Martial Inverse

Chapter 1780 Confrontation

Chapter 1780 Confrontation

On the top of the mountain soaring into the clouds, stands an ancient palace. Before this palace, there is a square. At this moment, the surrounding square is also full of people, all of whom belong to the elite children of Qimeng. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)

There were tens of thousands of people in the huge scene, but at this moment, there was no sound, and at this moment, their eyes were basically focused on one place, but their expressions were slightly dull , and even some pupils dilated, filled with shocking and incredible light.

In the ancient palace, the group of veterans who can be called the Qi League were also a little dumbfounded, watching the result of the punch on the square with dumbfounded...

The one who retreated turned out to be Hu Jiao who possessed the ninth stage of the peak holy stage.

Under that blow, he was pushed out by a huge force for a certain distance, and he took three big steps back. On the contrary, Feng Hao, who was only at the peak of the holy rank, was only a stature. In a flash, he took half a step back.

High and low points.

Although, Hu Jiao didn't use all his strength because he was worried that he would hurt Feng Hao. At that time, his strength was only at the third or fourth level. However, under this punch, he was still a step behind.

"it is good."

Jiang Feng spoke, and a clear voice came from the hall, resounding through the entire peak. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

He also knows a little about Feng Hao's strength, so he can rest assured that Feng Hao can fight against Hu Jiao alone.


In an instant, there was a wave of noise erupting in the square, with each wave getting bigger and bigger.

"My God, I can't be fireworks, that kid actually forced Elder Hu Jiao back."

"This is impossible. His cultivation is only at the beginning of the peak of the holy rank. It must be because Elder Hu Jiao deliberately let him..."

"That is to say, you can see that he is still so young, and he can actually have the cultivation base of the peak of the holy rank. His future achievements must not be low. Moreover, even those who are the most favored sons of the top forces are nothing more than that."

All kinds of discussions spread to the main hall. At this moment, the main hall was still very quiet, no one spoke, and their eyes were fixed on Feng Hao.

Maybe others don't know the strength that erupted from that punch, but, as the veterans of the Qi League, they can see it very clearly.

The peak of the holy rank is the seventh rank.

They couldn't imagine how a person who was at the beginning of the peak of the holy rank could exert such a powerful power without using the power of the heaven and earth avenue. ()

This actually means that by virtue of physical strength, Feng Hao has the strength of the seventh level.

This kind of result caused almost everyone in the hall to take a deep breath at the same time, and the shock in their eyes could not be suppressed at all.

This is already the case at the first stage of the peak of the holy rank, so if he becomes stronger, what a terrifying existence it will be.

No one doubts that Feng Hao can't reach the ninth step, after all, they all see Feng Hao's youth.

But at this moment, they seemed to understand why Jiang Feng did this.

This is definitely an existence that is no less than the level of the Holy Son of the top forces. It can be said that it is a blessing for the Qimeng to have such a talented young genius.

But at this time, because of being forced to retreat, Hu Jiao's face turned red from being suffocated, and the blood was rushing to the top of his head, and his anger value was rising rapidly.

In fact, he felt that the power emanating from Feng Hao's fist should be slightly worse than his own. However, there was a kind of energy that made his heart palpitate and was extremely dreadful. When they collided together, his momentum weakened a lot, which resulted in a defeat.

"Punch me again."

After finishing speaking, Hu Jiao stomped his feet, and his fist carried the power of the eighth level,

Bombarded towards Feng Hao, on the fist, there was a vague appearance of a fierce tiger, obviously the holy skill had been used.

"Tiantian handprint."

The supreme seal magic was running rapidly in his heart, but Feng Hao didn't intend to fight with him anymore. On the contrary, he squeezed out obscure handprints one by one, and in the end it turned out to be a large gray handprint. On the edge of the handprint, there is still a faint white arc.


With his soft shout, the big gray handprint directly slammed into the rushing Hu Jiao. Along the way, like a big ship riding the wind and waves, there were sonic booms, and the surrounding space was like a wave. The same was rippling away, and a great momentum as heavy as a mountain and as vast as an ocean spread, which shocked everyone.

"Crush it for me."

Seeing such a powerful big handprint, Hu Jiao didn't dare to underestimate the enemy any more. After taking a breath again, he directly raised his strength to the limit, reaching the terrifying ninth level, raised a head that was almost If the real mad tiger yelled, it directly smashed on it.


A deafening explosion resounded instantly, making the ears of many people who were too close to the square buzzing. At the same time, a terrifying gust of wind burst out from the middle of the collision between the two, as if it was a typhoon Sweeping in all directions, if it weren't for Jiang Feng's barrier, the entire mountain would be flattened with just such a collision.


At the position where it collided with the fist, the huge gray handprint with the fist as the center immediately burst into cracks like spider webs, spreading across the entire big handprint.


Without any hesitation, Feng Hao gave a soft drink, and when Hu Jiao was about to retreat, the huge handprint exploded directly, and then, that majestic force poured on Hu Jiao, blowing him away again go out.


After flying a total of five or six meters, Hu Jiao landed on the ground. After that, he took three big steps back on the ground, stepped into the stone slab, and finally stood still.

At this time, in Hu Jiao's eyes, there was no anger any more, and instead a look of surprise and disbelief.

If it was said that he was not prepared enough for the punch just now, then although this punch did not bring out his peak state, it can definitely be said to have used all his strength.

In other words, the power of the ninth level of the peak of the holy level has been exerted.

However, he was defeated once again, and still at the hands of a young man whose realm was only at the peak of the holy rank. This made the somewhat reckless Hu Jiao calm down at this moment, and began to pay attention to Feng Hao again.

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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