Martial Inverse

Chapter 1594: From the Human Race

Chapter 1594 From Human Race

The ancient city of Baizu is the center of the entire Penglai world. Naturally, not only people from the various races of the Baizu continent, but also many people from the Penglai world. Many top forces even occupy a place in the ancient city of Baizu.

This point, the Hundred Clans can't stop it, it's okay to compete against a top force, but in the face of this situation, as long as the other party doesn't enter the Hundred Clans Tower to make trouble, it can still be tolerated,

In order not to go to war, the major top forces will generally choose to shout outside the Hundred Clans Tower and will not force them inside. However, if this is the case, you still need to go through many inquiries to enter the Hundred Clans Tower.

"I'm from the Hundred Clans Continent."

With a slight smile, Feng Hao said calmly,


Hearing what Feng Hao said, surprise flashed in the eyes of the four people,

Judging from their cultivation base, Feng Hao is already in the realm of the Great Sage, but Feng Hao's age is too young, so young that they can't imagine,

"How old are you."

One of the men couldn't help but blurted out and asked,


Feng Hao frowned slightly, and then said, "It's already twenty-four."

He entered the Pagoda of Hundred Clans, but he wanted to stand up for the human race. If he wanted the rise of the human race, he could not keep a low profile.

Although it is very likely that he will suffer many attacks and killings, he believes that it is not that simple for anyone to take his own life in the Pagoda of Hundred Clans.

"Twenty-four years old."

Hearing this result, the four of them couldn't help taking a breath, and a flash of shock and horror flashed in their eyes.

They have been in the ancient city of hundreds of clans for a long time, and they have a little understanding of the world of Penglai, especially those of the top powers. They have also heard many rumors, including, basically, as long as they go out for a walk The core disciples, all of them will be promoted to the realm of the great sage within the age of thirty,

Doesn't that mean that the person in front of him can compare to the top-notch Chosen Son of Heaven?

This is absolutely impossible. The background of the top forces is beyond the imagination and comparison of the Hundred Clans Continent.

On the Continent of Hundred Clans, those who can step into the realm of the great sage within a hundred years are already geniuses among geniuses, and will be regarded as treasures by all major races, and those who can advance to the realm of the great sage within the age of thirty, have Might that race let him come alone,

After a brief shock, the four of them looked at each other, and one of them asked Feng Hao, "Which race are you from?"

"Human race."

Feng Hao, who has decided to make a high profile, did not hide it,

"Human race."

After the four were slightly stunned, their expressions turned cold, as if they understood something,

"Leave quickly and enter the Hundred Clans Tower to make trouble, that will be the enemy of our Hundred Clans."

The scolding made Feng Hao stunned. After thinking for a while, he seemed to understand that the four people in front of him might have misunderstood him as someone who entered the Pagoda of Hundred Clans to make trouble.

The human race, among all races, is synonymous with cowardice. If you say that you are from the human race, it is indeed difficult to win their trust, and your identity and strength have not been announced by the human race.

"Brother Hao."

Just when he was about to explain, a pleasant voice came from a distance, Feng Hao looked sideways, and saw the beautiful and somewhat bewitching Le Tian, ​​who was walking towards here with a playful smile on his face. come slowly

And because of Le Tian's arrival, the faces of the four guards at the entrance of the Baizu Pagoda also became colder, guarding against Feng Hao very badly,

They already believed that Feng Hao was here to make trouble,

"Hey, I got stopped."

Le Tian seemed to have expected that Feng Hao would come to the Pagoda of Hundred Clans. At this time, after seeing Feng Hao being stopped, his face was full of gloating smiles.

In fact, he was very clear about the rumors after Feng Hao. Except for the giant beast, everything else was within his expectations.

But at this time, he was very curious about the giant beast, his eyes were as bright as a galaxy outside the domain, and he scanned Feng Hao, as if he wanted to find some clues.

After many searches, he found the small black box, but soon, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze,

Because, relying on his real eyes, he couldn't detect the reality of this little black box. It was pitch black inside, and he couldn't see anything clearly. This made him look astonished for the first time,

With this pair of real eyes, there are not many things in this world that he can't see through, and there are not many sincere hearts. From this point of view, now he has to add one more,


Feng Hao snorted angrily, ignored him, and then with a wry smile on his lips, he begged the four men, "Please four big brothers, please inform the person in charge of the human race, just say, Feng Hao, a student from the Emperor's Mansion, ask to see."

"Chi Chi,..."

In order to prove that he is from the human race, he stretched out a palm, and with a thought, there were silvery white arcs around his fingers,

"Lightning attribute."

The four originally thought that Feng Hao was shielding his aura with strange treasures, and then made a false appearance, but they didn't expect that he really had a physique of the Leiji attribute.

This is indeed owned by the human race. After a little hesitation, after Feng Hao handed each of them ten pieces of origin stones, one of them went in to report.

Forty origin stones were wasted for nothing,

Although heartbroken, Feng Hao decided in his heart that after entering the Pagoda of Hundred Clans, he would snatch more rooms and then charge a high price, and he must make money back.

"Look at what."

Being stared at by Letian, Feng Haoda felt uncomfortable and a little speechless,

This guy has an unpredictable personality and is indeed a difficult person to get along with.

"That thing, where did you come from?"

Le Tian became interested, and pestered Feng Hao to ask,

"I picked it up."

Feng Hao replied casually,

He wasn't sure if this guy could see through the reality of the small black box, but he had already exposed enough in front of this guy, and this was fine. Moreover, he also felt that although Le Tian had a weird personality, It's a little bit, but people are still good, and they don't have any intention of harming others.

"Hmph, a lie."

Le Tian glared at Feng Hao, the reproachful look made the corners of Feng Hao's mouth twitch,

No matter how he looked at the guy in front of him, he looked like a little woman, which was really weird.

This kind of thought made the skin on his hands goose bumps,

"Something happened."

Feng Hao didn't look at him, but asked,

"A little thing."

Le Tian restrained his emotions, then took out a jade pendant, handed it directly to Feng Hao, and then said, "After I crush this jade pendant, you will come out from the Pagoda of Hundred Clans to meet me, if you dare If you don't come, then I will definitely let all your secrets be announced to the world, hehe..."

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