Martial Inverse

Chapter 1576: It's It Again

Chapter 1576 It's It Again

Based on the information given by Chunchun, Feng Hao already knew that Batian Shengzi must control the magic weapon, so he came up with a countermeasure early in the morning.

The biggest difference between a divine weapon and ordinary psychic treasures lies in the strength of the spirit inside it. In addition, it depends on the level of the individual's realm to activate greater power.

In terms of weapon spirit, Feng Hao has absolute confidence in the Tuntianlong seal. This is a magic weapon used by the God of nothingness, and it will never be inferior to any magic weapon.

Then, all he has to care about is the level of power,

The thunderclouds on the sky are not formed naturally. Feng Hao has worked hard for the past few days. In this thundercloud, there is not only thunder energy, but also mixed with a lot of heavenly punishment energy.

Under Feng Hao's deliberate control, the thunder-attributed energy supplemented the consumption of the Heaven-swallowing Dragon Seal Artifact, while the Heaven's Punishment energy was used to check and balance the big beast, so the two sides showed an even trend.


"This is impossible."

Batian Shengzi couldn't believe it. The magic weapon in his hand was actually held back by the spirit of a spiritual weapon. At this moment, some panicked expressions appeared in his eyes.

Although it was only a brief fight, he already knew in his heart that the opponent was stronger than him in every aspect,

Although he didn't want to believe it, he knew it was an indisputable fact.

" it also a divine weapon?"

Sweat oozes from Batian Shengzi's forehead, but he doesn't realize that there is a tremolo in his voice,

he's afraid

"I don't have such a good opportunity as you Batian Shengzi, I'm just a spiritual weapon."

Feng Hao's footsteps are still approaching, and there is no color in his eyes. On the contrary, his face is cautious, and the pale golden halo on his body becomes more substantial. If it is a piece of divine armor,

"You have already lost."

At a distance of about 100 meters, Feng Hao stopped, and said in a cold voice,

"You are too happy."

A hint of cruelty flashed in the eyes of Batian Shengzi,

Abruptly, he threw out the divine cauldron in his hand, "Sacrifice the cauldron with blood."

He bit the tip of his tongue, a stream of blood spurted out, and sprayed directly on the Panyun Divine Cauldron, and then, it actually penetrated into the cauldron,


The divine tripod was towering, shaking violently, shaking the surrounding fields, and the surrounding thunderclouds were shattered. In the distance, the big beast roared wildly, and a violent breath burst out. Immediately, Dalong was kicked tens of meters away, and his body dimmed directly.


The big beast stood upright, its roar shook the sky, and it seemed to be the only one in the world. Its eyes were full of contempt, and it despised all living things. The big dragon rushed over again and again, but was knocked out again and again. It seemed that there was no what a resistance,

"not good."

Feng Hao's complexion changed, and he moved his feet. Instead of retreating, he rushed towards Batian Shengzi. On the palm of his hand, a formation was already formed, and the vast and heavy breath was condensed.


Batian Shengzi snorted coldly, moved his palm, moved the divine tripod, and directly hit Feng Hao with the tripod,

Although the weapon spirit inside the cauldron is out, the coercion is still there, like an ancient chariot, it rumbles towards Feng Hao, its momentum is unparalleled, it can break everything,

"Tiantian handprint."

Feng Hao's speed did not slow down, he rushed straight, and the dark gray handprint formed by the palm of his hand was directly slapped on the Panyun Divine Cauldron,


When the two collided, there was a clanging sound like a metal impact, and the divine cauldron rang, but Feng Hao was knocked away by a certain distance, and his blood fluctuated a little.


Not far away, Batian Shengzi spurted a mouthful of blood because of this, his face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a blank sheet of paper, very scary,

Generally speaking, when using a weapon spirit to fight against the enemy, only the weapon spirit will be injured, and it will recover after a period of cultivation, unless the entire weapon is destroyed,

And if you want to sacrifice the divine weapon, you have to attach your mind to the weapon. If you attack the weapon directly, the owner of the weapon will be traumatized.

At this time, the Batian Shengzi was in such a situation,

"This is the end."

Under the horrified eyes of Batian Shengzi, Feng Hao quickly approached, and the palm that had already condensed a formation was pressed directly on his heart, and then, without hesitation, he burst out the condensed energy,


In the midst of a loud bang, the Batian Shengzi was blown away, but the bloody scene did not appear. Instead, a bright light burst out from under the broken clothes of the Batian Shengzi, and Feng Hao was stunned. Under the gaze, he immediately enveloped his whole body,

"You wait to die."

Batian Shengzi didn't say a word, but Feng Hao could tell from the shape of his mouth, and suddenly, his face became gloomy.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

Seven figures swept out from various parts of the city, surrounded Feng Hao, and did not give him a chance to escape. Moreover, the two old men directly attacked, and the situation suddenly changed, and the space was distorted. crushed in it,


With the sound of an explosion, the sky and the earth were all white, and things could not be seen clearly. The space became distorted visible to the naked eye, and the strong wind howled, and the ground was shattered. Underneath will be half destroyed,

"It's someone who dominates the Holy Land."

"They actually took action. They are so forceful to eradicate this person, aren't they really afraid of the forces behind him?"

"It's a pity, it was originally a figure comparable to the Holy Son, but it was strangled here..."

Although many people sighed for Feng Hao's fall and felt disdain for Batian Holy Land's behavior, but no one stood up to speak out, just quietly looked at the vast white area,

"It's it again..."

Among the crowd, Huangfu Wushuang opened his small mouth and exhaled softly, his eyes revealing a hint of surprise and bewilderment,

"Bang bang bang..."

Under many astonished gazes, the original seven menacing Batian Holy Land elders all fell down dripping with blood, and five of them had their chests shattered, and they died without even uttering a scream. Although the two Supreme Elder-level figures did not die, they had already been severely injured and had no strength to fight. There was shock and despair in their eyes.

As the strong wind settled in the sky, everyone could see that in front of Feng Hao stood a ferocious giant beast, it was opening its cold and ruthless eyes, looking down at the common people in the world,

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