Martial Inverse

Chapter 1571: News

Chapter 1571 News

Feng Hao had already predicted what would happen after that, everything he did outside the Skyfire Territory at that time,

At that time, he knew very well that even if Batian Shengzi didn't announce his identity, after this incident, many people already doubted his identity, and, in the situation where he couldn't escape at that time, He can only choose to be strong,

Only by being strong, only by giving some people with ulterior motives a strong shock, they will not dare to act rashly,

Facts have proved that he is correct, and, because of his words, everyone's eyes were focused on Dongding City. On the contrary, no one paid attention to his whereabouts.

And if he still wants a peaceful life in the future, then he must always be strong,


On the same day, Batian Holy Son's voice was also heard in Batian Holy Land. He agreed to fight and would fight Feng Hao outside Dongding City.

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire Eastern Region was boiling.

The decisive battle between the two great princes is absolutely unique. It is a grand event that no one wants to miss.

Although Feng Hao's origin has never been ascertained, but he can get along with Le Tian and be favored by the number one beauty in Chunfeng Pavilion, which already shows his extraordinary.

Not to mention the Batian Shengzi, he will become the helm of the Batian Holy Land, and his every move will attract the attention of many people.

Therefore, the upper-level forces in the entire Eastern Region are now waiting for the arrival in three days, and the Dongding City is once again lively. In terms of popularity, it is no less than the Xuanling Auction more than two months ago.

At this time, Feng Hao had already entered Dongding City, and he was in Chunfeng Pavilion,

"Young Master Hao really has the guts to fight against Batian Holy Land alone."

Spring's eyes are full of autumn water, her temperament is soft, and a voice like the sounds of nature comes out of her mouth, faintly, there is still some sense of amazement in it,

It can be said that she still underestimated Feng Hao. She did not expect that Feng Hao had such a fierce hole card in his hand, which could instantly kill the strong man at the peak of the Great Sage.

"Miss Spring won the prize."

Feng Hao didn't show any color on his face, on the contrary,

With a calm face, as if he wasn't the one who made such a big commotion outside,

"Our Chunfeng Pavilion lives by collecting information. The Nu family also has a certain understanding of the core disciples trained by the top forces. However, apart from Mr. Le Tian, ​​only Mr. Hao can do this kind of thing..."

With a smile on her pretty face, Chunchun poured a glass of drunk fairy dew for Feng Hao,

"Then, you must also know why I'm here."

Feng Hao glanced at her, then unceremoniously picked up the jade cup on the table, took a sip,

"It's about the safety of the young master, so the servants naturally dare not neglect..."

As Chunchun said, he took out a scroll from his hand and handed it in front of Feng Hao.

Feng Hao put down the jade cup, picked up the scroll and unfolded it, carefully reading it,

Naturally, it records all the information and strength of Batian Shengzi. In addition, there are also the dynamics of the Batian Holy Land powerhouse during this period of time.

"He actually got the inheritance of an ancient god, and the inheritance of divine arts from a sage in Batian Holy Land."

Feng Hao frowned,

It is written on the scroll that Batian Shengzi is only twenty-eight years old at this time, but as early as two years ago, he had already been promoted to the realm of the Great Sage, and at this time he was already at the level of the fourth rank of the Great Sage. , a year ago, he beheaded a fifth-order powerhouse, and now he has not displayed his strength in the past year, so it is impossible to estimate,

As for which god's inheritance Batian Shengzi possesses and what his advantages are, no one knows, even the Spring Wind Pavilion has no records.

Because those outsiders who have seen Batian Shengzi make a move are already dead, even those inside the Batian Holy Land will be secretly silenced, and those who can know his hole cards are the core figures of Batian Holy Land , naturally will not leak the bottom,

And Chunfeng Pavilion was able to know the general strength of Batian Shengzi, which is already very remarkable,

However, the records in the second half of the scroll made Feng Hao's expression darken directly.

If it wasn't for the information given by Chunfeng Pavilion, he wouldn't have known at all that there are currently four Supreme Elders who dominate the Holy Land, plus ten elders, who are divided into two groups and rushing towards Dongding City.

It turned out to be the same treatment as Jiang Feng, except that the Lord Batian didn't come in person.

This was originally a struggle of the younger generation, if the Batian Holy Master did it himself, wouldn't he be lowering his status,

However, there are four Supreme Elders plus ten elders. For Feng Hao, this is not much different from the Batian Holy Lord coming in person.

And this, in fact, was within his expectations. The purpose of his coming to Chunfeng Pavilion was to understand these, so as not to make any mistakes when the time came.

Although Batian Holy Land knows that he has that kind of relationship with Spring, but does Batian Holy Land know the status of Spring in Chunfeng Pavilion, and how does Batian Holy Land know the agreements he has reached with Chunfeng Pavilion,

Logically speaking, Chunfeng Pavilion will not leak this information to outsiders, but Fenghao's potential is too great, and it is worth the effort of Chunfeng Pavilion.

"Divided into two groups, it seems that this Batian Shengzi is not a simple character..."

A flash of thought flashed in Feng Hao's eyes,

Indeed, any external force must be paid, and it is true that he cannot open the small black box all the time. According to his estimation, the opening time is within three minutes each time. Otherwise, even if he can persist, the small ball will not be able to withstand this powerful burden,

Therefore, even if he wants to use the help from the small black box, he must be cautious.

But at this moment, the strong men from Batian Holy Land came in two groups, which really gave him a headache, and he couldn't think of any good countermeasures for a while.

"I don't know if Miss Chun can help you next time."

"My lord, it's okay to say."

After hearing Feng Hao's request, the smile on Chunchun's beautiful and pretty face grew stronger, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons,

"I need a Holy Crystal of Light."

"Bright Saint Crystal."

This made Chunchun's eyes flash with surprise, obviously, she couldn't understand why Feng Hao needed the Holy Crystal of Light,

"Why, can't you get it?"

Feng Hao frowned,


Spring hesitated for a while before saying, "To tell the truth, my lord, both the Holy Crystal of Light and the Holy Crystal of Darkness are very special, and they can be encountered but not sought after. Rumor has it that this kind of Holy Crystal of Light is only owned by the Guangming Palace of the human race. Now, this The Guangming Palace has disappeared for a long time, and if you want to get the Bright Sacred Crystal, you must find someone from the Guangming Palace... Therefore, it may not be possible to find it in a short time."

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