Martial Inverse

Chapter 1891 Never seen the world

Chapter 1891 Never seen the world

Shenyan Mountain is shrouded in fairy light all the year round, forming a domain of its own, outsiders can't enter at all, they can only watch from a distance,

At this time, Feng Hao was standing on a peak in the distance, looking at the Shenyan Mountain in the distance like a fairy light, his eyes were full of contemplation,

The last time he entered Shenyan Mountain, he didn't understand everything in it, so he gave up the fairy fate once in a daze, and walked out by himself...

Thinking about it, the corners of Feng Hao's mouth couldn't help twitching,

This was all caused by that unreliable master. If he had made it clearer at that time, he would not have missed that opportunity. Perhaps, his achievements now will be different from those in the past.

This time, Jiang Feng did not follow, but was preparing to integrate some surrounding strengths to develop and grow stronger.

The relationship between him and Feng Hao has been made public. With Feng Hao's talent and strength shown in the Lingzhu competition, there will definitely be many talents willing to join.

In this stormy period, we must be prepared enough to be able to cope with all possible periods,

Little Qiuqiu also got out from his collar at this time, stood on his shoulders, followed him to look out, those eyes that were as crystal as jewels shone with excitement,

If Feng Hao can enter Shenyan Mountain for the second time, what it represents will be completely different.

"What are you hesitating about.//.//"

Seeing that Feng Hao hadn't acted for a long time, Xiao Qiuqiu couldn't help urging,

Hearing its voice, Feng Hao took his eyes back, frowned slightly, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, sighed lightly, and said, "If I can't enter Shenyan Mountain, then what should I do. "


Xiao Qiuqiu was dumbfounded and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say,

He knew very well why Feng Hao entered Shenyan Mountain. If he couldn't get in, he was afraid that Feng Hao would be hit hard.

"We can only resign ourselves to fate."

Feng Hao didn't blame it, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and with a thought, his whole body changed drastically.

His complexion is sallow, and he looks middle-aged,

Then, with a touch of his feet, his whole body turned into a bolt of electricity, and rushed towards Shenyan Mountain shrouded in fairy light in the distance.


After the last time, the vicinity of Shenyan Mountain has become more eyeliner of various major forces, and everyone who approaches Shenyan Mountain is closely watched by them.

Although Feng Hao doesn't care if he doesn't reveal his identity, if he has been in for too long or can't get in, it will affect the future situation.

For example, Jiang Feng is now recruiting troops in the name of Feng Hao. If he can get in, it's fine. If he can't get in to Shenyan Mountain, then, when the news comes out, many people will hesitate. ,

In order to avoid these negative influences, Feng Hao had to choose to conceal his identity,

After arriving at the area where spies frequently appeared, Feng Hao settled down, and then, pretending to be a normal person, he slowly approached Shenyan Mountain, as if he was just a person who came to visit Shenyan Mountain.

And because of his age, not many people noticed him. There was no obstacle along the way, and Feng Hao got close to Shenyan Mountain.

Here, many people are looking around, and many people exclaimed and sighed because they saw the trees, grass and rocks moving by themselves.

Even vegetation, mountains and rocks can possess spiritual wisdom, which shows the extraordinaryness of Shenyan Mountain,

"In Shenyan Mountain, every plant, every tree, every flower and every fruit are all treasures of heaven and earth. If they can get the same, I'm afraid they can all be forged into supreme divine weapons..."

After coming here, he waited and watched for a while, in order to let the secret spies notice him, Feng Hao pretended to sigh,

"This brother is very knowledgeable."

A middle-aged man standing next to him heard this, glanced at him, and took up the topic, "However, even if it is Supreme, it is extremely difficult to take away every plant and tree from it."

"Oh, isn't it possible to take it at will after entering Shenyan Mountain?" Feng Hao asked pretending to be surprised,

"of course not."

The middle-aged man directly vetoed him, "Even if you can enter Shenyan Mountain, whether you can gain something depends on your own chance. Thinking back, when several supreme beings entered it, they all returned empty-handed." ..."

"It's that difficult."

Feng Hao's eyes widened, as if he was an ignorant person, causing everyone around him to cast contemptuous looks at him,


The middle-aged man sneered, "Actually, it's not difficult. You can try it for yourself, dude."

"I can try."

Feng Hao was startled, and seemed to be lost in thought,

"Go and try, if you can take out a flower and a grass, you will be on the rise..."

"Hey, maybe because you can enter Shenyan Mountain and get the attention of the two giants, then you will really be rich and prosperous for a lifetime..."

The people around are also booing one after another, all talking and encouraging,

"It's so good."

Feng Hao looked and behaved like a person who has never seen the world, and he seemed to be a little moved, but he was still hesitating. After a long time, under their 'encouragement', he gritted his teeth, "Okay, I Just give it a try."

"Go, go, there is a bright future ahead..."

There are more and more booing people, all with the look of watching a good show, some spies, after a glance, all sneered from the bottom of their hearts, and didn't care.

They have been monitoring here for a long time, and they have seen all kinds of people, which is not surprising.

"Then I'm going."

Feng Hao puffed up and walked towards the colorful fairy light area full of dreams...

The celestial light is shining brightly, and everything inside is shimmering. When people outside are watching inside, the elves inside are also curiously looking at the movement outside.


When he came to the Xianguang area, Feng Hao took a deep breath, and under many mocking gazes, he took a step...

If it is a fairy light like a water curtain, when he steps in, it is like stepping on a water polo, and the fairy light like a water curtain is sunken in a piece following his steps,

Just when everyone thought that Feng Hao would be bounced back and end miserably, something happened that stunned them...

Time seemed to have stopped when Feng Hao took that kick, Xianguang did not bounce it back, but, strangely enough, Feng Hao did not seem to enter the range of Shenyan Mountain either,


Feng Hao, who didn't seem to be hindered by anything, but couldn't move, frowned, and exerted force on his feet, a tyrannical force burst out, wanting to force his way in,

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