Martial Inverse

Chapter 1583 Demolition of your mountain gate

Chapter 1583 Destroy Your Mountain Gate

The mountains are undulating, the clouds and mists are drifting away, reflecting the rays of the sun, making this place look like a piece of fairy land, and the majestic gate stands in the sky, like a fairy gate leading to the fairyland.

But at this time, a big hand that seemed to be hundreds of meters tall seemed to travel through time and space, and directly slapped this fairy gate...


The palm of the hand hit the fairy gate, and there was a loud shocking sound immediately, and the ground within thousands of miles around was trembling, and horrible cracks were cracked everywhere, like cracks, spreading Thousands of meters, extremely terrifying,

Although the immortal gate was not destroyed by this blow, under the immortal gate, some people with weak cultivation were directly turned into a blood mist by Yu Jin. The strong man was also sent flying out and fell into the fairy gate.

"Someone is coming."

The shrill shouts came out of his mouth, completely making this quiet fairy land lose its tranquility, strong men came from everywhere, all of them were full of murderous intent,

Since Batian Holy Land became a top power, no one or power has ever dared to go to the door to provoke. This is the first time,

Moreover, there are not many people, but there are only two people, one old and one young, watching very peacefully the gathering of more and more powerhouses of the Heavenly Holy Land,

Jiang Feng was still wearing a set of long clothes seven thousand years ago, which looked quite ancient, but the air overflowed and opened up the space, as if it were a god who came from ancient time and space, and it was directly Shocked these powerhouses who were driven out of the Holy Land,

"Could it be the remnants of the Jiang family...Jiang Feng."

A middle-aged man who had appeared in Dongding City once recognized Jiang Feng, and suddenly exclaimed tremblingly, his pupils were instantly filled with fear and despair,

At that time, Jiang Feng looked old and did not survive the catastrophe, but Batian Shengzhu was beaten miserably by him. Now that he has regained his youth, he has obviously been promoted to the half-person who is beyond the reach of everyone Stepping up to the realm of the Great Emperor, who can resist him,

After hearing this name, the faces of all the powerhouses in Batian Holy Land changed drastically, and some of them were even timid and couldn't even stand steadily, let alone make a move.

"Haha, I will tear down your mountain gate."

Jiang Feng laughed wildly, as if he was a mad god, showing the posture of dominating the world, his voice shook the sky, and the whole space trembled.

He shot suddenly and hit the gate standing in the sky again,


The sound resounded throughout the world, and almost spread into the core area of ​​the Batian Holy Land. Immediately, there were several extremely strong auras rushing towards the door, as fast as lightning, and they were all sacrificial When a bright object came out, it directly hit Jiang Feng,

"It's just a pile of rubbish."

A hint of disdain flashed in Jiang Feng's eyes with a look of disdain, and a few divine lights popped out with his waved hands, directly hitting the incoming weapons,

"Dangdang crotch..."

If it was the clanging sound of metal collisions resounding, those bright things would be blown out, and one or two would be shattered directly, and those strong men who came behind could not help but spurt blood, their minds were severely injured, and they were extremely frightened Looking intently at Jiang Feng hanging in mid-air,

"Heaven Lord Batian, don't you dare to come out to meet people while hiding inside, haha..."

There were streaks of blood in Jiang Feng's eyes, and his mood became a little unstable. With continuous flapping, there was a pile of stumps and pieces of flesh at the gate of Batian Holy Land, and hundreds of people were shot to death on the spot.

He became murderous, but, for a while, the two large characters on the gate of Batian Holy Land swayed, and a barrier like a water curtain fell down, blocking his attack and unable to break into it.

This gate was cast by the sages of Batian Holy Land. Although it looks like a gate, it is a large formation. It is not so easy to break through.

Standing behind Jiang Feng, Feng Hao was even more startled, and had a deeper understanding of the background of these top forces.

A character who is half a step into the realm of the Great Emperor came, but he couldn't open the mountain gate for a while, so it can be seen how many terrible backgrounds still exist in it,

Maybe they are not strong enough now, but their sages have left them too many cards, otherwise, in these boundless years, they would have been replaced by others long ago,

Jiang Feng shot frequently and bombarded the gate, shaking the sky and shaking the earth. The rocks outside the gate were all crumbled and rolled down. The mountains in front collapsed, forming a sky abyss. and the hearts of the people were terrified,

At this moment, Jiang Feng is indeed a little crazy. The hatred of extermination of the clan has tortured him for more than seven thousand years, and now he can finally erupt completely, making him look more bloodthirsty. If he is a fierce god, he wants to destroy the whole world,

Not long after, Batian Shengzhu came with ten elders. From a distance, he saw Jiang Feng, and his face suddenly became ugly.

"He actually... broke through."

An elder beside him exclaimed in extreme astonishment, as if he had seen a ghost,

The strength that Jiang Feng showed today is even more unmatched in Dongding City that day. Even the Lord Batian lost the confidence to fight against him.

"Holy Lord, what should we do?"

Everyone in the Batian Holy Land looked at the Batian Holy Lord, waiting for his decision.

"Gather all the Supreme Elders and sacrifice the Supreme Divine Soldiers."

After all, the Lord Batian plundered towards the core,

"Supreme Divine Weapon, oh, there is indeed a Supreme Divine Weapon in Batian Holy Land."

Someone in the distance exclaimed, full of trills,

The Batian Holy Land has never produced a Supreme, but in ancient times, countless sages gathered together to sacrifice their flesh and blood, and finally forged a fake Supreme Divine Weapon. From the first-class power to the top power, no one dares to provoke,

Not long after, hundreds of figures of the rank of Supreme Elders appeared in front of the main hall at the core of Batian Holy Land, and then, a large formation appeared on the square in front of the main hall, as if they had foreseen it a long time ago Similarly, standing on each formation point, Batian Shengzhu also descended from the sky, in the middle of the formation, in the flip of his hand, he held a bright divine card, knelt down respectfully,


He bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the divine card, chanting an ancient and jerky spell, "In the name of my Batian, with my blood...sacrifice the Pagoda of the Batian God... .”

With him as the center, the Supreme Elders at various positions all sprayed blood on the divine tablet, and immediately, the brilliance on the divine tablet became even brighter.

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