Martial Inverse

Chapter 1720 Refining and upgrading

Chapter 1720 Refining, improving coldness!

The endless cold, in an instant, covered Feng Hao's body with a layer of frost, and there were many ice chips on his hair and brows.

"It's broken, the Yin Qi in the crystal nucleus has not been purified yet. (I want to update Fengtian Novels as soon as possible)"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng's expression changed involuntarily, but when he was about to make a move, the frost on Feng Hao's body was slowly fading away.


Seeing Feng Hao quickly settled down, Fatty Wei couldn't help but blinked his eyes, and kept scanning Feng Hao with the gaze of looking at monsters.

Ordinary people, after obtaining the crystal nucleus taken from the body of Yin Ling, must first purify the Yin Qi in it, otherwise, if Yin Qi enters the body, it will cause certain hidden dangers!

However, Fatty Wei felt relieved when he thought that this guy's different thunder-attributed energy could scare away Yin spirits.

"It's a real monster!" he thought.

Although Letian and Jiang Feng on the side were also shocked, they quickly restrained themselves.

At the beginning of the Great Sage, he was able to summon a half-step giant beast, which was already against common sense. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible) After all, if you want to get as much, you have to pay as much. So far they still can't figure out why Feng Hao's physique can withstand that level of energy impact.


With the refining of the crystal nucleus in his hand, there is also a vague pattern in Feng Hao's mind...

This pattern is like a silhouette, his hands are constantly pinching out obscure handprints one by one, which makes people look awkward, but in this awkwardness, there is a general trend.

Although it was not obvious, Feng Hao could feel the invisible general trend generated when the figure pinched the handprint, which almost suffocated him.

"It's definitely a secret technique!" Feng Hao couldn't help breathing quickly, and he was even more grateful to Jiang Feng in his heart.

He understood that the reason why Jiang Feng did this was so that he could have more means to protect himself and break through!

For a while, Feng Hao immersed his mind in the movement of that blurred figure, carefully observing it.

Although he didn't understand the name of this secret technique, there was no doubt that even if he only came into contact with the blurred afterimage without any strength, it still gave him a strong sense of impact, and every handprint was like this.

And at this moment, the moment his mind was immersed in it, some strange chanting sounds resounded in his Dao core. (The latest chapter of I want to seal the sky will be updated as soon as possible) The lines on the inner wall of its core occasionally flashed with flashes of light, and there is a certain rhyme deriving from it.

At the same time, the lines on the Dao seal seem to be gradually deepening, and it is even worse than the spirit core refined in the Pagoda of Hundred Clans back then!

After all, Yin spirits are very special, they are transformed by the Yin Qi after the death of a peerless powerhouse, and this kind of Yin spirits containing crystal nuclei are, to some extent, the remnants of the peerless powerhouse!

It can be seen that in this crystal nucleus, it is not only as simple as secret skills, but more importantly, it also includes the understanding of the Dao by that peerless strong man!

Although it is very vague, but only a ray is needed to benefit Feng Hao a lot, so that he can take a big step forward!

This is also the main reason why Jiang Feng went to find this kind of crystal nucleus!


One day passed quickly, people came to the edge of the basin one after another, and the major forces also identified the camps, but there was still no sign of action. It seemed that they were waiting for something.

Facing the army of Yin spirits in the basin, everyone's expressions were not very good-looking. Some people who wanted to join in vain were directly overwhelmed by the Yin spirits and torn to pieces.

So, they have to wait, waiting for a unified voice!

At this time, in the dilapidated palace, the crystal nucleus in Feng Hao's hand had been refined, and at the same time, the shadow in his mind was gradually dissipating.

However, his expression was still calm, with no regrets, no souvenirs, no sadness or joy.

Soon, the group of patterns turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared without a trace. And Feng Hao also woke up suddenly, a pattern still appeared in his mind.

In the outside world, although Feng Hao did not open his eyes, he slowly raised his hands that were originally on his knees, making cumbersome and awkward movements. At the same time, from his handprints, , an awe-inspiring coercion slowly derived...

However, when the handprint was halfway condensed, Feng Hao didn't seem to know how to condense it, his hands were stagnant there, and then, the coercion that was originally condensed instantly dissipated and became necessary.

Repeating this way, he didn't know how many times he did it, but it still didn't have much effect, and he would always stagnate in some key places, thus wasting all his previous efforts.

After about an hour or so, Feng Hao stopped moving and opened his eyes. His forehead was covered with sweat.

"It seems that it is still a set of handprints, but it should be incomplete..." After feeling it for a while, Feng Hao sighed softly, feeling a little regretful.

He understands very well that this is just the crystal nucleus condensed in Yin Ling's body. It is actually impossible to achieve completeness, and it is not easy to get some benefits from it.

Then, he experienced his current state, and suddenly found that the state that had not seen growth before, had advanced a lot, and was already facing a breakthrough!

Immediately, a joyful smile appeared on Feng Hao's face.

In this way, if one more crystal nucleus is refined, it will almost be able to break through to the peak of the Seven Tribulations!

"My darling, you actually refined a crystal nucleus in one day, what kind of monster is he?"

Seeing Feng Hao who was in meditation again, Fatty Wei couldn't help murmuring, a little lost.

In comparison, he felt that if he refined a crystal nucleus, it would take at least two to three days, that is to say, Feng Hao's understanding was two to three times that of his!

Even if it is Le Tian, ​​the eyes are shining with splendor.

Originally he thought he knew Feng Hao very well, but at this moment, he found that Feng Hao was still covered with a veil of mystery.

"Is he also a body with eight orifices? Maybe it's more special?" He thought to himself, but didn't ask.

After all, it is impossible for others to reveal this kind of thing!

After inquiring about the outside world, without staying too long, Feng Hao continued to take out the second crystal nucleus. Under Jiang Feng's guidance, he used the energy of heaven's punishment to clear away the Yin Qi in the crystal nucleus first. After that, refining is carried out!

This time he was naturally more acquainted, and he didn't freeze all over like last time, and the refining went smoothly, and he directly entered into meditation.

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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