Martial Inverse

Chapter 1771: Binding Dragon Rope

Chapter 1771 Binding the Dragon Rope

It wasn't until the two of them were killed that the remaining ninth-level powerhouse and the seventh-level powerhouse at the peak of the holy rank understood why Batian Shengzhu made such an arrangement.

However, it was already too late, after killing the two of them, Feng Hao retreated quickly, darting towards the dense forest, and did not choose to fight them head-on.

Feng Hao already knows his own strength very well. He is confident that he can kill those who are at the eighth level at the peak of the holy rank, but he will suffer a loss if he is against those who are at the ninth rank.

Moreover, there is the threat of Batian Shengzhu in the rear, and he dare not stay too long. Just like Jiang Feng said, he must enter an ancient city, so Batian Shengzhu dare not act recklessly!

"Bastard, where are you going?!"

The ninth-level powerhouse at the peak of the holy rank screamed angrily, holding the tower, and chased Feng Hao, while ordering, "Notify the reinforcements, come and stop!"


The seventh-rank powerhouse responded, and directly shot a divine light towards the sky, and then exploded in mid-air.

"Has it been intercepted?"

The Lord Batian in the distance naturally saw it too, but instead of showing joy on his face, he frowned instead.

Because, if a signal is sent out, doesn't it mean that Feng Hao has not been caught yet? Otherwise, there is no need to send a signal at all!

"That kid, can you really fight against a strong man of the ninth level with the strength of the first level?"

Lord Batian was extremely shaken in his heart, and made up his mind to kill Feng Hao in the cradle of growth.

He couldn't imagine that if Feng Hao was promoted to the half-step Great Emperor realm, who else in this world could check and balance Feng Hao? !

Such an enemy, he dare not let it grow, and Feng Hao's growth rate is no less than Le Xin, Huangfu Wushuang, a proud daughter of heaven, such a person, there will be absolutely no hindrance in being promoted to the half-step emperor. If he is allowed to go that far, then, it can be said that it will be the end of Batian Holy Land!

"Those bastards must be careless!"

Although he was not at the scene, Lord Batian could imagine the situation at that time. For a while, he was very fortunate that someone reported to him. Otherwise, if he didn't send a ninth-level powerhouse, wouldn't it be Feng Hao who escaped? ?

On the other side,

Jiang Feng was relieved because of the distance Feng Hao escaped, and Shenhai shrank immediately.


He once again sacrificed the Golden Lion God Tower, and immediately, the god lion roared across the sky, roaring and shaking the sky, and the endless divine power spread from the god lion's body, and the surrounding space was directly rippling with ripples like waves , ruined everything.

"Ba Tiangou, today you and I will make a deal again!"

Jiang Feng let out a deep sigh, and moved his handprints. Facing the rain of guns all over the sky, the huge god lion rushed directly towards the Batian Holy Lord, with awe-inspiring power.


Lord Batian snorted softly, but still had no intention of making a move. He moved quickly, wanting to intercept and kill Feng Hao, but was repeatedly blocked by Jiang Feng, which made him rage, but within a short time Nei also couldn't get rid of Jiang Feng's restraint.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

Three divine rainbows flew across the sky, and each divine rainbow was followed by three others, quickly darting towards the direction that kept sending out signals.

Feng Hao could naturally see these, and immediately his complexion became more gloomy.

Because the strong man of the ninth rank at the peak of the holy rank kept attacking behind him, his speed could not be increased at all, and the situation suddenly became critical.

Feng Hao knew very well that if there were a few more experts from the ninth-level realm, then he would most likely be here today.

"Damn it, Batian Holy Land, if I can leave alive, I will destroy you next time!"

At this moment, a cold killing intent flashed in Feng Hao's eyes.

Lord Batian knows too much about him, and it is very likely that he will also leave some information in Batian Holy Land. If it gets out, he cannot imagine how much trouble it will cause.

Immortal mansion, who is not tempted, even the two giants of Penglai will come to ask for their own strength, right?

At that time, there will be a complete desperation, and it is very likely that the human race will also be brought to the abyss of destruction.

This is what Feng Hao worries and cares about, so, no matter what, Batian Holy Lord and Batian Holy Land must be destroyed!

It's a pity that the small black box seems to be useless now because of the disappearance of the little ball. With Jiang Feng alone, it is simply impossible to destroy Batian Holy Land.

Moreover, it is very difficult for Feng Hao to get out of this desperate situation.

The continuous mountains, can not see the edge, do not know how far...

"Boy, stop and die quickly, or I will cut you into pieces!"

The strong man of the ninth rank at the peak of the holy rank kept threatening, and the attack in his hand did not stop, forcing Feng Hao to be unable to walk in a straight line.

However, for Feng Hao who is as nimble as a loach, he has nothing to do for a while.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

It didn't take long for three figures to fly over from different directions.

"Three, stop him!"

Seeing that the reinforcements had arrived, the ninth-level powerhouse was immediately overjoyed, and opened his mouth to remind him.

And the three ninth-level powerhouses who rushed over were stunned when they saw this situation, and immediately the three of them shot at the same time, blasting Feng Hao in three directions, cutting off his way.

"Damn it!"

Seeing the three figures in the sky, Feng Hao's expression immediately darkened, and he stood on the spot with one hand in the seal and the other in the seal, a vast aura surged in his body, and he put on a desperate posture.

"You run away again!"

After the ninth-level powerhouse caught up, seeing Feng Hao who was like a turtle in an urn, he immediately became proud.

"I said, fourth child, have you not eaten, and you can't even catch a novice boy?"

The ninth-level powerhouse who rushed over from the left joked to him, with a strong sense of ridicule.

Obviously, being the same force, they still had rivalries and enmities before, but now that they encountered such a situation, he would just open their mouths to ridicule.


The ninth-rank powerhouse named Lao Si snorted softly, and said angrily, "Fifth, if you have the ability, catch this kid alone for me to see!"

"If I make a move, this kid will naturally be able to catch him!"

The old fifth said in his mouth, turned his palms, and took out a long rope that shone with light, and looked proudly at the fourth old and chuckled softly.

"Tie the dragon rope, go!"

He didn't dare to be careless, after all, he knew that the strength of the fourth child was not superior to his own, and he would not be ranked fifth, and when he recited ancient scriptures, the long rope in his hand was like a spirit snake It swept out like a ghost, turned into an afterimage, and shot towards Feng Hao.


No matter it was the handprint or the big dragon, they all fell into the empty space, and the shiny long rope was like a swimming fish, flexible and cunning, bypassing Feng Hao, and directly tied him into a rice dumpling from behind.

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