Martial Inverse

Chapter 1756 Hidden Wrath

Chapter 1756 Hidden Wrath

Feng Hao stood aside quietly, did not speak, and the expression on his face did not change because of the words of the red-faced old man, his eyes were calm and scary,

He didn't expect that this seemingly kind-hearted old man had such a low heart and demeanor that he didn't look like a great master at all.

In the mouth of the red-faced old man, it seems that, except for his own people, Fatty Wei and Le Tian, ​​other people are like ants in his eyes, so he is laughing at Fatty Wei who is with ants, but because His previous negligence was forcefully countered by Fatty Wei,

As a generation master, being ridiculed by a younger generation made him a little unacceptable, but he couldn't refute it. Suddenly, his old face turned red, and he glared at Fatty Wei, as if he wanted to tear him apart Same,

"Didn't your elders tell you how to respect others?" The domain name of this site is Quanpin, please remember the domain name of this site! "" The red-faced old man said with gritted teeth, his eyes were full of anger,

"That depends on whether the other party is human..."

Fatty Wei grinned happily, not afraid of him at all, and confronted each other, "Besides, why should I respect a guy who is weaker than me."


The red-faced old man trembled in anger at his words, his fists creaked, and a terrifying force condensed in his body, with great aura, he rushed towards Fatty Wei like a wave.

Obviously, he still had some scruples and didn't dare to directly attack Fatty Wei.

"Old man, I advise you to put away the stance of relying on the old and selling the old. I don't like this, young master." Fatty Wei didn't move, with a large formation under his feet, he looked at him with a smile, and the contempt in the corner of his mouth was very obvious,

And when the two of them were arguing, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from Huangfu Wushuang, which directly caught the attention of several people.


Bright and dazzling multicolored halos linger around her body, swaying in circles like a substance, spreading out tangible ripples, she is like a goddess who descended from the heavens, reborn, beautiful, powerful, spreading out all over her body. A palpitating breath, people dare not look directly,


Huangfu Wushuang didn't say anything at all,

With a wave of the palm made of white jade, a multicolored ribbon directly attacked Feng Hao's chest, with murderous intent and merciless strikes.

"Tiantian handprint."

Feng Hao seemed to have expected it a long time ago, there was no panic on his face, his eyes were covered with a layer of gray light, and when he flipped his hand, a big handprint was directly taken by him, and he blasted towards the ribbon,


The ribbon was thrown directly onto the gray big handprint without any hesitation. Immediately, a low sonic boom erupted from the center of the collision between the two sides, and then, the gray big handprint was hit by And a series of cracks like spider webs were opened, and finally, it exploded with a bang, and a huge gust of wind directly lifted Feng Hao away, and landed more than 20 meters away, staggering back five or six times With a big step, he stepped on a series of deep pits before he stopped, and a paleness flashed across his face.

Huangfu Wushuang is much stronger than he believed, not only is her realm higher than his now, but the power she exerts is also no less than his own,

Feng Hao now knows why Huangfu Wushuang can resist the bombardment of himself in a crazy state under the punishment of heaven. It can be said that if there is no punishment from heaven, then the one who falls will definitely be Feng Hao himself.

Huangfu Wushuang's sudden attack made the red-faced old man look stunned, he even forgot Fatty Wei's provocation,

He still has some understanding of Huangfu Wushuang. This junior is not only extremely talented, but also has a calm mind and is not in a hurry, but at this time, he is just like another person.

"Is there an old grudge?"

The red-faced old man was very surprised. Among his peers, if he offended Huangfu Wushuang, few would survive.

But Feng Hao, the ants he looked down upon, not only survived, but also made friends with Lotte and Fatty Wei, which made him look at Feng Hao again,

"I didn't get hurt..."

Seeing that Feng Hao received the next blow only to be reached by the remaining body of the explosion, the red-faced old man couldn't help being startled again,

What kind of talent is Huangfu Wushuang, he is clear, even in the same realm, there are really few in this world who can counter her existence,

And Feng Hao, this boy of unknown origin, can match him unexpectedly,

After all, at this time Huangfu Wushuang still has a great advantage in terms of realm, so speaking of it, Feng Hao's talent may not be much worse than Huangfu Wushuang's.

Fatty Wei originally wanted to make a move, but he glanced at Le Tian and saw that she didn't intend to make a move, so he chose to stand aside and watch,

After all, the current Feng Hao is not at a disadvantage. Although he has been repelled many times, he is still able to deal with it.

"Boom boom boom..."

Huangfu Wushuang's offensive became more and more fierce. With both hands in unison, two colored ribbons were continuously swayed out, accompanied by bursts of terrifying sonic booms, turning into two colored shadows, forcing Feng Hao into a bit of a panic, and was even almost killed. hit a few times,

On the one hand, he felt ashamed. On the other hand, there was indeed a big gap between him and Huangfu Wushuang. However, this was also the reason why he didn't show his trump card.

Heaven's Punishment Thunder Dragon, this kind of creature derived from the will of heaven and earth to destroy, has eight out of eight, but it is equivalent to eight layers of heaven's punishment, even if it is half a step, the emperor will change color. Eighty percent sure of victory,

It's just that he didn't want to use his last hole card in this kind of situation,

As soon as those powerful people left, they would attack themselves. It was enough to see how deep Huangfu Wushuang's hatred for Feng Hao was.


With a loud noise, Feng Hao was blasted out again, his face was ashamed, his clothes were blown up, all his solid muscles were exposed, filled with an explosive sense of power,

"Damn it, it's still over."

Suffering losses one after another, Feng Hao also accumulated a resentment in his heart, and his eyes were suddenly full of violence, like a fierce beast that chooses people and devours them.

He wondered, although he took advantage of Huangfu Wushuang these two times, didn't he make the last move yet?

What's more, these two times were not what he wanted, it was Huangfu Wushuang who came to trouble him, if he didn't resist, would he be caught without a fight,

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