Martial Inverse

Chapter 1744: Ancient Crocodile

Chapter 1744 Ancient Crocodile

The surrounding aura is like a tide, and the Heaven and Earth Avenue is almost visible to the naked eye, which is almost equivalent to the level when refining the spirit core in the Pagoda of Hundred Clans.

Such a precious land, if you say you don’t want it, it’s definitely a lie,

Feng Hao thought, if this place can become the base camp of the Feng family, then the development speed of the Feng family will increase several times,

There is no doubt that if the Feng family gathers here for hundreds of years, not to mention ruling the roost in the Hongmeng world, even in this Penglai world, they will have a place.

Of course, the premise is to be able to defend here,

This is a troublesome question. There is a Huanling Immemorial Formation here, and it will soon be spread, and all the forces in the entire Penglai world will know. At that time, not only a top force will intervene,

After all, such an ancient formation is extremely rare, and not every top force has it,

"Let's talk about it at that time. (, the novel is faster and better..)"

After thinking for a while, the corners of Feng Hao's mouth slightly bent, and he walked in the direction Le Tian was walking.

There is no need to separate now, even if he is asked to give the unknown treasure to Lotte, he will not frown,

Not far away, there was a roar of beasts and the sound of fighting, the whole mountain range seemed to be shaking, the strong wind howled in the distance, flying sand and rocks,

It was an extremely mighty giant beast with two thick thighs like a water tank and a thick long tail trailing behind it. Its body was fourteen or five meters high, and it had a ferocious face. , with a huge crocodile head and two rows of white teeth, it looks extremely intimidating, as if anything can be crushed,

Moreover, on its tall and towering back, there is a layer of scales like fish scales, covering the entire back, reflecting the dazzling glare under the sunlight,

At this time, the besiegers were two old men who seemed to be in their fifties or sixties. They stood in two directions, attacked from a distance, defended and attacked, and beat the giant beast around. There were already many cracks on the chest and abdomen, and pools of blood flowed out.

"Ancient Crocodile."

Fatty Wei smashed his mouth and clicked his tongue, "This kind of ancient strange beast has been extinct in the ancient times. Unexpectedly, there is still one in it.

Quite rare. "

"Its scales could definitely be cast into a genuine god armor at that time, and the spine in its body could be cast into an invincible gun. It is said that the meat of this ancient crocodile dragon is very delicious and delicate. Do not know is not true……"

Looking at the giant beast that was showing its power, Fatty Wei's eyes were shining with a strange light, as if he really wanted to prove it,

I have to say, except for the last one he said, this ancient crocodile dragon is really full of treasures. It is no wonder that this powerful force raised it in captivity.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and he immediately thought of the heat energy in his body. According to the current situation, this kind of heat energy is omnipotent. It seems that it must absorb the essence of various beasts to increase.

This involuntarily moved Feng Hao,

"Could it be to grab it?"

Glancing at Fatty Wei beside him, Feng Hao hesitated a bit,

Those two people, there is no doubt that they must be big figures of a certain top force, if they are killed, they may offend the forces behind them,

It's just that it's not worth it for a strange beast,

"Hey, don't worry, just the two of them can't deal with this ancient crocodile." Fatty Wei let out a sinister low smile, clasped his hands together, intending to enjoy the show,

However, Feng Hao frowned slightly,

Because, at this time, the ancient crocodile has been in a passive state. The attacks of the two old men specifically hit the places where it was not covered by scales, leaving scars on its huge body. The land on the ground was already stained red with blood, and at this time, its body shook even more, as if it was already exhausted.

Because of Fatty Wei's reminder, Feng Hao looked at it carefully, and after a while, he found that the eyes of this ancient crocodile dragon were still shining brightly, and it didn't look like it was dying.

Immediately, he was relieved,


Under the attacks of those two old men, the ancient crocodile finally collapsed with injuries all over its body. Its huge body fell down, causing the ground to tremble uncontrollably.

The two old men looked at each other, and they both breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the ancient crocodile dragon that had been killed, their eyes were full of ecstasy.

Although they are in the middle of a big force, there is no shortage of various materials, but the materials that can be used to forge magical weapons, such as the ancient crocodile dragons, are rare and hard to come by. If they are released for auction, the price must be sky-high , if it's a whole head auction, it's worth at least a hundred Shenyuan,

After all, in the outside world, such pure ancient beasts have long since disappeared.

At this time, although they knew the value of this ancient crocodile dragon, the two old men did not intend to monopolize it. It seemed that they had reached an agreement long ago.

After all, in this kind of place, there must be more than one strange beast like the ancient crocodile dragon. Without a helper, it is easy to suffer.

And just when they approached the ancient crocodile without any precautions, the ancient crocodile, which was originally lifeless, suddenly burst up, and its tail directly pulled one of the old men into two pieces, and the other one was swallowed by it. In the middle of the bite, he chewed a few times indiscriminately, and then swallowed it directly. The power was so fierce that two people who were at least the sixth or seventh rank of the peak of the holy rank were killed so easily.

"It's time for us to do it. Remember, hit its eyes. That's its only weakness. This guy is thick, and he won't be able to kill him for a while."

Fatty Wei rushed towards the ancient crocodile first, as if he had already regarded the ancient crocodile as a dish,

Feng Hao glanced at Le Tian, ​​and found that the latter was still silent, as if he had lost his vitality in an instant, and the previous unruly and self-willedness had disappeared at this moment, as if he had changed into a different person.

This made Feng Hao's mood even heavier. He didn't know what to do, and he didn't know how to persuade him. Finally, he sighed slightly, jumped up, and followed quickly.

When attacking the ancient crocodile, Feng Hao saw the horror of Fatty Wei, and it was only when he got close to the ancient crocodile that Fatty Wei took out six divine resources from the ring and threw them directly at the ancient crocodile...

"God-binding array, get up."

After he made a strange handprint with his fingers, the six divine sources immediately emitted a bright light, shooting out a series of light beams, like a spider web, surrounding the ancient crocodile dragon beast.

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