the guts to move, this brother of Lotte naturally became a scapegoat,

This can also explain why Batian Shengzi's personal guardian came instead of other Supreme Elders.

After all, Batian Shengzi is going to be the number one existence in Batian Holy Land, so naturally no stains are allowed on his deeds, if there are any, they must be washed away with blood,

This made many people feel uninterested, but they still stayed in place to watch the development of the matter,

"What if I say... no."

A dark gray light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, his words were calm and revealed a kind of coldness, at the same time, the small black box he was playing with in his hand also stopped,

"The old man will not be polite."

A flash of sharpness flashed in Gongyang Yi's eyes, and suddenly, the aura on his body rose, and the surrounding space exploded, and an aura like a sea tide rushed towards Feng Hao, and the space was full. is distorted,


Already had an experience once, when Feng Hao was running Yan Jue, he lifted his hands vigorously, and the small black box was pulled open by him a thin slit,


A terrifying aura erupted suddenly, immediately dispelling the aura of Gong Yangyi, and black energy overflowed from that slit like a wave, and, As Feng Hao worked harder and harder, the box was gradually opened by more than half,


With a soft sound, a white shadow shot out from the collar of Feng Hao's clothes like lightning, and directly submerged into the black tide,


The beast's roar shook the sky, like a dragon's chant, like a tiger's howl, the whole world resounded with this shocking roar, making everyone's hearts tremble,

"This roar..."

At that time, the first batch of people who followed the Batian Holy Land to the Skyfire Territory, their faces turned extremely pale after hearing the roar.

They will never forget this roar, because this is the reason that took the life of an elder of Batian Holy Land,

No one can ignore it, even Huangfu Wushuang and the flower protectors around her all became extremely dignified.

Next, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the black tide condensed into a strange giant beast,

It just floated quietly in front of Feng Hao, but there was an invisible coercion faintly revealed, and the space around it was like waves, rippling away visible to the naked eye,

"Chi Chi Chi..."

Around, those powerhouses who were too close to the Batian Holy Land were affected by this wave of space, and suddenly their whole bodies exploded, turning into a cloud of blood mist,

It was almost like cutting wheat, all of these were the overlords of the Holy Land who were above the realm of the Second Tribulation Great Sage, and they fell down in pieces, leaving only the shrill screams that exploded ,

Gong Yangyi was not at ease either, he stretched out a divine light shield in front of him to resist the oppression of this power, his complexion was extremely ugly, there was actually a look of fear in his eyes,

This giant beast hasn't made a move at all, and it has suppressed all of them by its power alone. If, if this giant beast makes a move, who can resist it,

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