Martial Inverse

Chapter 1754: Killing the Holy Son

Chapter 1754 Killing the Holy Son

The gigantic ferocious beast seemed to be able to devour the sky and devour the sun, and it descended from the sky with a trembling ferocity. Its forefoot, which was as huge as a pillar of the sky, fell heavily towards Feng Hao.

It wasn't until this time that Feng Hao took any action. His originally pitch-black eyes slowly turned into a gray color, as if covered with a layer of mist. At the same time, his hands squeezed out a mysterious His handprints, a momentum as heavy as a mountain and as vast as an ocean, suddenly spread from between his hands,

"Fantasy handprint." The domain name of this site is Quanpin, please remember the domain name of this site! ""

The cold words spit out from Feng Hao's mouth, as if it were a trial, a gray big handprint surrounded by Senbaise electric arcs suddenly condensed into shape, and then, with a series of sonic booms, it directly hit the big hand that was rushing towards him. beast,


The big beast lifted its feet and kicked directly on the big handprint that hit it. Suddenly, there was a dull explosion, which overwhelmed everything, and there was a buzzing between the sky and the earth. A bright and dazzling glare made people unable to look directly at it. A violent gust of wind burst out, sweeping away layer by layer. Immediately, terrifying cracks opened on the surrounding ground, and collapsed dozens of times. meters deep,

And those bystanders all chose to avoid, and invisibly condensed a barrier to resist the onslaught of the strong wind. Few people could ignore it.

In an instant, the pupils of many people dilated again, and there was an incredible shock, and some of them even had weak self-control, and they couldn't help taking a breath of cool air.

They could clearly see that when the huge handprint collided with the big beast, the forefoot of the giant beast was directly exploded by the handprint. Although the whole big beast did not burst directly, but the body But it has dimmed, and the fierce power is no longer there.

Not far away, the Batian Shengzi who was holding Pan Yun's divine cauldron had a smear of red blood on the corner of his mouth, his face was pale, and he was sweating profusely, like a dying person. Hao's eyes were full of surprise and fear,

The change was too great. He remembered that Feng Hao at that time was still weaker than him. After decades of improvement, he was confident that he could completely abuse Feng Hao at that time, but he did not expect that when he improved, Feng Hao is also making progress, and at this time, Feng Hao has reached a level that he needs to look up to,

With his bare hands, he resisted the blow from his magic weapon, and, as far as the current situation is concerned, he still has a certain upper hand. He has no doubt that as long as Feng Hao blasts out a handprint, this big beast will definitely be killed. smashed,

This result,

Rang's Batian Shengzi couldn't accept it, he shook his head indiscriminately, his eyes were full of panic, he shouted that it was impossible, his mind fell,

His pride, his self-restraint, and his belief were completely shattered by Feng Hao's handprint at this moment,

Feng Hao shook his aching hand, raised his foot, and slowly approached Batian Shengzi,

Obviously, he has already moved to kill. He can allow this kind of highly talented enemy to grow, otherwise, it will become a big hidden danger.


The three veterans of the Batian Holy Land were standing on his way forward, spreading their momentum, trying to stop him from moving forward,


As if he had expected it a long time ago, Feng Hao stepped forward and kept advancing, and at the same time condensed a huge gray handprint with an electric arc, directly blasting towards the three of them face to face,

And he didn't pay attention to the result at all, his body moved sideways, almost two or three breaths, and he came in front of the Batian Shengzi who hadn't woken up yet,

"I accept your life."

The cold words sounded in Batian Shengzi's ears. When he came back to his senses, the expression in front of him had already dimmed. In his life, the last scene was a blurred blur like a god. figure of

Feng Hao quickly withdrew the palm attached to Batian Shengzi's heart, and his figure disappeared instantly, but took a life away.


The three veterans of the Batian Holy Land screamed loudly, and quickly reached out to catch the body of the Batian Shengzi who was slowly falling, with extremely terrified expressions on their faces,

The heart was directly shattered, and it was already extinct. Even if there is a real fairy in this world, it can no longer be revived.

The proud son of a generation in the Penglai world fell so easily before everyone's eyes, making the onlookers look a little dazed,

It can be said that there is almost no possibility of falling or being killed in the world of Penglai, such as Batian Shengzi. They will eventually become a generation of peerless overlords, almost without exception.

But at this time, someone dared to take the life of this proud son of heaven, which made others feel terrified, and looked at Feng Hao differently.

Such unscrupulous killings made them all show a look of fear,

Killing a successor of a top power would have to bear the crazy revenge of the reform power, so even if they had that ability, no one would dare to do anything to a figure at the level of the Holy Son.

It can be said that once you become a Holy Son, you can basically represent the power. Provoking the Holy Son is equivalent to provoking the authority of the power. If you don't make some violent reactions, you will not be able to gain a foothold in the future.

At the same time, on the high ground of the basin, the Batian Holy Lord, who originally had a slight smug arc, suddenly changed his complexion, and in the blink of an eye, a bright jade pendant was shattered into pieces in his hands ,

Immediately, his face immediately became gloomy, and a breath of restlessness spread from his body, and the elders of the Heavenly Holy Land around him were directly blown away.

The mutation of Batian Shengzhu immediately attracted the attention of others, especially the broken jade pendant in his hand, which was a bit dazzling in the eyes of many people.

"The Holy Son was killed."

A veteran of the Batian Holy Land trembled and exclaimed, telling the reason,

Immediately, expressions of astonishment welled up in the surrounding eyes, and some people even showed expressions of gloating in the dark,

The killing of Batian Shengzi is definitely a good thing for them. If such a talented person is removed, Batian Holy Land wants to find another Shengzi, which is not something that can be done in a short time.

"No matter who it is, I will definitely destroy his entire family."

Batian Shengzhu's hidden angry tone, like thunder, exploded in the sky and spread across thousands of miles.

Jiang Feng glanced at him slightly, without showing any expression on his face, but the aura on his body became thicker, as if he was preparing for something,

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