Martial Inverse

Chapter 1897: Immortal Lord

Chapter 1897 Immortal Lord

"It's me who can't wait."

The old man outside the house did not mean to shirk responsibility, and his words were full of self-blame.

Ever since the contention of the spirit beads was exposed, the pressure on Chunfeng Pavilion was not so great. Almost all the forces that had maintained good relations with it had distanced themselves from it. ,

It can be said that the current Chunfeng Pavilion has been isolated. Although there is no power to attack the Chunfeng Pavilion due to scruples and the hidden background behind the Chunfeng Pavilion, everyone knows that this is only a matter of time.

If Chunfeng Pavilion does not stabilize the current situation as soon as possible, then it is very likely that the Chunfeng Pavilion that originally spread throughout the Penglai world will be uprooted and completely wiped out.

Therefore, every day of delay is more detrimental to Chunfeng Pavilion.

Then, the old man stood up staggeringly, staring at the wooden door in front of him, and said, "My brothers in the Shadow Hall have tried their best, but I, the hall master, are incompetent, so there is not much actual progress. I hope that the Venerable Lord can forgive me and let them continue to search, otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted."

After all, he raised his palm and patted his head,


With a dull sound, the old man flew upside down and stopped after hitting a rock wall.


Angry curses came from inside the wooden house, "Even if you want to die, you must first find the fairy master."

"The subordinate understands..."

The old man fell to his knees again, and after bowing respectfully towards the wooden house, he stood up and left with the dozen or so people.

In the wooden house, Feng Hao was very familiar with the three people sitting,

It was the woman in red who appeared in the competition for the Lingzhu, and Chunchun and Chunjun,

At this time, the face of the woman in red was very ugly, even a little gloomy and terrifying. Because of frowning, Chunchun and Chunjun who were sitting in front of her felt a strong pressure, and they didn't even dare to breathe.

"Immortal Lord..."

For this appellation,

Spring is no stranger. These days, people come here to report the situation almost every day, and they all mention this title,

Although she still doesn't know who the so-called Immortal Lord is, it is obvious that the existence of this Immortal Lord is the reason for the outbreak of the Spring Wind Pavilion.

It's just that the matter has come to an end, but the force behind the Spring Wind Pavilion has not yet found the so-called fairy master, so it has been delayed,

"My lord, is the fairy master really born?"

Chun Jun who was sitting on the side moved his mouth a few times before he asked in a somewhat uncertain tone,

The deeds of the fairy lord have reappeared vividly, and they have shocked the ages, but, after endless years, is the supreme fairy lord really still alive?


The woman in red glanced at him and Chunchun, nodded slightly, and sighed softly, her eyes were full of nostalgia and secret worries,

It has been so long, and there is still no news. It is a lie to say that you are not worried. In fact, she also knows that the people in Youyingtang are already looking for it. Otherwise, according to her temper, she would have slapped the outside Those dozen people were shot to death,

"Little girl, do you really want to know the identity of the fairy master?"

Glancing at the bewildered Chunchun, the woman in red asked calmly,

"The little girl dare not."

Chunchun immediately lowered her head, not daring to look directly at her,

"There is nothing to be afraid of, because you will soon be able to meet the fairy master."

Thinking of that supreme existence, the woman in red also became agitated, "Our fairy master is called by the world... the Supreme Evil Immortal."

"What, Supreme Evil Immortal."

Chunchun's delicate body trembled, and she looked at her in shock,

The Supreme Evil Immortal, that is the only supreme existence in this world who dares to contend against the giants, how can she not be surprised by this,

"You guessed right, the forces behind Chunfeng Pavilion are the 'Xian' organization, and Chunjun is one of them."

The woman in red did not continue to hide from her, because this news will be announced soon,

It turned out that on a certain day half a year ago, the psychic jade pendant, which was connected to the life of the Supreme Evil Immortal, suddenly lit up, which meant that the Supreme Evil Immortal had appeared again.

That's why the woman in red wakes up and chooses to participate in the competition for the Lingzhu.

Because, at the beginning, the Supreme Evil Immortal obtained the supreme achievement by comprehending the secrets in the Lingzhu. Naturally, she was unwilling to let go of such an opportunity.

However, it is a pity that Feng Hao came out on the way, messing up her plan. Not only did she fail to win the Lingzhu, but she exposed her background.

Spring opened its small mouth, opened and closed slightly, unable to speak for a long time,

Although she has made countless guesses about the identity of the so-called fairy master these days, the real answer is still beyond her tolerance.

Supreme Evil Immortal, who in the world does not know who does not know,

Even if she was defeated and left Penglai in the end, there are still many strong people following her footsteps, and the woman in red was one of the first generation of honorable seats when the immortal organization was established.

However, it is a pity that for some reason, since the Supreme Evil Immortal had appeared, he did not return to the 'immortal' organization, which made the woman in red very puzzled.

"The Immortal Lord once said when she left that when she returns to Penglai again, it will be the day of Xuandao Valley's downfall." The woman in red's voice became a little ethereal, and her eyes sparkled with excitement and respect.

The two giants of Penglai, standing at the pinnacle of the world, have been standing for endless years, and no one has been able to shake their foundation, let alone provocation, as long as ordinary forces hear the names of the two giants, they will be scared out of their wits.

But the Supreme Evil Immortal is determined to destroy the Xuandao Valley. Such a feat shocked the world, and his reputation is eternal.

"If the Supreme Evil Immortal is really alive..."

Thinking of this, Chunchun couldn't help but gasp in his heart,

That is an existence on the same level as the Dao of Heaven and Earth, a strand of hair can kill thousands of emperors, if he is alive, who can stop the rise of Spring Wind Pavilion in this world,

Xuan Dao Valley,

After endless years, does he really still have the strength to resist the shock of a supreme being?

At that time, Chunfeng Pavilion will definitely become a unique giant in this world,

At this time, Chunchun finally understands why there are such powerful existences as the woman in red and Chunjun, and why Chunfeng Pavilion chooses to appear strong in front of the world now,

All of this is because of the existence of one person... Supreme Evil Immortal,

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