Martial Inverse

Chapter 1784 Try

Chapter 1784 Attempt

No one can know how the five-color god mud came about. It was also used by the ancient god Nuwa to create the human race. There is no record of whether there are any leftovers. However, in the heyday of the human race, the Void God found a piece, and together with the three main gods, he cast it into an ancient divine weapon... Nuwa stone!

It is enough to see that the energy contained in this colorful magic mud is absolutely extraordinary!

Moreover, regarding the benefits that thermal energy brings to Fenghao, he is even more aware that this is an unprecedented energy with unpredictable uses and almost omnipotent. If he can control it, maybe he can understand why Nuwa created it with five-colored mud. The reason for the human race!

After all, because the human race was created by the ancient god Nvwa, they suffered a lot at the beginning, because other races wanted to know the reason, and some even wanted to enslave the human race!

It is conceivable how many disasters the human race had at the beginning?

Even so, no one can figure out why the ancient god Nuwa created the human race independently with the five-colored clay, and even can't figure it out at all. As time goes by, no one cares about the human race anymore!

However, at this moment, Feng Hao had such a thought in his heart.

Otherwise, who can tell why the ancient god Nuwa would waste the materials that could be used to forge ancient divine weapons to create a waste-like race? !

Before, Feng Hao also felt that it should not be above the potential, but after Xiao Qiuqiu mentioned that the potential was similar to the energy contained in the five-color god mud, he felt that the reason why the ancient god Nuwa created the human race was probably due to I want someone who can control the special energy contained in the colorful clay!

No one knows how the Five Colors God Mud came from, maybe it's just a rare treasure in the world, maybe, this is just an attempt by the ancient God Nuwa, maybe...

"That is to say, unless this potential is automatically stimulated, otherwise, there will be no clue, right?"

Feng Hao took a long breath, suppressed all kinds of things in his heart, returned to calm, and looked lightly at the little ball crawling beside him.

"This should be."

Xiao Qiuqiu was startled, thought for a while, and then nodded slowly.

Wouldn't it be too terrifying if the potential of the human race could be controlled? ! With infinite improvement, can that kind of physique be compared? !

Now that I think about it this way,

The little ball couldn't help shivering, it suddenly felt that the human race is actually the most terrifying race, because, in them, there is the most heaven-defying talent in this world!

It's just a pity that this kind of talent is not controlled by the human race. Otherwise, wouldn't this world be respected by the human race? !

Extremes must be reversed!

It was supposed to be the most powerful race, but because this talent could not be stimulated, it became cowardly, not even ranking in the top 100.

"Then, fire it up!"

A crazy idea suddenly rose in Feng Hao's heart, and he wanted to act on it.


Xiao Qiuqiu looked at him in astonishment, as if he didn't understand what he wanted to do.

"Heat energy has appeared several times before, and it only appeared when my life was dying. Therefore, I want to enter the state of stimulating heat energy again, and experience the existence of heat energy carefully!"

Feng Hao looked at it calmly, and said seriously.


After Xiao Qiuqiu was stunned, he said, "The God of Void did this before, but it didn't work out."


Feng Hao raised his brows, he didn't think Xiao Qiuqiu was lying, since the God of Void had researched the potential, he would definitely do so. However, although he was also a body of Void Martial Arts, he was not the God of Void back then.

"Did the Void God feel the existence of this potential back then?"

In a word, let the little ball have no way to refute, and finally agreed to Feng Hao's request.


As the little ball stepped forward, Feng Hao's body was enveloped by a ball of golden energy, and he slowly floated up.

"I'm starting to press!"

As the words fell, the golden light enveloping Feng Hao became even brighter. At the same time, a majestic pressure squeezed Feng Hao from all directions from 360 degrees like a high-pressure water column. Hao seemed to be crushing him in it, and the bones all over his body made some teeth-stinging 'creaking' sounds.

After being under such pressure, Feng Hao didn't panic, on the contrary, his heart was very calm, and he immersed his mind in his body, carefully feeling some changes in his body at this time...

With the constant pressure from Xiao Qiuqiu, it was as if he was being crushed by a hundred thousand mountains. The Supreme Flesh seems to have become extremely fragile under this coercion, and it seems that it may crack at any time.


Feng Hao trembled involuntarily, clenching his teeth, trying his best to resist the pressure of this coercion. In this way, his whole body was deformed extremely badly, and his whole body seemed to be crushed to pieces.

However, he did not stop, and because of his request, Xiao Qiuqiu did not reduce the coercion, on the contrary, it was still slowly increasing the output of coercion.

"Chi Chi..."

Not long after, there were horrible wounds on Feng Hao's body, and the blood gushed out. The appearance was very creepy, and even his aura weakened under this situation, and it changed drastically. Some seem like nothing. In the end, he fell into a coma directly!


Seeing this, Xiao Qiuqiu restrained his coercion directly, and a burst of energy penetrated into Feng Hao's body, looking at the miserable Feng Hao, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly.


After a while, the wound on Feng Hao's body healed slowly, and he woke up, opened his eyes, and murmured, "Why is this happening?"

Even in the first second before he fell into a coma, his mind was still in his body, but he still didn't notice the existence of heat energy.

In other words, the potential has not been activated!

After looking at him complicatedly, Xiao Qiuqiu said, "After all, this is not a real crisis, but to stimulate potential, you must be at a real critical moment to be activated. After all, potential has nothing to do with a person's consciousness. There is still some connection, because your consciousness will feel that I will hold back at the last moment, and the potential will not be activated naturally... Moreover, the potential can not be activated in every critical moment!"

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