Martial Inverse

Chapter 1733: Animal Nature

Chapter 1733 Beastly "God's Punishment?!"

Although he hadn't seen Jieyun yet, after feeling the palpitating aura of destruction, Huangfu Wushuang made a very accurate judgment. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

However, it was still too late!

Because the distance between her and Feng Hao is too close, when the punishment of heaven came down, it directly locked her position!

Suddenly, a gloomy look flashed across her pretty face.

Although, for her, surviving the punishment of heaven will not be a narrow escape, but it will still not be easy!


In an instant, over the two of them, dark clouds billowed, almost condensing into substance, within which, white arcs flickered unceasingly, somewhat shocking, enveloped the two of them within, within which, endless destructive aura poured out And down, it seems that they want to crush the two of them.

At the same time, Feng Hao also opened his eyes, oppressed by this destructive aura, a violent emotion, born out of intention, made him have some urge to destroy this world.

What kind of eyes are those? They are crimson, without pupil light, if the sea of ​​blood is churning, filled with all kinds of negative emotions, Huangfu Wushuang who is not far away can't help feeling horrified. ()

Those red eyes were too aggressive, she had an illusion that she seemed to be stripped naked, without any secrets revealed in front of these eyes, she was not used to it.

She didn't understand what it was that made Feng Haoruo a different person. At this time, he was definitely a demon. His red eyes were full of lust and impulsiveness, which made her want to escape involuntarily. leave to go.

This kind of thought made Huangfu Wushuang startled, she didn't understand why she felt a sense of fear towards Feng Hao at this time from the bottom of her heart. Logically speaking, even if Feng Hao survived the punishment of heaven and reached the peak of the holy rank, he could not be his opponent.

Moreover, it has developed to that point last time, isn't this guy also afraid to take the last step?


Feng Hao's residual consciousness was still struggling, seeing that Huangfu Wushuang was also shrouded in the punishment of heaven, he felt a sense of revenge in his heart.

deserve it!

However, it was just a glance at Huangfu Wushuang. That angelic face and witch-like figure made him gasp involuntarily, and a strong evil fire emanated from the bottom of his heart, drowning with his intellect. There was a crazy voice in his heart urging him to overthrow the peerless beauty in front of him. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)

For a moment, his eyes, which were originally red, became even redder, and even a little purple. And Feng Hao, panting involuntarily, spewed out scorching hot air, his nostrils almost smoked.

This feeling, as if his body was on fire, was urging him to extinguish the fire in his body.

"No! No!"

Subconsciously told Feng Hao that he could not do this, otherwise, he would be sorry for his lovely wife at home. He forced himself not to look at that graceful figure, and tried not to think about that beautiful face.

"Do you think that attracting heaven's punishment can stop me from killing you?" Looking at Feng Hao who turned his head away, not daring to look at himself, the discomfort in Huangfu Wushuang's heart disappeared without a trace, her beautiful eyes slightly He narrowed his eyes, and there was a flickering light, "I tell you, this will only make your death worse!"


Immediately, a majestic aura burst out from Huangfu Wushuang's delicate body, sweeping in all directions, around her, ripples of multicolored brilliance, rippling like ripples, set off her true Just like a goddess who descended from the heavens, the endless power and the oppressive surrounding space are constantly emitting bursts of terrifying sonic booms.

"Go to hell!" There was only a slight flash of struggle in her eyes, and finally, a multicolored ribbon condensed in her hand, and with the dancing of her jade hand,

The diameter of the colorful ribbon is thrown towards Feng Hao's chest.

Feng Hao's growth rate is really too fast, she doesn't know if she will be the opponent of this guy next time she meets...

In her subconscious mind, combined with her own identity, she would never allow such a person who had blasphemed herself to live in this world. If you don't do it now, it will be hard to say next time.


Feng Hao, who was in a state of berserk and confusion, didn't notice the ribbon at all, and was directly drawn into his chest, and then his whole body was directly knocked out, his chest almost collapsed, his white bones They were all exposed, and blood flowed in pools.

"Pfft." After falling to the ground and gliding for a certain distance, Feng Hao just stopped his body, opened his mouth, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The severe pain came from his chest, which woke him up, and he couldn't help but gasped a few times.

At this moment, his chest was undoubtedly severely injured, and he was drawn without any defense. If it wasn't because of his supreme physical body, such a draw would definitely end up exploding if it were someone else.

"Cruel bitch!"

Feng Hao, who was originally evil, at this moment, because of the trauma, felt violent emotions towards Huangfu Wushuang's deeds in his heart, a red light flashed in his eyes, and he was no longer suppressing the primitive desire in his heart, "This But you asked for it!"

Seeing that Feng Hao was not dead, and climbed up again like a normal person, and the collapsed chest was also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, Huangfu Wushuang couldn't help being startled again, and then, in her eyes was There was a flash of coldness, and he couldn't help but shake the colorful ribbon in his hand again, and threw it directly towards Feng Hao.


Feng Hao, who was full of violent aura, frantically operated the Yan Jue, and suddenly, the virtual martial vortex seemed to open a gate, and gray energy rushed out like a tsunami, forming a ball on his body. With the flame-like gray gaseous flames, the surrounding space was oppressed and burst into bursts of explosions.


The colored ribbon collided violently with the fist surrounded by gray flames, and immediately, there was a deafening explosion sound, the wind roared and the mat was blown away, and Feng Hao was also knocked back two big steps.

Obviously, even at this time, Huangfu Wushuang still has a great advantage, and Feng Hao is still not her opponent.


Frustrated again, it didn't discourage Feng Hao who was in the midst of violence, on the contrary, it aroused the wildness in his heart, he roared like a wild beast, with red eyes, he quickly approached Huangfu Wushuang , seems to want to tear her dress, wanton profanity!

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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