Martial Inverse

Chapter 1586: Giant Beast Shows Its Power

Chapter 1586

The appearance of the old Holy Lord of Batian Holy Land was beyond everyone's expectations. It can be seen from the expressions of Batian Holy Lord and others. In fact, even they don't know the life and death of this old Holy Lord.

Appearing at this time undoubtedly brought them vitality, and almost everyone in Batian Holy Land cheered.

"I left this remnant back then, let me solve it."

The emaciated old Holy Lord spoke lightly, although his voice was hoarse, but there was a majesty of a superior, even the Batian Holy Lord bowed his head to express his submission,

The old Holy Master was able to touch the threshold, which proves that his talent and understanding are above him,

"Old Holy Master, this thing can help you."

Lord Batian took out a jade box and respectfully presented it to the old Lord,

He knew very well that the aura of the old Holy Master in front of him was very similar to the time he met Jiang Feng in front of Dongding City, that is to say, he just touched the threshold and did not cross it.

And looking at the vitality fluctuations in his body, it is already exhausted. Obviously, the old Holy Master also intends to erupt one last time to solve the great trouble of this Holy Land.

"no need……"

The emaciated old Holy Master shook his head, walked into the middle of the formation,

At his point, there is nothing to use, even the god of prolonging life, it is useless to him,

Any kind of fetish, as long as it is used once, the effect will drop sharply,

It's like, originally a divine item that can prolong life by one hundred years, but if you take it for the second time, you can only prolong your life by fifty years at most, and the effect of taking it for the third time can prolong life by twenty years is already the limit.

And he can live for more than 13,000 years, and there are no gods that have not been used, and the effect is even more negligible, useless,

"Old Holy Master, this is a qi flower."

Lord Batian quickly explained, and handed the box to the old Lord again,


This time, the old Holy Master's face with only a piece of fleshy skin showed a touch of emotion, and he stretched out a pair of palms with only bones left to take the jade box,

and open directly,

Inside, there is a qi flower in the shape of a plum blossom and a ring,

"This is an item for taking Qihua..."

Lord Batian explained,

"It seems that all of this is predestined, Jie Jie..."

The old Holy Master didn't hesitate, and directly swallowed the Qihua and the items in the ring. After a while, his body with only a layer of fleshy skin swelled slightly, and the face that looked like a skeleton also appeared. some blood,

Seeing all this in Feng Hao's eyes, he was filled with regret in his heart, his guts were full of remorse,

Isn't this sending charcoal to the enemy in the snow?

He wanted to ask Jiang Feng to leave, but after seeing Jiang Feng's evil eyes, he knew that this was absolutely impossible.

At the beginning, the old holy master of the Batian Holy Land was his genocide enemy and the one he wanted to kill the most. Now that the enemy meets, how can he give up this opportunity for revenge?

"Old man, I must kill you and avenge my Jiang family sons."

Jiang Feng's eyes were bloodshot, and his hair was flowing. If he were a madman, he stood there, shouting loudly, and his body was full of aura. Even Feng Hou, who was protected by him, was unstable. ups and downs,

At this time, after the old Holy Lord of Batian Holy Land took Qihua, he took the place of Batian Holy Lord in the middle of the formation, re-sacrificed the Batian God Tower, and the sunken eyes suddenly disappeared. A bright light burst out, like two rounds of scorching sun, burning fiercely,

"Jiang Feng, I will definitely kill you today."

A hoarse and cold voice came out of his mouth. Although the voice was not loud, it spread thousands of miles away, and those bystanders in the distance could hear it clearly.


Jiang Feng attacked again and again, but they were all blocked by the fairy gate. Those two big characters were like a holy god, sheltering Batian Holy Land. His attacks could not penetrate in at all, and he could only be beaten status,

Naturally, Feng Hao also noticed this, and frowned deeply,

This is not good, Batian Holy Land can grind Jiang Feng to death,

"Mr. Jiang, later we will work together to blast open the fairy gate. Then, I will defend against the attack of Batianshen Tower. You can take revenge, but my assistance can only last for three minutes."

His voice rang directly in Jiang Feng's mind, causing the red light in Jiang Feng's eyes to stagnate slightly,


During another bombardment, Jiang Feng was blown away, and the divine lion beside him also dimmed a lot.

The old Holy Lord of the Batian Holy Land presided over the Batian God Tower, and his power surpassed the Batian Holy Lord by a large arc. Jiang Feng could only resist and suffered a big loss.

"It's now."

Feng Hao's eyes were coated with a layer of dark gray, he pressed his hands on the small black box, and opened it directly,


The giant beast with the head of a dragon and the body of a tiger condensed into shape, raised its head to the sky and howled, and was so fierce that it turned out to be Jiang Feng who did not stand aside at all. On the contrary, there was a faint tendency to overpower it.

And this is still to the extent that the small black box is only half opened, what will happen if it is fully opened, it is hard to predict,

Almost everyone was stunned by the appearance of this giant beast, including Jiang Feng and the old Holy Lord of Batian Holy Land, all stared at this giant beast with shocking eyes,


And just as their expressions froze, the giant beast raised its forefoot, blasted out like lightning, and stepped directly on the fairy gate not far away. Suddenly, with a loud shock, everyone could see that the original On the two dazzling big characters, there were actually black cracks, and the light quickly dimmed.

Then, a flash of anger flashed in the giant beast's eyes like black holes, and it shot again...


With a crisp sound, the two big characters of ancient rhyme shattered, and then, the whole fairy gate burst open under the eyes of many astonished people, and all the surrounding powerhouses who dominated the Holy Land were thrown out. For the weakness of the direct tragic death on the spot, being strangled into a rain of blood,

This scene was extremely shocking, the gate of Batian Holy Land was blasted open for the first time since it was established,

Relying on this gate and the pseudo-supreme divine weapon in his hands, Batian Holy Land has resisted many powerful enemies, but at this moment, under the feet of this unknown giant beast, it is extremely fragile, but it is just a random two. When the foot falls, it has come to an end,

These two feet undoubtedly crushed the confidence of all those who dominated the Holy Land.

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