Martial Inverse

Chapter 1888: Gray Divine Jade

Chapter 1888 Gray Divine Jade

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In the originally quiet Tianjue restricted area, suddenly, bursts of explosions sounded like thunder, and the whole ground shook. Many monsters lurking in the passage were naturally awakened.

One by one, the ugly heads popped out of the chrysalis-like objects. Immediately, the entire spacious passage was filled with this disgusting aura.

Fan Chen has been standing on the seal mountain, the black energy flowing from the cracks is still pouring into his body. At this time, his body is covered with a layer of black energy like ink, just like the dirtiest kind. Like the water flowing out of the gutter, it is disgusting,

During the fight, Huang Tianyun didn't take advantage of the slightest bit. On the contrary, under his pressure, he retreated steadily,

Because of the fight between the two, there was a gust of wind around, and some monsters were crushed immediately, and the pitch-black liquid was sprinkled throughout the passage, and white smoke was still rising from the ground.

At the same time, many monsters that were far away survived. They felt threatened and rushed towards the exit in a hurry.

"Quack... Huang Tianyun, just obediently become my food."

Fan Chen screamed wildly, and his attacks became more and more violent. A jet-black mist filled the surroundings, slowly approaching Huang Tianyun, narrowing the distance,

"Damn it."

Huang Tianyun cursed angrily, his face turned gloomy,

Indeed, in the past, this guy would have been slightly inferior to him, but now that he has absorbed the magic energy of that monster, Fan Chen is no longer what he used to be. He has the advantage of magic energy and has completely occupied it. With the upper hand, if things go on like this, it will be a matter of time before they are swallowed.

The monster sealed by the god of nothingness has been devouring the world's creatures for food since its existence. The more it devours, the stronger it becomes. Standing shoulder to shoulder with the God Lord, and even the God Lord can't kill it,

"Stop resisting indifferently, you should be aware of the strength of my magic power..."

Fan Chen stretched out his pointed and long tongue and licked his lips, staring greedily at Huang Tianyun, "You are very lucky to be the first person to be devoured by me."

Huang Tianyun has a body with eight apertures,

Naturally, he will be a line higher than him. In front of the god of nothingness, Huang Tianyun will be more valued than him. It would be an absolute lie to say that he is not jealous.

However, because of the existence of the Void God, he has always kept this matter hidden in his heart, but now, it has completely exploded.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Huang Tianyun snorted coldly, turned his hand over, and a jade pendant surging with gray energy was held in his hand, "Seal, open."

Following his words, the jade pendant filled with gray energy erupted into a mass of gray light, among which appeared a series of mysterious lines, which gradually spread away, and the dark energy that was pressing around was all affected by it. In order to resist, under the pressure of these lines, retreat steadily, as if encountering a natural enemy,

"How could you still have this kind of sealing jade? Why didn't I know?" Fan Chen screamed, his eyes were full of panic, and he was a little frustrated,

"At the beginning, the God Lord said that you were too strong and might go astray in the future. I never believed it. Now, I finally believe it." Holding the gray divine jade, Huang Tianyun approached him step by step again,

"The god lord is too partial to you and Liu Canyan. He tells you everything and treats me as an outsider." Fan Chen roared wildly, his hair stood on end one by one, his demonic energy soared into the sky, resisting the progress of the gray lines , trying to make the last resistance,

In fact, he knew in his heart that the gray divine jade in Huang Tianyun's hand must be the last hole card left by the Void God, in order to prevent the Sealing Mountain from breaking again one day and no one can seal it.

"The Lord God has never regarded you as an outsider."

Huang Tianyun said coldly, looking at him even more coldly, "You don't have to think about it, if the God Lord really treats you as an outsider, how could he seal you up with the most precious Tianyu God Stone?"

Yu, in ancient times, represented the meaning of the world. The Tianyu Divine Stone is the most precious fetish in the world. It can resist the passage of time and allow people to survive.

For example, Huang Tianyun, Liu Canyan, and this Fan Chen in front of him were all sealed by the God of Nothingness with the Tianyu God Stone at that time, so they can survive until now.

"If you don't treat me as an outsider, how can I not know about the divine jade in your hand?" Fan Chen screamed, not changed by his words,

"It seems that your mind has been blinded by **."

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, Huang Tianyun sighed slightly, and with one move of the gray divine jade in his hand, more intense gray lines erupted, spreading across the void, like chains, to block Fan Chen and Seal Mountain again.

"No, I don't want to be sealed."

As a member of the Void God, Fan Chen is naturally aware of the consequences of being sealed, so he resisted more fiercely, waves of pitch-black energy surged like tides, and terrifying sonic booms erupted around him Noisily, he opened his mouth and let out a loud roar, "Out."

Immediately, a pitch-black magic ruler was spit out from his mouth, hanging above his head, spreading out a terrifying aura like the Nine Nether Hell, so terrifying that people would be engulfed in it just by looking at it illusion,

At the same time, because of the existence of this magic ruler, the dark magic energy around him surged more intensely, and it became even darker. Inside, there were faint howls of ghosts and wolves, which made people feel uneasy.


Fan Chen held the magic ruler in his hand, and swiped forcefully towards the back, breaking the gray chains that were only condensed. Then, he dragged the seal mountain, and turned towards the sky without looking back. Swept from the depths of the forbidden area,

"You can't escape."

Huang Tianyun snorted coldly, held the gray divine jade, and chased after him.

Along the way, Fan Chen fought with the magic ruler. Although the fight between the two did not destroy the passage, the sleeping monsters in the passage were all awakened. If they were not crushed, they would all flee towards the outside world. Gather more and more...

Huang Tianyun didn't know much about the allusions of the three restricted areas, although he also had a bad feeling, but he was unwilling to give up the chance to chase Fan Chen, so he didn't stop, but chased wholeheartedly.

In the deepest part of the Tianjue restricted area, a simple and dark tower-shaped building stands there. There is no dazzling strange light, and no frightening fluctuations. It looks very ordinary.

And around this ancient pagoda, there are rows of densely packed chrysalis, very tall, and each one is as big as a hill. Although it looks lifeless, it gives people a feeling of numbness , as if being watched by the devil,

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