Martial Inverse

Chapter 1900: Misfortune

Chapter 1900 Change

Unable to enter the land of Shenyan, Feng Hao did not continue to try,

He knew that no matter how unwilling he was, it was just a waste of time.

Moreover, time is very urgent now, he must rush back to the human race as soon as possible, because no one knows when the Wuling clan and the Mangyan clan will start war against the human race.

Therefore, after leaving the range of Shenyan Mountain, after a large circle, under the leadership of Xiao Qiuqiu, Feng Hao returned to the human race without anyone noticing,

The current situation of the human race is also somewhat chaotic, especially after Dongfangzheng came back from Penglai World, he used thunder to eradicate dozens of forces, which made the people of the human race panic.

Many people don't understand why the Emperor's Mansion took such an action. What's more, many forces are afraid that they will fall on their heads.

This is what caused the chaos in the Terran area,

However, the battle is imminent, and Dongfangzheng can't take care of that much anymore. If it is delayed, it will only cause bad things in the future.

He is very clear that letting those people stay will only cause greater hidden dangers.


Back at Shengtian Academy, Feng Hao came to the Human Emperor's Mansion non-stop,

"Guardian, how are things going?"

It was only when he entered the Human Emperor's Mansion that Feng Hao asked,

At this time, the people inside all turned to look at him in surprise. For a while, they all showed expressions of surprise and excitement, and Dongfang Zheng even stood up and greeted him.


Dongfang was calling excitedly, and he was going to make a big salute,


Feng Hao hurriedly supported him, glanced around, and found that, including Wan Hongwen, the four principals were all there, and they all looked at him excitedly,

At this time, Feng Hao knew that his identity might have been disclosed by Dongfang Zheng in Human Emperor's Mansion.

After all, this is no secret in the world of Penglai,

It's just that it hasn't been passed back yet, but there are still many forces that have already known it, and there is only one ceremony left, and Feng Hao can logically take the position of the Palace Master of the Human Emperor's Mansion.

"You don't have to be too polite."

Feng Hao smiled wryly, looking at the expectant eyes, he immediately felt that the burden on his body was much heavier,

"How's the situation?"

He turned to the east again and asked,

"Basically cleaned up..."

Dongfang was frowning tightly, with deep worry in his eyes,


Hearing this, Feng Hao frowned,

Those forces were all eroded by foreign races. If they are not eradicated, they will cause great trouble in the future.

Moreover, he believes that with the current strength of the Human Emperor's Mansion, it shouldn't be a big problem to eradicate these forces.

"There is still a little and a half..."

Dongfangzheng shook his head, his face was full of bitterness,

"A little half."

Feng Hao's face immediately turned into astonishment,

Among the eroded forces, apart from Nandou Mansion, the other forces should not be a problem, right?

"It's the subordinate's incompetence."

Dongfang Zheng lowered his head with guilt on his face, and the four deans beside him also looked silent,

"What the hell happened."

Feng Hao knew that something must have happened that made the current progress impossible.

"It was going smoothly, but a mysterious strongman appeared in Nandoufu and defeated all the strongmen we went to crusade, which led to the merger of other forces into the sphere of influence of Nandoufu... "

Dongfang Zheng informed Feng Hao of the current situation in detail,

It turned out that during the crusade against Nandou Mansion, the strong man of Human Emperor's Mansion suffered the heaviest blow. Even the strong man who sent out the ninth-level holy rank peak was still defeated by the mysterious strong man who appeared in Nandou Mansion. in hand

According to the description of the strong man at the peak of the holy rank and the ninth rank, he failed even a single move, and he suffered a disastrous defeat. However, fortunately, the opponent did not seem to have any intention of taking his life, so he retreated. ,

"The ninth-level realm at the peak of the holy rank is not an enemy with one move." Feng Hao frowned tightly,

"That's right."

One of the deans nodded with a wry smile, "That person is so powerful, I didn't even see where he was, but when I was about to break into Nandou Mansion, there was a wave of The terrifying aura directly defeated me..."

Obviously, the person who went to crusade against Nandou Mansion was one of the deans of the four courtyards.

Although, he is not as good as those strong men with ancient blood, but it is no small matter, otherwise, how can he sit on the position of the head of the four courtyards,

"Even without anyone seeing it, the aura defeated a strong man in the ninth-order realm."

A shock flashed in Feng Hao's eyes,

He can be sure that there is no strong man of this level in Nandou Mansion, so it is very possible that this mysterious strong man hidden in Nandou Mansion is from outside...

"Could it be that the Wuling Clan and the Mangyan Clan have already taken action?"

The first thing Feng Hao thought of was that the so-called mysterious strongman was probably sent by the Wuling Clan or the Mangyan Clan.

But, why did the mysterious strong man spare his life to let him go?

This made Feng Hao a little puzzled. It stands to reason that no matter if it is a member of the Nandou Mansion, the Wuling Clan or the Mangyan Clan, it is impossible for them to be merciful.

As for the so-called leaving a line, that is purely a joke,

The three clans have reached a point where either you survive or I perish. It is absolutely impossible to reconcile.

The body of the god-lord of the Wuling clan, and the four King Kongs of the Mangyan clan, this enmity can be said to be different,

"According to our judgment, perhaps, the realm of that mysterious strong man has already exceeded the scope of the holy rank..."

The worry on Dongfang Zheng's face became more intense,

If they are in the same realm, even a strong man with ancient blood, it is impossible to make people have no resistance with their aura.

Then, the only explanation is that the cultivation base of the person who did it exceeds the level of the holy rank,

"Half-step emperor."

Feng Hao's eyes trembled, gradually condensed, and became cold,


At this moment, a figure flashed in from the outside,

"Master, you are here."

Before Feng Hao could react, a familiar voice rang in his ear,

"Huang Tianyun."

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, and immediately a look of joy appeared on his face. Turning his head, he saw Huang Tianyun, who was still dressed in sloppy clothes, standing there,

It's just that Huang Tianyun's face now doesn't have that relaxed smile on his face. On the contrary, it seems a little heavy. From the look on his face, Feng Hao can tell that he might have encountered something bad.

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