Martial Inverse

Chapter 1746: Showing off your sharpness

Chapter 1746

Once upon a time, Feng Hao was just an ant in the eyes of others, everyone wanted to step on it, because he didn't have a huge background, he could only choose to swallow his anger, keep avoiding, and didn't dare to compete with anyone. It seems a little mediocre, even ordinary,

For example, after coming to the world of Penglai, without a strong background, he was directly blocked by Batian Holy Land. If he didn't get to know Jiang Feng by luck in the end, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to get out of the Eastern Region at all.

But at this moment, after feeling his strength, Feng Hao finally had the feeling that his life was under his own control.

He is no longer the weak man who was at the mercy of others.

A rush of pride surged up, Feng Hao could not bear it at all, he opened his mouth and roared, like a roar of a dragon and a tiger, with an invisible majesty, resounding in all directions, startling the sky,


A domineering aura suddenly burst out from his body, sweeping around, he stood there like a peerless tyrant, as if he wanted to compete with the world,

In this world, who else can deceive him,

He is no longer the ant that anyone can trample to death, but a peerless powerhouse who can rival any holy level.

He roared, venting the stagnation accumulated in his body to his heart's content, his fierce aura was fully revealed, his sharpness was revealed,

Such a sudden change made Fatty Wei, who was yelling, shut his mouth. The astonishment in his eyes gradually turned into astonishment.

At this time, he suddenly remembered, didn't this guy only reach the realm of the Seven Tribulations a few days ago, and he just crossed the Tribulation yesterday, and he was only in the initial stage of the peak of the holy rank. Alien,

"My goodness……"

At this time, Fatty Wei's eyes fell out of Qian Qian's eyes, and he took a sharp breath,

Obviously, being able to blow up the ancient crocodile dragon in the eighth-level peak of the holy rank into such an appearance, this kind of attack has definitely reached the ninth-level peak of the holy rank.

There is a difference of nine realms,

Fatty Wei glanced over Le Tian, ​​and found that although the latter was suppressing the shock in his heart, but,

He still saw the surprise deep in the pupils of Existence and Le Tian,

Obviously, even Le Tian probably wouldn't be able to exert such power when he was at the peak of the holy rank.

So, doesn't this mean that Feng Hao's talent is even higher than that of Le Tian?

"How is this possible? Is there a physique that surpasses the ancient body of Tianling in this world?" The domain name of this site is Quanpin, please remember the domain name of this site! "" Fatty Wei muttered dully, a little unbelievable,

Letian's physique is also very special, and it is rare to meet in the ages. In ancient times, there was a Tianling ancient body, and the final achievement of that Tianling ancient body was... supreme, able to be on the same level as the heaven and earth, Shock a generation,

Heavenly Supreme,

This kind of miraculous physique is called by the name of this Supreme by the people of later generations,

Therefore, Letian's status in the power is extraordinary. Even those old antiques are kept as supreme treasures. Up to now, no one has dared to say a serious word to her.

However, what even Lotte couldn't do, was actually done by a guy who can almost be called an unknown person,

Even Fatty Wei, who is well-informed and full of books, can't figure out the reason at this time, and he doesn't understand how Feng Hao did it.

However, with the facts in front of his eyes, he still calmed down slowly, but the gaze he looked at Feng Hao changed again,

This change is no longer regarded as a person in the same position, but looking up to the superior,

Although the formation master is strong, no matter what era he is in, he is just a supporting role. All he has to do is to follow closely behind a strong man,

Lotte is his choice,

"Maybe, it's the power of some kind of secret technique..."

Fatty Wei can only comfort himself in this way, attribute the credit to Feng Hao's earth-shattering handprint, although it is very reluctant, but it is also the only reason that can be explained.

"Is that the magical skill controlled by the Void God of the human race? It really lives up to its name." After being slightly surprised, Le Tian figured out the reason.

Back then, the god of nothingness of the human race had achieved great fame in this Penglai world. At that time, in the realm of gods, no one could resist his blow.

And his attack method is exactly the same as what Feng Hao used at this time, whether it is color or power, it is exactly the same as that recorded in the ancient books,

"He has really broken the curse of the Void Martial Body, and has completely controlled this supreme divine body..." Le Tian's eyes flickered with an inexplicable light,

If you insist on choosing a partner, then the strength and talent must be no less than your own, and Feng Hao at this time undoubtedly meets this condition,

This thought just surfaced slightly, and her pretty face, which was carved like a god jade, was immediately coated with a layer of charming crimson,

After a long time, Feng Hao calmed down, but the breath on his body changed,

If he was a clumsy sword with no edge before, then he is now a peerless sword that is about to soar into the sky.


Now he doesn't want to continue to keep a low profile,


Only when you are strong, others dare not bully you. Only when you are strong, can the safety of your family be guaranteed.

Weak people, no matter how powerful they are, will still be bullied.

And Feng Hao wants to appear in front of the world with a strong face, he wants to tell the world that anyone who dares to provoke him will suffer his reckless and strong revenge,

"This guy must have other secrets..." After glancing at Feng Hao, Le Tian withdrew his gaze,

She didn't believe that such a mighty power could be achieved by relying on the body of vain martial arts and using divine skills, because even she would have to pay a certain price, and Feng Hao just now seemed to be calm and easy. ,

Therefore, she deduced that there must be something about Feng Hao that she didn't know about...

"Brother Wei, I'm sorry." After sinking to his senses, Feng Hao said to Fatty Wei, who was still thinking about something, with a slight smile on his face. It seemed that he had returned to the past again.

"Ah... oh, it's okay."

Fatty Wei came back to his senses, waved his hands casually, and then seemed to think of something, and added, "Anyway, you are so strong, then those who are capable will work harder and hunt more ancient beasts. Just make up for my loss."

He is still careless, preoccupied,

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