Martial Inverse

Chapter 1727: Qiuqiu leads the way

Chapter 1727 Ball leads the way

It was only about three minutes before and after, Feng Hao and Le Tian followed Fatty Wei up the steps of the palace in the basin.

This undoubtedly caused everyone to gasp in amazement again. Basically, they all looked at them like monsters, and even those women who had been molested by Fatty Wei looked at his fat body with dumbstruck eyes. ,

They never thought that the fat man who had the appearance of a rascal at the time and had the cheek to accost them was really as he said, he was a great formation master,

It can be seen from the fact that he can easily lead Feng Hao and Le Tian through the killing array in the square,

At this time, these women were silent. Although they didn't say anything, they felt quite uncomfortable in their hearts.

In this world where the strong are respected, strength, ability, and talent represent everything, and this fat man, without a doubt, can definitely be called a master-level figure in terms of 'formation'.

It can be said that it is an absolute honor for them to be favored by such a grandmaster.

It's a pity that they, who were blind, mistook gems for trash and missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. At this time, it's too late to regret it.

"It's just a fat man..."

They comforted themselves in this way in their hearts, making up for the strong sense of loss in their hearts,

"Haha,... the master said that you will regret it, wow..." Fatty Wei stood on the steps of the palace, with his hands on his hips, looking up to the sky and laughing strangely, his voice was full of joy and pleasure, as if one A king, in the king's land, has the meaning of pointing the country,

I finally felt elated,

At this time, he was quite a villain, mocking those who looked down on him to his heart's content, and the faces of those women were even more ugly, basically turning their heads away and ignoring him,

There is no doubt that with the ability he displayed at this time, even if it is worthless in other aspects, it will be used as an offering by the top forces. It is definitely not something women like them can offend.

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth twitched slightly, he also felt quite a headache for this fat man,

This wretched guy doesn't have the aura of a master, he is simply a street hooligan,

"Get out of the way.

(Baidu search for Piaotian, novels are faster and better)" Then, Letian kicked him directly into the palace that had opened the door, and then there was a crackling sound resounding inside,

Inside the palace, it was pitch black and there was no light. Inside, there were still many ancient decorations, and when Fatty Wei rolled in, he directly destroyed a large area, and they were all smashed into powder.

Fatty Wei was covered in ashes, but he stood up with a smile on his face, and then patted the ashes on his body, as if nothing happened.

Anyway, just now he was in the limelight too,

"Disgraceful." Letian said contemptuously, and then looked at the surrounding environment,

Huangfu Wushuang and the red-faced one who came in earlier have disappeared. The layout of this hall is very similar to a meeting hall, and the position above it is placed quite high. The existence of the supreme majesty makes people dare not desecrate,

The various chairs and stools in this hall are also placed very carefully. They are divided into upper four and lower eight. Obviously, it depends on the status.

"Brother Hao, should we look for it separately or together." After a glance, Le Tian asked Feng Hao,

"Let's separate." After thinking for a while, Feng Hao decided to go alone.

After all, the scope of this palace is very large. If the three of them are walking all the way, no matter what chance they encounter, it may not be easy to distribute it at that time.

After all, up to now, Lotte and Fatty Wei have contributed more,

Although there are more powerful Yin spirits in this palace, Feng Hao still has the power to protect himself.

In addition to the power of heaven's punishment, he also has the help of burning the old,

"Okay, let's see who finds that thing first."

Le Tian seemed to have guessed that Feng Hao would say that, and after the corner of his mouth slightly bent, he walked towards the left direction without hesitation.

"Huh,..." Feng Hao exhaled slightly, without any hesitation, he just walked to the right,

According to the footprints left on the ground, he could see that Huangfu Wushuang and the red-faced old man went to the left, and Letian did it for his own good.

"Master, can you sense that thing?" While walking, Feng Hao asked Fen Lao in his mind,

After all, the latter is the soul body, so it should have a stronger response to this aspect,

"It's very vague, but it should be in the depths."

After a long time, Fen Lao's words came out, faintly, carrying some heavy meaning,

Obviously, deep down, there must be big trouble,

"Should." Feng Hao frowned slightly,

That is to say, it is very possible that if he is not in the depths, he does not want to wait until he has worked so hard to get to the depths, but he will not get any benefits.

"Shua." While he was thinking, the little ball got out from his collar, jumped off the ground, put his feet on his feet, and ran towards the upper right corner quickly.

Feng Hao was startled for a moment, then a light flashed in his eyes, and he followed without hesitation.

Not long after he left, a slender figure reappeared in the hall, and after a icy light flashed in his eyes, he chased in the direction Feng Hao was going.

But at this time, because Huangfu Wushuang and Feng Hao entered the palace, everyone knew the way to enter the palace. Immediately, like locusts passing through the territory, many strong men swarmed up, one by one quickly plundered. In the square, for fear of falling behind,

Because of the presence of the five great half-step emperors, although there were some conflicts in this basin, there was no large-scale fighting. Soon, hundreds of people entered the palace,

"I don't know what he can get..." Jiang Feng was full of confidence, without any worries,

Compared with these people, he still has certain advantages,

Because, although these people have heard that Feng Hao has a giant beast that is half a step into the realm of a great emperor to help him, but they don't know the realm of that giant beast,

And Jiang Feng is undoubtedly the person who knows the giant beast best,

It can be said that when he was in Batian Holy Land, if Feng Hao hadn't summoned the giant beast, he would not have been able to take revenge.

shattered everything,

The power of that giant beast was beyond his imagination. If it weren't for the fact that there is no emperor realm in the world, he would really think that it was an emperor beast.

Therefore, he concluded that as long as Feng Hao can get the strange treasure inside, he can definitely get away.

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