Martial Inverse

Chapter 1700 Reappearance

Chapter 1700 Reappearance After having the previous experience, Feng Hao and the others were naturally much more proficient at the second time. Along the way, they got rid of the spies following them, and a day later, they came to the second restricted area. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

"When will you do it?"

Seeing that Feng Hao still had no intention of doing anything, Xie Yandong who was at the side couldn't help asking.

"It's still early, and the time is not right now."

Looking at the dusk sky, Feng Hao pursed his lips, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

The super-grade pagoda spirit has initially possessed spiritual intelligence. If the poison is diffused in the form of mist, I am afraid that the super-grade pagoda spirit will not foolishly drill into it.

It can be seen from the fact that it knows how to avoid Xiao Qingmeng's attack.

Then, the only way to poison it is to infuse the poison into the morning mist. Only in this way can it get rid of the pursuit of the super tower spirit!

Therefore, Feng Hao is not in a hurry now, and has been waiting for the right time.

Xiao Qingmeng also turned her head sideways, looked at him with a smile, and said nothing.

Although Xie Yandong and the others don't understand what the time has not come, they believe that Feng Hao must have his reasons for doing so, so they waited patiently in place.

In the middle of the night, Feng Hao stood up and said to Xiao Qingmeng, "It's almost time to act. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)"

This time, it really went much smoother. Although it was a bit thrilling, neither of them was injured.

The main reason was to lure these pagoda spirits away from this area, so they dragged on until about an hour later, Feng Hao and Xiao Qingmeng fled into an area filled with morning mist, without any Unexpectedly, the super-grade pagoda spirit who only possessed preliminary intelligence was hit, and then Feng Hao and the two quickly fled.

Same as last time, once the super-grade tower spirit was poisoned, it lost the motivation to chase down and kept tossing around in place, as if it was very afraid that the poison would cause damage to itself.

So this time, when Xie Yandong and the others arrived at the agreed place, they saw that Feng Hao and Xiao Qingmeng had been waiting for them there for a long time.


In the Sixth City, in the compound of the Mangyan Clan...

At this moment, an old man in his fifties or sixties was reporting something to a man who looked very young. Perhaps because it was bad news, the young man frowned slightly.

After the old man finished his report, the young man turned around, the sun shining on his face through the window, revealing a somewhat hazy and pale face.

This person is none other than the person in charge of the Mangyan clan that appeared on the first floor. Looking at the situation now, maybe even in this seventh floor, his identity is also equivalent to the person in charge. ()

It can be seen that he also has a good status in the Mangyan clan.

"You mean, the person sent out this time was killed again?"

He frowned a little, and his face looked a little cold.

Since the incident on the first floor, the monitoring of Feng Hao and his group has never stopped, but they couldn't find a suitable opportunity.

It was also because of the surveillance at the previous level that he vaguely deduced something.

The human race is not a big and powerful race like the Mangyan clan. Basically, it can be said that there is no spiritual core storage at all. In fact, except for the top ten big races and some rather tyrannical races, basically no race will store it. spirit core.

First, the spiritual core is a consumable, and everyone needs it; second, if the news of storing the spiritual core is spread, it is likely to attract the attention of some people with ulterior motives.

After all, for many people, dealing with people is much better than dealing with Ta Ling.

However, Feng Hao and others only took a few days to collect spiritual cores from the first floor to the sixth floor, which naturally aroused his suspicion.

After Feng Hao and his group retreated, he sent someone to check the area of ​​the formation eye of the human race. The result naturally surprised him.

Almost can't believe it.

In just a few days, all the restricted areas in the eye area of ​​the Terran Formation were cleared except for the existence of Super Pin Tower Spirit!

This was unacceptable news, even for him who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, he couldn't accept this fact very much.

However, after he visited the first to sixth floors in person, he had to accept this fact.

Obviously, there is a powerful figure hidden in the human race!

This is calculated by him, because even if it is Feng Hao, or After Shadow, Leng Yusen, the three of them work together and add the human army, it is very likely that they can clear the restricted area, but it is absolutely impossible in such a short period of time. Do it in time!

Moreover, the most important thing is that there is no sign of the human army being mobilized.

Various situations indicate that this should be something that a team or an individual can do.

This made the soles of his feet feel cold, and he even felt terrified!

If someone could really do this kind of thing, how terrifying would his strength be? !

He couldn't imagine that there was no record in the historical records of the human race that was more tyrannical than the bodies of the three great gods.

Then, he had some doubts, whether other races were secretly contacting the human race. However, it undoubtedly disappointed him. He didn't see any race in the top ten that was very close to the human race.

Therefore, it can only be explained that an unknown strong enemy has appeared in the human race again!

This is the reason why Rang's reckless Yan clan has never dared to act rashly, and it is his intention to even give in everywhere.

He didn't want to be an enemy of this kind of unknown powerhouse. Simply put, he was afraid of death!

"Yes my lord."

The old man's cheeks were dripping with sweat, and he didn't dare to lift his head, as if he was afraid of this young man.

"It seems that they are clearing the restricted area again..."

The young man couldn't help but sighed softly, turned around, looked at the wall hiding in the shadows in front of him, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

In the restricted area on the seventh floor, there are super-grade pagoda spirits, and, not long ago, there was a news that the camp of the Wuling clan was attacked by super-grade pagoda spirits!

After investigation, the restricted area closest to the Wu Ling clan camp was basically emptied. There was originally a five-figure restricted area, but there were only one or two thousand tower spirits left. Moreover, there are traces on the ground, obviously someone deliberately led the tower spirit to the camp of the Wuling tribe!

Just thinking about it made his scalp tingle.

It's very simple, even if it's him, he doesn't have the confidence to face a super-grade pagoda spirit. After encountering it, there is basically no way out!

He believed that this was definitely not done by the Wuling Clan. Then, there is only one possibility. Someone framed the Wuling Clan and got rid of them after borrowing the Super Grade Tower Spirit!

Although there was no evidence, the first thing he thought of was Feng Hao and the others!

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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