Martial Inverse

Chapter 1613 Too Much Deception

Chapter 1613 Deceiving people too much The ninth city has as many races as a cow's hair, and the human race is inconspicuous. However, because the overlord of the ninth city, the Tianhai clan, does not have much malice towards the human race, it is possible to be in this city However, the status is extremely pitiful, even a small race like the Hetian clan has more rooms than the human race. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)

Naturally, the credit of certain races is indispensable. If it wasn't for their deliberate crowding out, with the strength of the human race, they would definitely not have fallen to this point.

The race that was originally so high that they looked up to has fallen from that peak. Every race wants to step on it, and then fall into the abyss, never to turn over!

Most races may not be the culprits, but there are suspicions of contributing to the flames.

"Master, which race is suppressing the human race behind the scenes?"

From Fen Lao's words, Feng Hao heard some clues, and asked in a deep voice.

Obviously, even if the three major gods disappeared, the human race could not have fallen in that short period of time. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and has the prestige of the three great gods. How can ordinary races dare to provoke this giant? Therefore, among them, there must be a powerful race supporting them!

"The sixth-ranked Mangyan Empire, and the current top ten... Wuling Clan!"

Since ancient times, the top ten have not changed much. After all, the background is all there. () The Mangyan clan in the top six, needless to say, the human race has already threatened their status by virtue of the power of the three god-lords, and there have been many bloody conflicts. After the Great God Lord disappeared, the Mangyan clan fell into trouble, and in one fell swoop, the human race fell out of the top ten.

As for the Wuling clan, in fact, the top seven positions originally belonged to the Wuling clan, and because of the conflict with the three major gods, the strength of the Wuling clan was greatly reduced, and many tyrannical bloodlines were even wiped out, so now, It hangs at the end of the top ten, and it has been vacillating. Therefore, there is absolutely no race that hates the human race more deeply than the Wuling race!

It's just that the Wuling Clan, who have experienced the suffering of the human race, also understands that there are three great masters behind the human race, and even the legendary ancient gods exist!

That is an ancient divine weapon, once it is sacrificed, it will destroy the world and destroy everything, even if it is the Supreme, it will have to give up three points!

This made the Wuling tribe deeply jealous, so although they did not oppose the human race on the surface, they secretly used tricks and even encouraged many races that had a grudge against the human race to provoke the human race. The prestige of the human race was greatly lost.

"Another Wuling clan?"

Feng Hao frowned slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He didn't have a good impression of the Wuling Clan. No matter what happened in the source world or in Xuanmingtian's cave, everything the Wuling Clan did made him deeply disgusted. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

However, since the Wuling Clan has climbed back to the top ten position, it seems that after so many years of recuperation, the background has almost recovered.

"The Kouri tribe you met when you entered the Pagoda of Hundred Clans is one of the lackeys of the Wuling tribe."

Because the strength of the human race has been weakened again and again, many things that originally needed to be hidden have been put on the surface. They are no longer afraid of the powerful human race back then!

"The Kouri clan!"

An astonishing evil spirit rose from Feng Hao, "Master, since this Wuling clan is in the top ten, which city does he occupy?"

"Tenth City!"

Feng Hao silently remembers this, and at the same time takes this as his goal.

Although the current Feng Hao is still unable to destroy a race, he still has the ability to drive the Wu Ling clan out of the city and make him lose face.

While thinking about it, the Ninth City was already in front of him, and Feng Hao landed about a mile away, and then walked into the city without haste. Then,

According to Fen Lao's guidance, he walked towards the location of the Human Emperor's Mansion.

Although it is a mansion outside, within the Pagoda of Hundred Clans, the Human Emperor's Mansion owns very little land. Even the Nandou Mansion and Poison God's Mansion on the side are located, and the area is larger than the courtyard of the Human Emperor's Mansion. many.

It can be seen from this that the comprehensive strength of the Human Emperor's Mansion is still below these two mansions.

However, looking at the plaque of Nandou Mansion that was hung a head higher than the Emperor's Mansion, Feng Hao had the urge to smash it into pieces.

After the new Grand Competition of Shengtian Academy, this Nandoufu actually resorted to the most indiscriminate tricks, which directly made Feng Hao dislike him at all. Moreover, as far as this move is concerned, it is also a provocation to the Emperor's Mansion!

Resisting the impulse in his heart, Feng Hao let out a mouthful of turbid air, and then walked towards the Human Emperor's Mansion. After showing the identity jade pendant of Shengtian Academy, he was not stopped and walked in directly.

"Nandou Mansion is simply deceiving people too much. It is a waste of money to say that a room is given to my Emperor's Mansion. Is this trying to force my Mansion to a dead end?!"

Walking in the courtyard, from a distance, an angry voice came to his ears.

At this moment, in the meeting hall in the middle of the compound of the Human Emperor's Mansion, sitting are the three strongest men of the Human Emperor's Mansion who are currently on the first floor of the Hundred Clans Tower. However, at this time, their faces were all a bit ugly, and one of them, a strong man with a full face and side beard, seemed to have a rather violent temper, and he almost threw the table over.

Of course, what he cares about is not the ownership of that room, it is related to the face of the Imperial Mansion, if he can't even own a room, wouldn't the Imperial Mansion be excluded from the peak level of the human race?

It seems that this Nandou Mansion has done a lot to replace the Human Emperor's Mansion. Even in the Pagoda of Hundred Clans, it is fighting against the Human Emperor's Mansion everywhere. Both open and dark come here, and they want to squeeze the Human Emperor's Mansion out of power. .

"I can't take it anymore, those bastards are too bullying, I'm going to smash his Nandou Mansion right now!"

Even the strong man Hu seemed to get more and more angry when he thought about it, and when he slapped the table, his whole body was full of evil spirits, and he wanted to rush out.

"Thank you brother, don't be impulsive."

Among the three, the man who looked like a think tank stopped him.

The provocation between the two sides is provocation, but it has not reached the point where it is obvious to use swords and guns. If there is such a disturbance, wouldn't Nandoufu have a reason to go to war?

Even if the strength of the Human Emperor's Mansion is superior, the human race will be the ones who will lose out after all the shopping!

"Don't worry, Elder Xue Luo sent me a letter, saying that a big help has come, and there will be a turnaround at that time."

The man sighed softly in his heart, but he still had to persuade this fiery bull.

"What kind of bullshit help? Could it be that he can overthrow Nandou Mansion by himself?!"

Even the bearded man stared at him, and his anger flared up again.

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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