Martial Inverse

Chapter 1722: The Great Man Arrives

Chapter 1 The Arrival of the Big Man


The howling wind, which carried a cold and stern howling sound, made people frightened and chilled, as if they had come to hell.

During these two or three days, the top forces in the Penglai world were basically present, and each of them was full of vigor, and they were all veterans of various schools, great figures at the level of the elders, and their reputations were shocking.

However, at this time, they all gathered here, standing in various directions, looking at the palace in the basin. None of them showed any signs of making a move, and all of them sat still like old monks, calm and composed.

No one is willing to be that sticky gun, moreover, it is not an easy task to empty the ghosts in this basin, even if there is a half-step emperor present, it will take a lot of energy to empty it to do it.

This is just outside the palace. Obviously, there will definitely be great risks in the palace. If you don't have the cultivation base of the peak of the holy rank, you will basically have a dead end after entering!

But at this time, those first-class forces don't even have the heart to be lucky!

Because, the characters who appeared at this time were all bigger than the other, they were all famous thousands of years ago, and many of them were even suspected by the world to have died long ago, but they are still standing here alive at this time, even It is called a living fossil within ten thousand years!

In addition to the accumulation of background, the major forces basically use their other skills to specialize in research and prolong life. Therefore, with some elixir and strange items, they can still live for ten thousand years without a breath.

It's just that this kind of living is similar to what Jiang Feng did, it's just a deep sleep.

However, no one dares to underestimate these living fossils. Once they make a move, it is bound to shock the sky and shatter the sky.

Therefore, there are many first-class forces, and even silently choose to withdraw, and give up this big stage to the top forces.

"Oh my god, that is the previous Holy Lord of the Holy Land of the Sky Eye, Situ Tianhua, he lived to be 9,000 years old five thousand years ago, and I heard that he had touched the threshold of the half-step emperor at that time, but he is still alive now... "

"My God, he has lived for more than 14,000 years, which is even better than the Great Emperor!"

"It's been so many years. Thinking about it, he, who is closed to death, has probably already taken that half step..."

In a blue-haired, full-cheeked,

When the old man with a red face, but white eyebrows and beard came, there were some exclamations on the scene, which made many people raise their heads, and even more showed awe.

He was dressed in ancient clothes, very old, and his whole body was filled with an ancient and vicissitudes of life, just like a living fossil. Although the breath didn't feel very strong, but the naturalness on him, But it's heartbreaking.

Obviously, this old man's identity is very extraordinary, and he is the previous Holy Master who belongs to the Holy Land of the Sky Eye. Judging from his age, he can still maintain this appearance, and the possibility of breakthrough is very high.

Besides Jiang Feng, the second half-step emperor is here!

It can be seen that this incident in the Domain of Longevity has already revealed the background of all the top forces.

At this time, the people from the Holy Land of the Sky Eye naturally gathered around Situ Tianhua, all of them showed proud expressions, raised their chins, and looked down on everyone.

In fact, apart from the Holy Lord of Heavenly Eyes, no more than three people knew of the existence of Situ Tianhua. This time, being able to invite the old Holy Master out was enough to prove how powerful the allure of the Domain of Longevity was.

After all, at Situ Tianhua's level, it is basically impossible to go any further, and his current goal is to prolong his life, one more day is a day, and he will definitely not waste time.

"If you don't have a half-step emperor, you basically don't have the qualifications to fight..."

Many people sighed with emotion, and even some top forces retreated.

After all, it is impossible for even the top forces to cultivate half-step emperors. This kind of state can be met but not forced.

However, there are still some top forces that are very indifferent, as if they are not surprised by Situ Tianhua's arrival, and, it seems that they have the background to fight against the half-step emperor!


All the way the thunder groaned, if it were thunder rolling from the sky, it would have come to the sky over the edge of this basin in an instant from a distance.

This is an old man with a rather skinny face. His figure is very thin, and he doesn't look very tall. However, as he moves, the surrounding space emits a trembling sound of thunder, as if , this space can no longer accommodate him.

Obviously, another extraordinary figure came.

"Old ancestor!"

Not far away, the Patriarch of the Xiahou Family shouted in surprise, and hurriedly greeted him.

However, the rest of the Xiahou family stood there blankly, as if this skinny old man was also very strange to them.

Obviously, except for the current head of the Xiahou family, the others basically don't know that this old ancestor is still alive, and they don't even dare to recognize each other.

"Who is this person?"

In the audience, no one recognized this skinny old man. It seemed that he was just an unknown little person. If the Patriarch of the Xiahou Family hadn't called him the ancestor, few people would have noticed him.

However, Situ Tianhua, the old sage lord of the Holy Land of the Sky Eye, who had just arrived here not long ago, glanced at him, and suddenly, a look of shock appeared in his Gu Jing Wubo's eyes, his lips trembled, and he murmured, "How could you It's him, he's still alive..."

Obviously, Situ Tianhua seemed to know the skinny old man who was unknown to everyone, and he was able to make him, who was already a half-step emperor, show a shocked expression. It can be seen that this skinny old man had a lot of background.

"Old Holy Master, who is this old ancestor of the Xiahou family?" The Holy Lord of the Heavenly Eye Holy Land who was beside him couldn't help asking, his eyes flickering a little.

Although he didn't intend to dominate the family, but judging from this situation, perhaps this skinny old man may have a greater background than the old Holy Master on his side.

"Xiao Tianhua, your baby is still alive, it's not easy."

Just when Situ Tianhua was about to speak, the skinny old man over there spoke for the first time. His voice was a little hoarse, but it was clear and clear, and the words were clear.

In a word, everyone was stunned and stared at him dumbfounded, unable to react, as if petrified, as if struck by lightning.

What kind of concept is this, to call a living fossil that has lived for 15,000 years a baby, which shows how senior this skinny old man is.

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