Martial Inverse

Chapter 1659: Only One Choice

Chapter 1659 It is impossible to predict how powerful the Mangyan Clan is the only choice, because the Mangyan Clan has occupied a formation eye in the Hundred Clans Tower for too long. There are naturally countless nuclei, which are completely beyond the imagination and comparison of ordinary races, and these spiritual nuclei can naturally cultivate many strong men for the Mangyan clan!

The so-called strong is getting stronger and the weak is getting weaker, that's how it came about, because the strong always occupy the best resources, so naturally they can prosper forever!

Therefore, no one in the Mangyan clan that is facing him at this time can feel relaxed. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

At this time, in the meeting hall, only Gongsun Jing was able to maintain his composure. It seemed that the Mangyan clan was nothing more than floating clouds in his eyes.

Xueyan sat beside Yan Qing, her eyes stayed on Gongsun Jing for a long time, her eyes flickered with a little strange light, she seemed to want to calculate something, but because she was in the Pagoda of Hundred Clans, she couldn't know What, just from Gongsunjing's demeanor and handling of things, she could tell that this young man was very extraordinary, and he was a person who did great things!

"Actually, it's very easy to deal with the Mangyan clan."

There was a relaxed smile on the corner of Gongsun Jing's mouth, and he was not under pressure because the other party was a top six race, on the contrary, he was very confident.

"Oh. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)"

Hearing what he said, Feng Hao's eyes lit up, full of anticipation.

A person from a family with the most intelligent minds in the world would naturally not talk nonsense. He believed that Gongsun Jing must have a way to deal with the Mangyan clan!

"Say it quickly, don't be tricky!"

Long Yueguan, who couldn't sit still, was not so polite, and urged Gongsun Jing.

"Each formation eye is indeed able to generate more tower spirits, and even high-level tower spirits emerge in endlessly, but because of this, the area where the formation eye is located is also the most dangerous place in the Pagoda of Hundred Clans; Although the Mangyan Clan blocked a formation eye area, in fact, this does not mean that the Mangyan Clan will be able to sweep the formation eye area!"

Gongsun Jing spoke unhurriedly, with a symbolic and unpredictable arc still on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Sun Jing means..."

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he understood what Gongsun Jing wanted to express.

Indeed, everyone knows that the six eye areas on each floor of the Pagoda of Hundred Clans are the areas where tower spirits are most likely to be derived, and there are countless high-level tower spirits!

However, is Taling really that easy to deal with? !

Ordinary pagoda spirits are equivalent to the strength of the second rank, low-grade pagoda spirits are equivalent to the strength of the third rank, middle-grade pagoda spirits are equivalent to the fourth rank, and high-rank pagoda spirits are equivalent to the fifth rank. (I want to update Fengtian as soon as possible) Is it so easy to deal with a tower spirit with such extraordinary strength? And still in groups!

Therefore, even if the Mangyan clan blocked a formation eye, the scope of their activities should be very limited, and there should still be a certain restricted area!

For example, the super-grade pagoda spirit whose ability is equivalent to the seventh rank and the super-grade pagoda spirit equivalent to the ninth rank are definitely the real overlords in the Pagoda of Hundred Clans, especially the super-grade pagoda spirit. Who can do anything about it? !

After endless years, I dare not say about other places, but, where the eye of the formation is, is there no existence of the super-grade pagoda spirit? And who dares to break into the region with super-grade pagoda spirit?

"This is the distribution map of the array eyes occupied by the Mangyan clan."

Gongsun Jing took out a scroll and handed it to Feng Hao.

Feng Hao took the scroll, opened it directly, and found that what was described on this scroll was a map. On this map, circles of different sizes were drawn in black and red. After just a quick glance, Feng Hao understood what these circled areas represented.

"The red pen area is the area of ​​super-grade pagoda spirits, and the black pen area is the area with a top-grade pagoda spirit or above.

As long as those places are in chaos, the Mangyan clan will be overwhelmed, and at the same time, they will send a large number of strong men to maintain stability! "

Gongsun Jing spoke very easily, although he didn't click on all of them, but Feng Hao understood what to do.

This matter is simple and easy to do, but if it is difficult, it is not something ordinary people can do. You know, those areas with circles have at least the existence of top-grade pagoda spirits, even super-grade ones. If ordinary people go deep into them, they will only have a dead end. How can they disrupt the situation?

If you want to mess it up, you must go deep into these regions, provoke the king inside, and the most important thing is to be able to come out alive, otherwise, the messing effect will not be achieved.

This is also the reason why those big races who occupy the front line can sit back and relax. Those places are restricted areas for them, how can others break in?

"In that kind of place, if my old dragon goes in, there will be no bones left. Only Boy Feng, Leng Yusen, and After Shadow can do this kind of thing."

Hearing what he said, Long Yueguan felt chilly all over. Although his strength at this time is quite extraordinary, but when he thinks of the hordes of top-grade tower spirits and super-grade tower spirits, he softens very spinelessly.

"It's not too late, brother Dongfang, please go to Shura Mansion to contact Jiuyou Mansion."

Feng Hao, who didn't want to waste too much time in the Pagoda of Hundred Clans, didn't talk too much, so he said to Dongfang Xuan who was beside him.


Dongfang Xuan stood up straight away and walked outside.

Soon, the people in charge of Shura Mansion and Jiuyou Mansion came to the conference hall. After hearing the overall plan, they were all silent and unable to answer.

"Be patient and inform them, if they agree, then choose to go to the formation where the Mangyan clan is located tomorrow, and the army will be fully mobilized by Sun Jing, how about it?"

Feng Hao didn't embarrass them either, and asked suggestively.

He believed that After Shadow and Leng Yusen would not want to waste too much time in the Pagoda of Hundred Clans, and if they wanted to obtain more spiritual cores, they had to go this way!

Although it is not wise to offend the Mangyan clan, but compared to provoking the top five behemoths, this is the only choice.

To Feng Hao's surprise, After Shadow and Leng Yusen both agreed. Although they are not interested in Fenghao, and they can't say they have any good feelings, but this is definitely not a time for civil strife. If there is a turmoil, they may not even be able to defend the tenth city!

Then, Feng Hao, After Shadow, and Leng Yusen took the lead to go to the eye area where the Mangyan clan was located, while Qiong Ling'er, Yan Qing, Xie Yandong and others all stayed in the tenth city, obeying Gongsun Jing's orders, Waiting for the time to come.

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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