Martial Inverse

Chapter 1711 Long time no see

Chapter 1711 Long time no see "Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, deafening explosions resounded in the originally quiet mountains and fields. The space was undulating like waves, and strong winds howled. It is a circle, with a bare piece inside and horizontal grooves everywhere. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)

The more he attacked, the more frightened, even terrified the old man became.

He never thought that someone could be so powerful that he ignored his attack!

That's right, just ignoring it, the opponent didn't show any signs of attack, but all his attacks were blocked, and he couldn't even lift the corner of the opponent's clothes.

"This is impossible, how is this possible!"

The old man shook his head and murmured continuously. He lost his composure and was in a state of chaos.

This may also be the first time he has been so flustered and helpless since reaching the peak of the holy rank...

With his cultivation base and age, he can be said to be very familiar with the strength of all levels. And what happened in front of him, he could feel that this is definitely not something that the peak of the holy rank can do.

"Could it be..."

After thinking of a certain possibility, the old man couldn't help taking a deep breath, and immediately stopped his attack, looking at the middle-aged man in front of his target with a shocked face, A difficult voice came out of his mouth, "Half-step emperor?!"

"Really insightful. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)"

Feng Hao didn't open his mouth, but Le Tian at the side praised him, there was no pity in his eyes.

"it turns out……"

Hearing these words, the old man's body trembled involuntarily, and when he looked at Feng Hao again, his eyes were different, and there was even more sadness in the depths of his eyes.

The half-step emperor, in this world where there is no emperor, is definitely the limit of the world, no one can break through the eternal curse and break through the emperor realm!

And his target actually got acquainted with such a strong man, and if he continued to fight against him, what benefits would his race gain?

He seems to have seen the destruction!


Leaving a long sigh, the energy mechanism in his body became chaotic, and became more irritable, and the surrounding atmosphere also became a little different.


Jiang Feng snorted slightly, but without making a move, a mighty momentum that seemed to be able to crush the world rolled out, crushing the old man of the Mangyan clan into pieces, turning it into a puddle of blood rain It spilled down. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)

It is also not easy to explode in front of a half-step emperor like him.

"Master Jiang, long time no see."

Le Tian smiled and greeted Jiang Feng standing in front of Feng Hao, as if they were very familiar.

Obviously, after more than 70 years of precipitation, Jiang Feng's realm has been completely stabilized, and he is a real half-step emperor who looks down on the world!

"Lotus boy."

Just glanced at Le Tian, ​​Jiang Feng couldn't help flashing a special light in his eyes, and greeted him politely.

Although he still doesn't know the true identity of Letian, the growth rate of Letian and his own strength are enough for him to take it seriously.

As far as he knows, it seems that there are not many of the proud sons of this generation who have broken through to the peak of the holy rank. And Lotte, although not well-known, is ahead of this generation of heaven's favored ones.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he felt that Le Tian's identity was a bit unusual, it seemed that he was not, as the rumors said, a core child of a certain top force.

In the end, he and Feng Hao looked at each other and nodded slightly to each other, which was regarded as a greeting, and then the three of them continued on their way.

Along the way, led by the half-step emperor Jiang Feng, their speed was naturally not comparable to before.

"Mr. Jiang, when did you come to the ancient city of hundreds of clans?" Looking at Jiang Feng who was getting younger and younger,

Feng Hao couldn't help asking.

In fact, in the ancient city of hundreds of clans, he felt Jiang Feng's existence, but he knew that the Wuling clan and the Mangyan clan would send strong men to intercept and kill him, so he deliberately did not meet Jiang Feng.

Moreover, he also knew that Jiang Feng must have cleared many roadblocks for him along the way, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for the old man to come alone.

"Two years ago." Jiang Feng smiled slightly.

He knew that Feng Hao would definitely come out of the Hundred Clans Tower, so he was already prepared.

The incident in the Domain of Longevity this time is extraordinary, if it were him before, he must have entered it long ago. But now, he is not very interested in such unknown things.

Already in the half-step Great Emperor realm, he can clearly touch the shackles in front of him...

That is impossible to destroy!

Therefore, he does not have much hope for breaking through the Emperor Realm.

"You Lao Jiang is getting old!" Feng Hao said gratefully.

"Let me tell you, you two, don't you feel tired if you're being polite? Why don't you just calm down and think about the realm of longevity, so that you won't be able to live in that region even if you get the magic treasure?" Le Tian said directly interrupted their conversation.

Indeed, the current domain of longevity seems to be calm and peaceful, but in fact, the dark tide is raging, and all major forces are deploying heavy troops in the domain of longevity. Once there is a vision, there will definitely be chaos!

After all, this is a fetish that may be related to longevity, no force can resist this shocking temptation!

Even, the three of them have been able to predict the scene at that time.

It is very possible that even the two giants who have been reclusive in the Penglai world will make a move. At that time, it will definitely be a shock, and there may even be another half-step emperor to make a move!

This is for sure, although it has not been reported, but apart from some tyrannical top forces, among the two giants, there will definitely exist this realm.

After all, there are too many miracles belonging to those two giants. It is even rumored that the first great emperor who appeared in the ancient and prosperous times came from the Xuandao Valley!

Moreover, besides the human race's Nüwa stone, the only three remaining ancient divine weapons in the world are in their hands. Once they are used, they will shock the world!

Thinking of this, even Jiang Feng couldn't help but frown at this time, but after his eyes glanced over Letian, the frown that was originally frowning relaxed.

"When the time comes, I will do my best to send the two of you away." Jiang Feng's voice was not loud, and he did not swear, but he was full of conviction.

A half-step emperor can still do this. After all, if cornered, who would be confident that he would survive if he blew himself up? !

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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