Martial Inverse

Chapter 1718 It's just a small accident

Chapter 1718 It was just a small accident

old lover!

What an ambiguous word that makes people think about it, because of this sentence, many eyes are looking towards Le Tian, ​​and most of them are placed on Feng Hao under the deliberate guidance of Le Tian.

This made Huangfu Wushuang, who was originally somewhat proud of his realm far above Fenghao, his complexion darkened in an instant, his murderous eyes fixed on Le Tian, ​​and his pair of pink fists turned pale.

If possible, she would kill this big mouth without hesitation!

However, she seemed to know Le Tian very well. Although her heart was already filled with anger, she didn't show any signs of coming over to make trouble, but she just turned her eyes elsewhere.

However, her changes in these details were seen in the eyes of the five guardian envoys around her. Immediately, the gazes towards Le Tian and Feng Hao were full of evil.

Only those two men who had seen Feng Hao in Dongding City before, after being slightly startled, there was a look of solemnity on their faces.

The incident in Dongding City also caused a lot of trouble in the Penglai world. After all, there is a series of incidents such as the land of gods, the fairy mansion, and the half-step emperor. Any force must pay attention to it. However, in that incident, in addition to Jiang Feng as the protagonist, Feng Hao's performance was also amazing and cannot be underestimated.

Although that inexplicable and strange giant beast may still have flaws, and it will not appear for too long, but the existence that can compare to the half-step emperor, no one dares to ignore it, otherwise, it will bring great harm to oneself. Doom!

Therefore, the two men did not show hostility towards Feng Hao, but a sigh flashed in their eyes.

That was the only person who moved Huangfu Wushuang. Although they didn't understand why Feng Hao and Huangfu Wushuang had an intersection, there must be some unknown secrets between these two people!

"Hey, you still put the little gift that our little Shuangshuang gave you in the ring? Tsk smells so good!" Le Tian didn't intend to give up on this, said in an exaggerated tone, and wrinkled his nose in enjoyment , as if smelling some charming fragrance, very intoxicated.

This made the corners of the mouths of the two protagonists, Huangfu Wushuang and Feng Hao, twitch fiercely, and Huangfu Wushuang's murderous eyes also swept over in a daze.

If eyes could kill, Le Tian and Feng Hao would already be riddled with holes!

That was the most unacceptable thing for Huangfu Wushuang,

The most embarrassing thing in a woman's house was collected by a man. This caused two blobs of sickly blush to appear on the snow-white pretty face that was originally angry. The pair of towering chests also fluctuated accordingly, feasting the eyes of a certain fat man. Invisibly, the nosebleeds flowed down, and the round eyeballs protruded, as if they might fall off at any time.

"It's too embarrassing!" When Le Tian caught a glimpse of this guy's nosebleed, he kicked him flying without any hesitation, and rolled on the ground howling for more than ten meters before stopping.

"It's so beautiful, it's so perfect, this is the goddess in my mind, the perfect goddess!" Fatty Wei still murmured obsessively even though he was lying in the ruins. A happy smile bloomed on his face, and not long after, that fat face was kicked down again by a shoe print.

"If you embarrass me again, I'll throw you into the basin!" Le Tian stepped on a fat man's face, threatening viciously, "You can try it!"

"But..." Fatty Wei seemed a little stubborn. After Le Tian's foot moved away, he looked at Le Tian with a painful face, wanting to quibble.

"That's his old lover, why are you joining in the fun?" Le Tian glared at him, and an imperceptible playfulness flickered at the corner of his mouth as he spoke.

"Old lover?!" Fatty Wei seemed to have reacted at this time, and suddenly jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, his small eyes were round and round, and he shouted loudly, "Who? Who old lover?!"

He rolled up his sleeves, as if planning to fight for his goddess.

"His!" Le Tian twitched the corner of his lips towards Feng Hao.

After being stunned, Fatty Wei walked towards Feng Hao in big strides, and stopped when he was one meter in front of Feng Hao. See the depths of the soul within.


Feng Hao looked unnatural to him, and he had already scolded Le Tian in his heart.

He felt that choosing to be with Lotte was definitely a mistake!


Just when everyone thought there was going to be internal strife, Fatty Wei threw himself on the ground and shouted loudly, "Men of God, take me as your apprentice!"

"Uh..." His actions made Feng Hao dumbfounded, unable to react, but the trousers were covered with crystal water. He wanted to move, but Fatty Wei was holding onto his trousers tightly, wiping snot and tears on his trousers.

"Brother Wei, get up first and then talk." Unable to break free, the corners of Feng Hao's mouth twitched, and he spoke with some compromise.

"I won't get up if you don't agree!" Fatty Wei shouted arrogantly.

"Okay, I agree!" In order to save his trouser legs, Feng Hao compromised again, with a helpless expression on his face.

There's no way, this fat man's realm is higher than him, and there's nothing he can do for the time being!

"Really?" Fatty Wei raised his head and asked again uncertainly.

"Really." Although he wanted to strangle him, Feng Hao could only nod at this time.

"Then tell me, how did you conquer that goddess?" Fatty Wei asked excitedly after he stood up.

After hearing such a question, Feng Hao clearly noticed dozens of very hostile eyes on him instantly. In a short time, the heart to jump into the basin was there.

If you tell the situation at that time, then Huangfu Wushuang will definitely never die with him!


After hesitating for a while, Feng Hao didn't dare to raise his head to look in Huangfu Wushuang's direction, but said slowly, "Actually, it's very complicated to say, it was just a... small accident."

In fact, as he spoke, Huangfu Wushuang's emotions also fluctuated greatly. Finally, seeing that Feng Hao did not reveal those embarrassing things, she was slightly relieved, turned around, and left quickly.

If she stayed here any longer, she felt that she would definitely go crazy!

"Is it really just an accident?" Fatty Wei glanced at the back of the departing Huangfu Wushuang, squinted his small eyes, and looked directly at Feng Hao, as if he wanted to see through it.

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