Martial Inverse

Chapter 1769: Troubled Times Have Arrived

Chapter 1769 Troubled Times Have Arrived

The radiant, water-like radiance covered the entire Beast God City for thousands of miles. This miraculous change naturally attracted the attention of all parties, and all the barbarians rushed to the Beast God City area. In a short time, almost all The barbarians are all bathed in the brilliance of the beast god.

Being in this kind of divine radiance is like soaking in a hot spring. Moreover, all barbarians can feel their own origin. Just like in Shenchi, the realm is infinitely improving.

This is a miracle, a well-deserved miracle!

Everyone couldn't think of how to describe this change. Some of the older barbarians were so excited that their eyes filled with tears. They all knelt on the ground and shouted the beast god.

However, their beast god did not appear...

At the same time, in Xiangtian Palace, on a peak where clouds and mist drifted away, an old man with white hair and beard sat cross-legged on a bluestone. His face was as calm as a pine tree, his eyes were cloudy, and he looked up at the sky The stars above seem to be looking for something, seeking to prove something...

Suddenly, for no reason, a starlight burst out of the old man's eyes, extremely bright, as dazzling as two cosmic stars.

"The beast god came to the world..."

After a long time, the stars in the old man's eyes dimmed, and he murmured.

Even if they are separated by tens of thousands of miles and not in the same space, he can still faintly notice some major events happening!

"When the beast god is born, then the god of nothingness has returned to his place..."

The eyes of the old man are full of vicissitudes and wisdom, it seems that everything is under his control and prediction, the corner of his mouth is slightly curved, "Unexpectedly, that little guy can control the body of virtual martial arts within a hundred years, it seems , this time there is a big change... Can he change the status quo..."

As if thinking of something, the old man frowned slightly, and said softly, "Heaven's punishment will destroy the world, and the gods will reincarnate. Is it the prosperous age? Or the end..."

Many things can be predicted and calculated, but the variables are huge, and any small change will cause earth-shaking changes.

Therefore, until the last moment, even the elderly dare not make any conclusions lightly.

in a moment,

The old man's eyes returned to calm, there was no wave in the ancient well, and then, his eyes swept across the sky, and in an instant, he found a dark cloud covering the sky full of stars, and immediately, The old man's eyes trembled, and he murmured, "The troubled times have arrived!"


"Damn it, it's really open!"

Seeing Feng Hao opened the box directly, Holy Master Batian's face changed drastically, and at the same time, his figure quickly retreated to the rear, even stopping his attack.

In front of the mountain gate of the Batian Holy Land, the giant beast once showed its supreme strength, and it was obviously stronger than Jiang Feng. Therefore, even the Batian Holy Lord, who has already advanced to the half-step emperor realm, is extremely jealous , the reason why he didn't run straight away is that the giant beast didn't seem to take shape...

As Holy Lord Batian saw, Feng Hao was also dumbfounded.

At this moment, he had opened all the small boxes that were pitch-black and covered with strange and mysterious patterns, but after an unknown energy gushed out of it, it didn't condense into shape, and just disappeared into thin air!

How could Feng Hao not be dumbfounded by this?

"Is it because Xiao Qiuqiu is not here?"

Feng Hao thought about it in astonishment, and his face turned gloomy, because he saw that the Batian Holy Lord was slowly approaching here again.

However, the Batian Holy Lord's approaching speed is not fast, after all, he is still worried about whether Feng Hao is cheating, so at this time, the Batian Holy Lord puts more energy on preventing Feng Hao from escaping.


Jiang Feng didn't put away the Golden Lion Tower, but turned his head to look at Feng Hao, who had an ugly complexion, and frowned slightly.

Naturally, he can protect himself, and he can even overwhelm Batian Shengzhu, but he can't protect Fenghao Zhouquan.

"It's a bit of a surprise, that giant beast...can't be summoned."

Feng Hao frowned deeply, and spoke in a difficult tone.

He had never missed Xiao Qiuqiu so much at this moment, and only at this moment did he feel the importance of Xiao Qiuqiu. He didn't understand, why did the guy who depended on him disappear?


Jiang Feng's complexion also sank, and suddenly, his complexion became more dignified, his eyes flickered a little, and the voice rang directly in Feng Hao's mind, "I will try to hold him back later, you hurry up and escape, as long as Fleeing to the ancient city, he dare not slaughter a whole city!"


As the voice fell, Jiang Feng's whole body burst into a strong divine light. With a wave of his hand, the god lion above his head roared and rushed towards the Batian Holy Lord.

"Jiang Feng, do you think I will fight you hard?"

The Lord of Overlord Body also seemed to understand Feng Hao's situation, and he snarled, but his figure avoided the front of the god lion, and moved quickly, as fast as a stream of light.


After Jiang Feng yelled loudly, he rushed towards the Batian Holy Lord quickly, his whole body undulating like a vast sea, and crushed away.


Feng Hao didn't dare to hesitate, he ran into the jungle in the distance, and quickly fled in the opposite direction of Holy Lord Yu Batian.


Seeing them like this, Batian Shengzhu had a grim expression on his face, he grabbed and sent his palms, and Wan Dao's long spear shot directly towards the place where Feng Hao was fleeing.

"The vast sea beats the waves!"

Jiang Feng snorted softly, stood opposite him, and muttered in a low voice, suddenly, the radiant divine light on his body rushed towards the countless spears like a wave, and swung them all destroyed by the tide.

He knew very well that even a long spear could not be resisted by Feng Hao now. If a fish was caught, Feng Hao's life would be in danger. God can stir up and cover this piece of heaven and earth, as if it were a god of heaven.

"Jiang Feng, you are looking for death if you use your source, at least your lifespan will be reduced by a thousand years!"

Seeing him so crazy, Batian Shengzhu's eyes showed surprise, and he immediately yelled ferociously.

There is no doubt that Jiang Feng has used the original divine energy in his body at this moment. Although the power is huge, it will also cause a huge pressure on the body, which will reduce a person's lifespan.

This is also the reason why those super strong people rarely do anything.

"Today's enmity, I, Feng Hao, will write it down, and I will definitely destroy your Batian Holy Land in the future!"

Feng Hao's voice came from afar, full of icy chill.

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