Martial Inverse

Chapter 1750: EQ

Chapter 1750 EQ

"Chi Chi..."

The white arcs kept beating like spirit snakes, emitting bursts of frightening sonic booms. Invisibly, there was a breath of destruction that made people palpitate, making people tremble.

When the entire lake surface was shrouded in electric arcs, the Iron Turtle Tiankun Beast finally became restless. At this moment, it became obviously irritable, and kept moving in place, not even caring about attacking.

Obviously, all things in the world are not immune to the fear of divine punishment, even if they are as tyrannical as the Iron Turtle Tiankun Beast, which has reached the ultimate level of the holy rank, it is still the same.

In the end, because of Feng Hao's constant attacks and provocations, it still did not choose to dive back to the bottom of the lake, but swam towards the shore where Feng Hao was.

This made Feng Hao happy, and without any hesitation, he moved towards the direction of the big formation arranged by Fatty Wei, and his eyes had already turned a gray color, and the palms of his hands had begun to condense handprint,

At this time, the Iron Turtle Tiankun Beast seemed to have been dazzled, and adjusted its direction as he moved, and, unable to concentrate on attacking due to the electric arc on the lake, it just swam to the shore,


Suddenly, after it climbed onto the shore, a strange humming sound resounded, and suddenly, beams of light like spider webs burst out from twelve directions, restraining it in groups, and it looked like a collision Like a big bug caught in a spider's web, no matter how hard it struggles, it can't get rid of it.

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After seeing the light net rising, Feng Hao pushed out the earth-shattering handprint that had been condensed in his hand without hesitation, and directly blasted it on the head of the Iron Turtle Tiankun Beast, and immediately burst open A blood flower, the head of the Iron Turtle Tiankun Beast was smashed in half, the bones were dense, and one of its eyeballs exploded, dripping with blood.

Also because of the impact of the earth-shattering handprints, the light network directly disintegrated. However, the Iron Turtle Tiankun Beast still did not fall down, but stared at Feng Hao even more ferociously, a shocking energy burst from its body The body burst out, startling the sky,

"not good."

Feng Hao's complexion changed drastically, he still miscalculated, he didn't expect that this strange beast would be so tyrannical, and could withstand the blow of his all-powerful handprint,

At this time, there is no doubt that

Iron Turtle Tiankun Beast has fallen into a state of madness, he can only choose to retreat, give up hunting,


Suddenly, a crisp sound resounded, and then, the terrifying aura permeating the world instantly dissipated.

Feng Hao was startled, then turned around, and saw a graceful figure standing beside the Tiegui Tiankun Beast that had fallen slowly,

If it's not happy days, who could it be?

With just one blow, she chopped off the head of the Iron Turtle Tiankun Beast that was in a frenzy. It can be seen how extraordinary her strength is.

Tianling Ancient Physique, this ancient and mysterious physique, has gone through the ages and reappeared in the world. I don't know what kind of changes it will bring to the world.

"Hey..." Just when Feng Hao was in a daze, Fatty Wei had already skimmed over from a distance, with a look of joy on his fat face, looking at the huge carapace of the Iron Turtle Tiankun Beast, Almost drooling,

"I've wanted to see this kind of natural texture for a long time, but I didn't expect to get it here..."

He carefully touched the irregular lines on the carapace, as if he was touching his beloved woman, he was afraid that if he used too much force, he would hurt her.

It can be seen that his research on the pattern has reached a level of obsession.


Feng Hao heaved a sigh of relief, and after some adjustments, he walked towards the two of them, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth,

I'm afraid, this fat man has already predicted that he can't deal with the Iron Turtle Tiankun Beast, he just wants to use his Heaven's Punishment energy to lure it ashore,

Made a bait once,

"Here, here are two ends for you, this end belongs to me."

Before he walked over, Fatty Wei threw him a ring, and then carefully observed the lines on the carapace without looking back.

But with a glance, Feng Hao saw that inside the ring, it seemed to be the bodies of the two strange beasts assigned to Fatty Wei.

"I do not need."

When he looked at Le Tian, ​​the latter spoke indifferently, looking at Feng Hao's gaze, just like looking at a stranger, which made Feng Hao sigh in his heart,

The original harmonious relationship was ruined by this accident, and at this moment, it is even more like strangers.

"Lucky boy."

Only Fatty Wei truly understands how lucky Feng Hao is.

It can be said that even if Feng Hao showed the strength to reach the ninth level of the peak of the Holy Rank at this time, if Le Tian wanted to kill him, he would definitely be able to,

Therefore, there is only one possibility, Le Tian does not want to kill him, since he does not want to kill him, then this shows that Le Tian still has a good impression of him,

However, even if it is an ordinary girl, after encountering such a thing, it is impossible to accept the other party directly.

It's just that Feng Hao, who doesn't have any emotional intelligence, doesn't understand these things,


Suddenly, a huge explosion came from a distant place, and the whole world seemed to tremble. In the space, there were constant sonic booms, deafening,

Such a dramatic change immediately attracted the attention of Feng Hao and the others. They all stood up and watched the movement in the distance.

At the same time, not only them, but other strong men hunting ancient alien beasts are all watching,

It was a plain, at the end of the plain, a towering mountain range stood there, and in front of this mountain range, there was a stone gate, and at this time, in front of the stone gate, there were two figures, They are constantly attacking the Shimen, thus causing such a commotion,

"Huangfu Wushuang."

Feng Hao, who lit up his purple pupils, immediately recognized one of the two figures, his pupils dilated involuntarily,

Although he didn't remember very clearly, the fluctuation of self-detonation would never be mistaken. Originally, he thought that even if Huangfu Wushuang didn't die, he would be seriously injured, but at this time, he appeared alive and alive. Before his eyes,

"Sure enough, he's still alive..."

Feng Hao pursed his lips, and the corner of his mouth pulled out a bitter arc,

He could imagine what kind of thing he was doing to him at that time, so that the other party would choose to blew himself up.

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