Martial Inverse

Chapter 1589: Surrender

Chapter 1589 Surrender

Every beauty in the cabinet of Chunfeng Pavilion, apart from their beauty, puts their vision first. As the number one beauty in Chunfeng Pavilion, Chunchun is not only her appearance or temperament, but also her vision. past her,

As the owner of the Spring Breeze Pavilion, it is impossible for her to be unaware of this point. However, Chunchun gave up all the favored sons of heaven who admired her like stars, and chose this person with no background and ordinary talent. It shows that this person must have something to learn,

However, afterwards, the owner of the Spring Wind Pavilion conducted a series of investigations on Feng Hao, but found that there was no clue at all. His first official appearance was in Dongding City. However, because Huangfu Wushuang and Ba Tian Shengzi's abnormal reaction, she suspected that Fenghao might be related to Xianfu, but she couldn't be sure,

In this way, she let the spring go. However, she didn't pay too much attention to a person who didn't have a big background.

After all, so what if she got the Immortal Mansion, if others don’t know, does it mean that she still doesn’t know? There is no one in this world who can become an emperor. Will the future successor of the power be strong?

Therefore, even after learning about the conflict between Feng Hao and Batian Holy Land, she did not express anything, it can be said that she almost gave up,

Although it's a pity, she will never offend the overlord of the Eastern Territory, Batian Holy Land, just because of spring.

However, what happened afterwards was completely beyond her expectations, and she also underestimated the power of the giant beast,

To be exact, if Feng Hao and Jiang Feng hadn't gone to Batian Holy Land to make such a fuss, no one would have been able to locate the realm of this giant beast.

Faintly, she regretted a little, and seemed to see Feng Hao's difference, but it was already too late,

As the person in charge of Chunfeng Pavilion, she knows too much about the world, and if she wants to make friends with someone, she must do so when he is in trouble, not after he is prosperous.

It's difficult to see the truth, she knows that it is impossible to make friends with Feng Hao,

"Spring, what else do you see in him?"

She closed her eyes and rubbed the center of her eyebrows slightly with two fingers,

In Dongding City, when Fenghao fell into a desperate situation, only Chunchun stepped forward...

"Go and tell Spring that she can do whatever she wants in the future.


The owner of the Spring Breeze Pavilion did not open his eyes, and said in a faint voice,


A voice resounded in a dark corner of the room, and with a soft sound, the curtains fluttered slightly, as if a gust of wind blew through the window and disappeared without a trace.


Huangfu Wushuang naturally also heard the news, and immediately, her brows frowned into the word 'ji',

"That giant beast..."

She was already doubting Feng Hao's origin in her heart, her eyes flickered even more,

More than a year ago, if it wasn't for following the way of the Immortal Mansion, she would never have been restrained by Feng Hao. However, in just one year, this person she could easily suppress has transformed into a person who can Defeated the powerhouse of the first level of Batian Shengzi,

Moreover, in his hands is the terrifying and extraordinary giant beast,

If he had such a terrifying giant beast at that time, as long as he showed it, how could he not be able to get out of the encirclement of Batian Holy Land?

Therefore, she suspected that the giant beast was the help Feng Hao had received within this year,

And the only thing that can change all this is Xianfu,

This is the most peculiar magic weapon in the world. It is born with heaven, but it is different from ordinary magic weapons. It seems that it can perceive some subtle changes in the world, so every time it appears, it is before the prosperous age.

Perhaps, it was for the purpose of choosing the master, but under the circumstances that the supreme being could not subdue it, no one would force the Immortal Mansion,

"Is there a great prosperity coming, who can become an emperor, who can become a god... maybe, the supreme position."

Huangfu Wushuang murmured, her eyes sparkled with splendor, she seemed to have seen a prosperous age like the ancient times before her eyes,

On this day, she left Huangfu's family and the Eastern Region. No one knew where she went.


Among the endless mountains, two figures flashed across like shooting stars, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

"Passing here, it's Zhongyu."

Feng Hao stood on a top of a mountain, looking at the endless plain in the distance, exhaled slowly,

Although the Batian Holy Lord and Batian Holy Son were not killed this time, after this deterrence, the Batian Holy Land will never dare to make trouble.

And at this time, the person who should be afraid of is the Batian Holy Land,

"This time, Jiang thanked his benefactor again. If it wasn't for his benefactor, Jiang's family would have been hard to avenge."

Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, Jiang Feng was filled with emotion, and thanked Feng Hao gratefully.

He never dreamed that he would have a day to kill his enemies, and if it wasn't for Feng Hao's help, he would also suffer a big loss this time.

At first, I thought I was taking Feng Hao to vent my anger, but in the end, I benefited from it.

"Where is the old man Jiang? If it weren't for you, I'm afraid the kid wouldn't be alive today."

Feng Hao avoided him with a salute, and said with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth,

He really didn't expect the little ball to be so fierce, even the Supreme God Weapon, it's too strong, this guy is really omnipotent sometimes,

However, after that confrontation with the Supreme Divine Soldier, Xiao Qiuqiu was not easy. It has been seven days now, but he still hasn't woken up, and has been in a deep sleep.

He has been a little worried, whether this will bring some negative influence to this guy in the future,

However, he can't communicate with this guy at all, so he can only give up,

"My life, Jiang Feng, will belong to your benefactor from now on."

Seeing Feng Hao like this, Jiang Feng abruptly knelt down on one foot, right on top of this peak, expressing his submission to a young man who was only the beginning of the Great Sage,

He was very clear about his situation at that time, even if the top forces possessed Qiguo, they would never give it to him, and Feng Hao undoubtedly gave him life, and now he has once again received the great revenge of his kindness, the heart in his heart The hatred has dissipated, where to go, no direction, it is better to follow this promising genius, maybe he can do something in the future,

"Master Jiang doesn't need to do this..."

Feng Hao avoided the front, but he couldn't help him no matter what, Jiang Feng was like a mountain, weighing ten thousand jun,

"Don't benefactors look down on me, Jiang Feng?"

Jiang Feng is very stubborn and has made up his mind to follow Feng Hao.

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