Martial Inverse

Chapter 1903: The Defeat of Huang Tianyun

Chapter 1903 Huang Tianyun's Defeat

When he saw the Black King again, Feng Hao couldn't help being stunned, and immediately wiped his eyes hard, for fear that he had misread it.

In the competition for the Lingzhu, the Black King gave everyone the impression that he was like a god of killing, and he was even more heroic with a fierce look all over his body. Few people dared to look directly at him.

And now the Black King...

It was thrown in a corner of the yard like garbage. His body was bruised, his face was deformed, and his eyes were covered with thick blue eye circles. Little, like a dead dog, how can there be any appearance of killing a god?

"This is the Black King."

Feng Hao turned his head in surprise, and asked Liu Canyan,

"I don't know if it's the Black King..."

Liu Canyan shrugged indifferently, and said, "However, this kid was indeed thrown in my yard by that guy."


Feng Hao looked at her dumbfounded, the corners of his mouth twitching,

How could the Black King, who entered the Tao by killing, give in? Thinking about it this way, it seems normal to be beaten like this...

Think about it, even a martial idiot like Long Yueguan has been subdued in Liu Canyan's hands, it can be seen how her methods are,


As if hearing the movement around him, the black king who was slumped in the corner finally had some reaction, tried his best to open his swollen and disfigured lips, and uttered an unclear tone with difficulty,

"Brother Heiwang, are you... all right?"

Hearing the sound, Feng Hao turned his head, lowered his body, and couldn't bear to look directly,

Liu Canyan's strikes were still very measured, and he would not suffer any serious internal injuries. However, the level of this flesh and blood injury is probably not low. Even a cultivator, no one can recover from it for more than ten and a half months. up,

As he said that, with a thought in his mind, he called out the medicinal properties of Shennong Pharmacopoeia to heal the wounds on Heiwang's body,

"Sure enough, it's still as violent as ever..."

Little Ball squatted aside,

Muttering in his mouth, he glanced at Liu Canyan's sweeping expression, his body trembled, he flew past, and hid in Feng Hao's arms,

Today is different from the past, Feng Hao's identity as the Lord of Nothingness has basically been made public, so even if Liu Canyan has a hot temper, he doesn't dare to be too rude to Feng Hao,

"Thank you, Brother Feng."

After a long time, under the treatment of Shennong Pharmacopoeia, Hei Wangcai slowly came to his senses, struggled to stand up, and thanked Feng Hao,

What he thanked was naturally not because of the treatment in front of him, but because Feng Hao rescued him, otherwise, he would have offended many top people, and it would be impossible for him to leave the Hundred Clans City alive.

"It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about."

Feng Hao touched his nose with some shame,

It is true that the Black King is not from the human race, and Xiao Qiuqiu can only throw him here. However, he can imagine how the Black King survived these days.

"This is my tutor, Liu Canyan, tutor Liu."

Nevertheless, he introduced,


Seeing Liu Canyan behind Feng Hao, the expression on Hei Wang's face obviously became a little unnatural, and he didn't even dare to look directly at that beautiful face,

"So it's Brother Feng's mentor..."

He said thoughtfully, then gave Feng Hao a meaningful look, and said, I understand,

Geniuses are all forced out,

From this point of view, Feng Hao in front of him seems to be no exception.

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't explain anything.

Although Liu Canyan did have special hobbies, but he didn't do too much for himself.

He was indeed forced out, but it wasn't Liu Canyan,

"Hei boy, remember to call me... sister from now on."

Liu Canyan glanced at him, and after leaving these words, he walked towards the wooden house on the side with shallow steps, and then closed the door,

Obviously, what happened to Fan Chen still had a certain blow to her mentally.

Afterwards, Feng Hao took the Black King back to his courtyard, and at the same time, he was also waiting for news from Huang Tianyun,

"Palace Master, in order to stabilize people's hearts, I wonder if the enthronement ceremony should be held after the elimination of Nandoufu and other forces."

Not long after, Dongfangzheng came to the courtyard, discussing with Fenghao,

Now because of the corruption of the Human Emperor's Mansion, coupled with some ulterior motives and wanton propaganda, people are already panicking. If they are not stable, it may cause some unnecessary losses.

"According to the meaning of the guardian."

After pondering for a while, Feng Hao nodded, and said with a serious face,

Even if he didn't intend to take the position of the Lord of the Emperor's Mansion, but at this critical moment, he must stand up to save this crisis,

This is his promise to the Void God, and it is also his responsibility as a member of the human race, which cannot be shirked.

"Okay, I'll get ready now."

Dongfang Zheng was overjoyed, and after bowing his hands and saluting, he stepped back quickly.

Now it's a race against time, and he doesn't want to delay for a moment, because no one knows what will happen tomorrow,


After he left, Feng Hao exhaled a long breath, leaned back on the chair, images flashed in his eyes...

In the past, he was just a child of a small family that couldn't be smaller in the Tianwu Continent. Because of external forces, he had to embark on this road of no return. Along the way, he faced cold eyes and ridicule, and survived various crises. , today, he finally came to this step, becoming the number one person in the Emperor's Mansion,

All of this was absolutely unimaginable in the past, but now, Feng Hao has no joy in his heart, but feels a heavy responsibility,

"Don't seek prosperity, but seek stability."

He didn't think about leading the human race to the top of the world, he only hoped that the human race can develop peacefully and steadily, no one dares to bully,

Just like... guarding the clan,

Although he didn't stay in that space for a long time, but after he felt the atmosphere inside, he was convinced that that was the life he would live in the future,

Thinking about it, Feng Hao felt that he should inform his relatives,

Family members always hope that they can achieve higher achievements, because they are their hope, their future,

"I have to go back."

Thinking of going home, Feng Hao felt a little anxious. When he wanted to talk to Dongfang Zheng, he saw Huang Tianyun who stumbled and fell into the yard. Immediately, his face sank.

"What happened."

Looking at Huang Tianyun with a smear of blood on the corner of his mouth, Feng Hao asked in a deep voice,


Huang Tianyun opened his mouth, and after a long time, he said dejectedly, "I'm defeated..."

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