Martial Inverse

Chapter 1579: No way out, no way out

Chapter 1579 No way out, no way out

"People from Spring Breeze Pavilion."

As if he heard the voices of discussion, the old man with a somewhat gloomy face showed a trace of disdain undisguised, his hands that had stopped suddenly moved again, bursts of energy shot out, and fingers appeared on the ground in response. A hole the size of a head, bottomless,

Although it seems that the Spring Wind Pavilion is extremely powerful, in the eyes of these real top forces, it is still a joke, a place of love and moon, and even a tool for them to collect information.

"I hope to see Batian Shengzi."

Chunchun exhaled, as if he didn't see the disdain on his face, still smiling like a spring breeze, and said in a sweet voice,

"I want to see our Son."

The cold-faced old man glanced up and down Chunchun without any scruples, and finally, the corners of his mouth revealed an obscene arc, and his eyes narrowed into slits, "The number one beauty in Chunfeng Pavilion, tsk tsk, is indeed good, but, Our Holy Master has issued a death order, and this person must be removed, so you should give up, but I will still tell you about our Holy Son, hehe..."

After all, he just ignored the spring, and started shooting on his own. Feng Hao, who was forced underground, could hardly hide, and there were already more than a dozen holes on his body, dripping with blood.

Hearing this, the smile on Chunchun Qiao's face slowly subsided, Liu Mei frowned tightly,

Although many people feel distressed, but no one is willing to come forward at this time, at most to comfort her,

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, I am not responsible for accidentally injuring you when you enter this area."

The strange voice of the old man with a gloomy face came again, cutting off the last hope of spring,

She also guessed the disadvantages of Feng Hao's giant beast, and it may take a while to settle. She originally wanted to delay, but this cold-faced old man was indifferent, his heart was like a stone, cold and hard,


"Holy Lord Overlord."

When these words were vaguely passed down, Feng Hao couldn't help feeling cold,

It seems that the second batch of people sent out was not caused by Batian Shengzi, but Batian Shengzhu,

enough to be seen,

Batian Shengzi is extremely conceited. He thinks that he can force Feng Hao to use his hole cards, and then he can solve Feng Hao with the help of those ambush soldiers.

"It seems that Batian Shengzi did not inform Batian Shengzhu of the news."

This is the only lucky thing, but in such a desperate situation at this time, it is not much better,

Feeling that this bosom is basically a little ball falling into a coma, the wry smile on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth became stronger,

It seems that I am doomed this time,

He regretted a little, he was still not cautious enough, and he also underestimated the background of these top forces in the Penglai world,

Batian Holy Land has already paid a high price to get rid of him this time. The teleportation formation used by this cold-faced old man is extremely rare, and an ancient accelerated teleportation formation that can only be used once is extremely expensive. The passive teleportation formation used by Batian Shengzi is not low, and the success rate is extremely low.

Come to think of it, Lord Batian also realized that he had the card of the giant beast, and he was afraid that it would cause a catastrophe in the future, so the price he used was no less than that of Jiang Feng.

"Is this an honor?"

His eyes gradually turned cold, and he communicated with Fen Lao, "Master, rush out."

"No, you can't bear it with your physique."

Fen Lao directly vetoed it, and after that, he didn't reply, but shuttled quickly underground,


Because of a slight hesitation, there was a blood hole on Feng Hao's shoulder, which pierced through directly, and the blood with golden yellow light gushed out, making his already pale complexion paler again.

"Master, and the seal of the swallowing dragon, it should be able to withstand an attack temporarily."

There was a gleam in Feng Hao's eyes, and he said with absolute certainty,

This thing once saved his life, resisted the punishment of heaven but was not damaged, it is enough to see that its material is special, even if the elder who is about to step into the peak of the Great Sage wants to destroy it, the possibility is not great,

"Okay, break through first and enter Dongding City. Only when you get to the city will Batian Holy Land have any scruples."

In an instant, Fen Lao also made a decision, thinking that it was worth a fight,

God soldiers, not everyone can destroy them,

Although Batian Shengzi may chase Feng Hao recklessly, but at the very least, these guys will have certain scruples when they make a move. At that time, as long as they can delay time, wait until Xiao Qiuqiu recovers. , is their time of death,

After that, Fen Lao quickly circled underground, and deliberately tried to break through from all sides...

"Boy, get ready, one, two, three..."


As soon as the three characters were exited, Feng Hao instantly cast out the Tuntian Dragon Seal hanging above his head, and Fen Lao also suddenly changed direction, heading straight for Dongding City, as fast as lightning,

"No, stop him, he's going into the city."

The two Supreme Elders naturally saw through Feng Hao's intentions, and shouted loudly, reminding the five elders around,

"Chi Chi Chi..."

In the direction of Dongding City is a middle-aged man. He holds a big knife and keeps swinging it down, cutting off a white knife mark. He keeps sinking into the abyss underground. The ground is like tofu. being cut,


At the moment of passing by, the knife mark slashed to the top of Feng Hao's head accurately, directly chopping up the big dragon freed from the seal of the swallowing dragon, and then hit it heavily on the seal of the swallowing dragon. It made a sound like metal hitting...

Taking advantage of this moment, Feng Hao passed the line of defense, but the Tuntian Dragon Seal was cut into the abyss, and he couldn't take it back for a while.

Apparently, this blow might have brought the Tuntian Dragon Seal back to its original point.

Feng Hao was not feeling well, his head was buzzing, and his mind was greatly traumatized, but fortunately, Fen Lao was leading all this, and he rushed towards Dongding City at an unabated speed.

There is hope, as long as he enters the city, there is hope for him to live,

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

Several figures soared out of Dongding City abruptly, standing in front of the city, standing with a big horse with a golden knife, full of breath, and a huge force penetrated into the ground. Although the ground did not collapse, some rocks under it But it was directly destroyed by the earthquake. If it was a human being, it would definitely not be better than the fate of these stones.

"It turned out to be the group of people from Batian Holy Land in Dongding City..."

Someone in the crowd revealed their identities, and Feng Hao, who was underground at this time, felt cold in his heart,

"I'll see where you're going to escape this time."

The old man with a gloomy face who followed closely laughed wildly, his face was full of smug grins,

"This time, let me see where you are going to escape."

Just after his words fell, a colder and joking voice descended from the sky,

[PS: There is a lot of scolding, embarrassing, Xiami has said it many times, if there is no reason to change, there are absolutely only two possibilities, first, he is seriously ill and hospitalized, and second, there is a power outage, Xiami lives in the country , The rate of power outages in the countryside should be clear to everyone,]

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