Martial Inverse

Chapter 1787: Codename Hao Fen

Chapter 1787 Code Name Hao Fen

Lotte, this name may not even be clear to Dongfang Zheng, but for Xue Luo, who has been in the world of Penglai for a long time, it is very familiar.

This is one of the truly proud sons of the Penglai world. Since his debut, his reputation has been publicized. He handles things very high-profile and is not afraid of offending anyone.

This kind of person is a headache for even the top forces, if Feng Hao can really get acquainted with him, wouldn't it be a good thing,

"Are you sure that person is Lotte,.//.//"

Xue Luo's breathing became a little short, and her eyes fixed on the middle-aged man.

"I'm sure."

Under his direct gaze, the middle-aged man nodded cautiously,

Naturally, he has been confirmed in many ways, otherwise he would not have said it under such circumstances.


After being confirmed, Xue Luo couldn't help taking a breath, and there was a look of shock and joy in his eyes,

"What happened, who is this Lotte."

Seeing that neither of them was very calm, Dongfang couldn't help asking,

At the same time, Qiong Ling'er and the others focused their eyes on Xue Luo, waiting for his answer.

After all, in their view, the current Feng Hao is undoubtedly not qualified to enter the Spring Wind Pavilion, and all the reasons should be due to this Lotte.

"The origin of this happy day is mysterious. However, there was once a top power who offended him for some trivial matter. In the end...the top power bowed its head and admitted its mistake, and apologized."

Xue Luo took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart before telling the story of Le Tian.

Immediately, everyone's eyes were filled with shock, revealing a look of horror,

Of course, apart from Qiong Ling'er, she didn't know about these at all, so she didn't understand what kind of concept a top power was.

"I didn't expect Boy Feng to come to Penglai two years earlier than us, and he would know this kind of person..."

Long Yue Pass muttered,

There was excitement in his eyes,

Obviously, he appreciates Le Tian's fearless character, and wants to get acquainted.

And Dongfeng is positive, the smile on his face is obviously much stronger, he almost didn't grin,

Having such a person as a friend is equivalent to an extra guarantee. If it is reported, those races who are secretly engaged in small actions will dare to act.

Of course, this kind of relationship may also bring disaster. After all, who can be sure that there is no enemy against the forces behind Lotte.

Therefore, even if there is such a relationship, it still needs to be used with caution.

"That guy, luck is really not ordinary..."

Xie Yandong and the others are completely convinced by Feng Hao's fortune, feeling that the road ahead is bright,

Only Gongsun Jing's eyes flashed thoughtful,

Others think that behind Le Tian is the top force, does he also think so? In his opinion, if the strength is similar, there is basically no possibility of bowing his head and admitting his mistake.

"Why is there something else..."

The middle-aged man he saw was still hesitant to speak, Xue Luo was startled, and then asked again,

"The person in charge, when Feng Hao was walking in Penglai, he was not named Feng Hao, but... Hao Fen."

The middle-aged man lowered his voice and spoke slowly, the shock in his eyes couldn't be suppressed,

This name once shocked the East Territory, and you can get all the information if you just inquire about it. After all, the Dongding City incident was spread throughout Penglai.

"What, he turned out to be that Hao Fen."

Xue Luo couldn't sit still anymore, so she stood up abruptly, looked at the middle-aged man with a shocked face, and acted extremely out of composure.

He couldn't believe it. After all, Hao Fen was a tyrannical figure who almost single-handedly challenged Batian Holy Land, and it was rumored that there was a terrifying summoned beast beside him, which was the existence of Shibi Banbu Great Emperor. A half-step emperor smashed all the mountain gates of Batian Holy Land,

He never imagined that such a man of the hour was actually Feng Hao,

"Elder Xue, what is going on?"

Dongfang is in the Hundred Clans Continent, so he naturally doesn't understand these things, so he couldn't help asking, and the same is true for Qiong Ling'er and others, looking at him eagerly, wanting to get an answer,

"Hao Fen is even more of a character than the proud son of Penglai."

Xue Luo let out a long breath, and finally uttered these words with a trembling tone. Then, he cast a look at the middle-aged man, and sat down by himself.

"Decades ago, a major event happened in the Eastern Region. Batian Holy Land, one of the two overlords of the Eastern Region, was smashed down by two people. One of them was called Hao Fen."

The middle-aged man suppressed the excitement in his heart, his voice was a little trembling, and he slowly described the incident at that time in detail,


Except for Qiong Ling'er, everyone couldn't help but gasped,

It's good now, not only getting to know the proud son of the Penglai world, but also doing this kind of thing, getting to know the half-step emperor, and smashing the mountain gate of the top power with him, this kind of thing, not to mention the Hundred Clans Continent People, even the proud sons of the Penglai world can't do it, "My dear, if I remember correctly, wasn't that guy at the beginning of the Great Sage back then, and he really wasn't afraid of being trampled to death by others... ..."

Long Yueguan's eyes widened, and he murmured indifferently, with a shocked look in his eyes,

They simply couldn't imagine how Feng Hao, who was at the initial stage of the Great Sage, did such a thing that shocked the entire Penglai world.

Especially getting acquainted with the Banbu Emperor,

what is that concept,

In Hongmeng, being able to advance to the holy rank is everyone's lifelong goal. In the Hundred Clans Continent, being able to become a great saint is not in vain.

However, the half-step emperor, even in the Penglai world, few people have such extravagant hopes. He is definitely the most tyrannical existence in the world today.

Under Yan Qing's explanation, a beautiful smile suddenly appeared on Qiong Ling'er's pretty face like white jade, as if a white lotus bloomed, extremely beautiful,

"So, I deduce that Master Feng Hao should have gone to the power of this half-step emperor, and he will definitely return on the day the sky is opened..."

Invisibly, the middle-aged man added the word "adult" to Feng Hao to show respect,


Xue Luo nodded, glanced at Dongfang Zheng who was still in shock, and waved at the middle-aged man, "Go down, and report immediately if it disappears."


The middle-aged man responded respectfully, without any sloppiness, turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

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